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You might be looking for one of these cards: Secretkeeper (Classic).

Secretkeeper is a rare neutral minion card, from the Legacy set.

Other versions

How to get

Card packsThe Regular version can be opened from any of these packs:

Regular1~2 (random)
Card packsThe Golden version can be opened from any of these packs:

Golden Classic
Golden Wild
Golden1~2 (random)
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 100 Dust.pngRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 800 Dust.pngGolden1


To edit these notes, go to Template:Secretkeeper notes.

  • Secretkeeper only triggers when you play a Secret from your hand.  Mad Scientist and  Mysterious Challenger therefore do not trigger Secretkeeper.
  • Secretkeeper triggers in the On Play Phase whenever you play a Secret,[2] meaning that even if the Secret is Countered by  Counterspell, Secretkeeper will still trigger and gain +1/+1.


  • ▶️ VO_EX1_080_Female_Human_Play_01.wav I know what you did.
  • ▶️ 2H_EpicStaff_Underlay_Play.wav <underlay sound>
  • ▶️ GoblinBlastMage_Play_Underlay.wav <underlay sound>
  • ▶️ VO_EX1_080_Female_Human_Attack_01.wav Ahahahahaha.
  • ▶️ 2H_EpicStaff_Underlay_Attack.wav <underlay sound>
  • ▶️ GoblinBlastMage_Attack_Underlay.wav <underlay sound>
  • ▶️ VO_EX1_080_Female_Human_Death_01.wav <death sound>
  • ▶️ 2H_EpicStaff_Underlay_Death.wav <underlay sound>
  • ▶️ GoblinBlastMage_Death_Underlay.wav <underlay sound>

Original sounds



  • The initial artwork for this card comes from the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game "Blood of Gladiators" series, for the card Meltdown.
  • Secretkeeper's updated flavor text is a reference to Lost in Battle, an infamous quest from the original version of the Barrens zone in World of Warcraft in which the orc  Mankrik asked players to find his wife Olgra, who fell in battle. Since Mankrik's wife was located very far away from him and the quest offered almost no directions to where to find her, this led to "Where is Mankrik's wife?" becoming an often repeated question and eventually a popular meme in Barrens chat. In the Cataclysm expansion, Mankrik finally recovered and buried Olgra.


Patch changes

Card changes

  • Hearthstone logo.png Patch (Alpha, 2013-06-22):
    • Now reads: "Whenever a Secret is played, gain +1/+1." (previously: "Whenever a Secret is revealed, gain +1/+1.")
    • Now has 1 attack (Down from 2).
    • Now has 2 health (Up from 1).
  • Hearthstone logo.png Patch (Alpha, April or May 2013):
    • Added.

Bug fixes and other changes

  • Forged in the Barrens logo.pngPatch (2021-03-25):
    • 2021-03-30: Moved from the Classic set to the Legacy set.
    • Artist is now Zoltan Boros (previously: Evgeniy Zagumyenny).
  • Rise of Shadows logo.png Patch (2019-07-01):
    • Flavor text now reads: "Where is Mankrik’s wife? She’ll never tell." (previously: "She promises not to tell anyone about that thing you did last night with that one person.").
    • Artist is now Evgeniy Zagumyenny (previously: Gonzalo Ordonez).
    • Received new artwork and voicelines.
  • Hearthstone logo.png Patch (Closed beta, 2013-10-02):
    • Flavor text now reads: "She promises not to tell anyone about that thing you did last night with that one person." (previously: no flavor text).


External links