Leeroy Jenkins

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For other uses of Leeroy Jenkins, see Leeroy Jenkins (disambiguation).

Leeroy Jenkins is a legendary neutral minion card, from the Legacy set.

Other versions

How to get

Card packsThe Regular version can be opened from any of these packs:

Regular1 (random)
Card packsThe Golden version can be opened from any of these packs:

Golden Classic
Golden Wild
Golden1 (random)
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 1600 Dust.pngRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 3200 Dust.pngGolden1

Related cards

EX1 116t.png


  • ▶️ VO_EX1_116_Play_01.wav Leeroooooy Jeeeenkiiiiins!
  • ▶️ Pegasus_Stinger_Leeroy_Jenkins.wav <music stinger>
  • ▶️ VO_EX1_116_Attack_02.wav Time's up! Let's do this.
  • ▶️ VO_EX1_116_Death_03.wav At least I have chicken!


Since the game's beta, the 4-cost Leeroy was a critical card in many one turn kill (OTK) combos. His Charge, high Attack and relatively low cost made him perfect for a quick, fatal blow to finish the opponent, removing the need to worry about the Whelps summoned by his Battlecry. As a result, Leeroy became a choice pick for many decks featuring burst damage. Following release, Leeroy was featured perhaps most explosively in Miracle Rogue decks, where he was combined with 2x  Shadowstep and 2x  Cold Blood (1-cost at that time, hence total combo took 4+0+2+0+2+1+1 = 10 mana, enough without cost reduction or other tricks) to deal 26 damage in a single turn. This made the card a critical piece in delivering a devastating OTK. Leeroy was also often used in combination with cards such as  Power Overwhelming and  Faceless Manipulator (often after increasing his Attack), whilst shamans often combined Leeroy with  Flametongue Totem and Windfury to create a devastating OTK.

In September 2014 the card saw a small but significant change - an increase in cost from 4 to 5. In an official announcement,[1] it was stated that the change was intended to return focus during play to the state of the board, rather than simply upon building an overwhelming OTK in the player's own hand, which many times could not be prevented by the opponent. The developers had previously made similar changes to game-ending cards such as  Unleash the Hounds and  Pyroblast.


Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
Leeroy Jenkins (aka Ben Schulz) is one of the most famous players/characters in World of Warcraft. The video has become a World of Warcraft phenomenon. After much debate and controversy, <PALS FOR LIFE>, Leeroy's guild, have admitted that this was a staged promotional video. They maintain, however, that it is essentially a faithful re-enactment of a true event.
The video depicts an Upper Blackrock Spire raid group carefully planning out a method for clearing out the Rookery. The scene is the epitome of highly structured raid play, where order of battle, combat tactics, and numbers crunching are par for the course. Among the group is Leeroy Jenkins, sitting AFK and saying nothing while the rest of his extremely cautious group discuss tactics on how to safely defeat a boss in Upper Blackrock Spire (to the point of calculating a 32.33% (repeating, of course) chance of survival). After a full minute into planning, before his party is properly prepared, however, Leeroy suddenly returns to his computer saying, "All right, time's up, let's do this...", then screams his signature line, "LEEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOY JEEEEEEENKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINS!!!!" and he charges blindly — solo, no less — into the battlezone.
The other party members stand still for a moment confused, perhaps in shock, and then run after Leeroy with haste, yelling, "STICK TO THE PLAN! STICK TO THE PLAN!!" to complete their original goal and to "rescue" the helpless crusader. Meanwhile, Leeroy has proceeded to aggro nearly every creature in the chamber, while the party is quickly overwhelmed and unable to coordinate. At this point, the party wipes (all members die) and discovers that their Soulstone buffs have been exhausted.
The movie concludes with the words "At least I have chicken", which has become a secondary catch-phrase. Schulz has said that KFC is the guild's favorite snack, and that while Leeroy was AFK, he had gone to reheat some leftover chicken in the microwave. Schulz states that he was kicked out of the guild for about five minutes until they let him back in after the incident. He also stated that they used a soulstone after the event to rez everyone.
Leeroy's actions have caused the larger World of Warcraft community to use his name to represent any action that could be seen as potentially dangerous and/or incredibly stupid. The Leeroy movie is generally suggested to be a must-see for any and all WoW players. It has become a popular term for a person who causes a bad pull that causes a group wipe. In 2005, Leeroy was also mentioned in a question about World of Warcraft on the TV game show Jeopardy!.




Original video of Leeroy Jenkins

Patch changes

  • Forged in the Barrens logo.pngPatch (2021-03-25):
  • Ashes of Outland logo.pngPatch (2020-03-26):
    • Moved from Classic to Hall of Fame set.
  • Curse of Naxxramas logo.png Patch (2014-09-22):
    • Now costs 5 (Up from 4).
      • Dev comment: Leeroy Jenkins created a strategy that revolved around trying to defeat your opponent in one turn without requiring any cards on the board. We like having a variety of deck types but taking 20+ damage in one turn is not very fun or interactive.
  • Hearthstone logo.png Patch (Closed beta, 2013-10-02):
    • Flavor text now reads: "At least he has Angry Chicken." (previously: no flavor text).
  • Hearthstone logo.png Patch (Alpha, April or May 2013):
    • Added.

External links

References[edit | edit source]