Argent Squire

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You might be looking for one of these cards: Argent Squire (boss), Argent Squire (Classic), Argent Squire (Core).

Argent Squire is a common neutral minion card, from the Legacy set.

Other versions

How to get

Card packsThe Regular version can be opened from any of these packs:

Regular1~2 (random)
Card packsThe Golden version can be opened from any of these packs:

Golden Classic
Golden Wild
Golden1~2 (random)
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 40 Dust.pngRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 400 Dust.pngGolden1


  • ▶️ VO_EX1_008_Play_01.wav The Light protects me.


Argent Squire may be related to a collectible companion of the same name from World of Warcraft.

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
Argent Squire is acquired when you become a Champion of your race during the Argent Tournament.
This item summons an Argent Squire which can carry the banner for any faction that the player has earned the right to Champion. When becoming champion of all races, you will be able to buy a mini horse for the squire, which will reward you with an achievement, and which will enable your squire to go to the shop, mailbox, or the bank for you, with a 4 hour cooldown. Handy for when you're in a dungeon and need materials for spells, or if you forgot that quest item in the bank.
The design for the squire, including an overstuffed backpack and a banner, may be an homage to the squires in the popular movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail.



Patch changes

Card changes

Bug fixes and other changes

  • Forged in the Barrens logo.pngPatch (2021-03-25):
    • 2021-03-30: Moved from the Classic set to the Legacy set.
  • Hearthstone logo.png Patch (Closed beta, 2013-10-02):
    • Flavor text now reads: ""I solemnly swear to uphold the Light, purge the world of darkness, and to eat only burritos." - The Argent Dawn Oath" (previously: no flavor text).


External links

References[edit | edit source]