Book of Heroes boss cards

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This page lists all boss cards, Hero Powers and bosses featured in Book of Heroes.

  • To learn more about a card, boss or Hero Power, click the corresponding image.
  • For a summary of the adventure's boss and reward structure, see Book of Heroes#Structure.
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Bosses[edit | edit source]

 Abyssal JailorNeutralHero 70Only tremendous perseverance could conquer the darkness of these cells.
 Aedalas BlackmooreRogueHero 30A keen fighting enthusiast, he intends to turn a tidy profit off of your matches.
 Aethas SunreaverMageHero 50He represents the Horde members in the Kirin Tor, but his days are numbered.
 AkamaShamanHero 60Once your closest ally, Akama has plotted against you in the shadows, and now he makes his move.
 Alonsus FaolPriestHero 30The kindly Archbishop has called on your service as war rages across your homeland.
 Anub'arakRogueHero 50The Lich King has called Anub'arak and Prince Arthas to serve him. They must not succeed.
 ArchimondeWarlockHero 50The demons' overlord has finally revealed himself as he leads their invasion on Azeroth.
 ArchimondeWarlockHero 40This powerful invader is certain he will win... Maybe too certain.
 ArchimondeWarlockHero 50Millennia have passed, but the demons have finally returned to invade Azeroth once more.
 Archmage AntonidasMageHero 30He's the only teacher Jaina would ever need! She just has to convince him first.
 Blackrock BlademasterRogueHero 40The defeated orcs have grown in strength again and are kidnapping human villagers!
 Captain HooktuskRogueHero 50Pirates consider it an honor to lose to her, given her reputation... but you're not a pirate.
 Captain MayaNeutralHero 30This brave captain needs some help before everything goes overboard!
 CenariusDruidHero 30The ancient Forest Lord chose you to become his pupil after looking deeply into your heart.
 Chieftain Cairne BloodhoofWarriorHero 40The tauren chieftain has ample wisdom, leadership experience... and enemies.
 Chieftains of the HordeWarriorHero 30The hour has come to corrupt the orcs so they will serve as Kil'jaeden's army.
 Cho'GallWarlockHero 100Infamous for aiding Gul'dan, this two-headed ogre became the leader of the Twilight's Hammer.
 Cousin ErrglShamanHero 40Though an infrequent and rather disruptive visitor, Errgl is always welcome at the Mrrglton household.
 Daelin ProudmooreShamanHero 50After the wars, Jaina's father is determined to destroy any remnant of the Horde.
 Daerion the AssassinRogueHero 40Focused on tracking down his quarry, he has yet to notice your presence...
 Dathril EvenlarHunterHero 70
 Death Knight ArthasDeath KnightHero 30If Arthas reaches the Lich King in the Frozen Throne, all is lost. This is your final chance to stop him.
 DeathwingWarriorHero 200Once the noble Aspect of Earth, he has betrayed his charge, becoming bent on destruction.
 Drek'TharShamanHero 30This elder shaman will help you commune with the elements and wield their power.
 Enchanted StatueNeutralHero 60Carved in the likeness of Priestess Ithu'liel, this statue seems to stare right into your soul.
 Fallen SoldierDeath KnightHero 60War has taken its toll on the people of Azeroth. Perhaps you could use this to your advantage...
 Ferocious QuilboarRogueHero 30These beasts are creating a disturbance. It'd be best to investigate.
 Forgotten WarriorWarriorHero 30No one living remembers the leader of Gul'dan's village, but the legacy of his cruelty outlasted him.
 Garona HalforcenShamanHero 50Though she assassinated Varian's father years ago, she seems different now. What secret is she keeping?
 GarroshWarriorHero 50Instead of gaining wisdom, he has lost his honor. You must be the one to remove him from command.
 Garrosh HellscreamWarriorHero 50The Warchief of the Horde tangles with powers beyond his imagining! This could get ugly.
 Garrosh HellscreamWarriorHero 40Thrall's successor is driven by the need for conquest and valorous war.
 General NazgrimWarriorHero 50Your diplomatic mission to Pandaria was going well—until you were captured by the Horde general.
 Gorgrom the Dragon-EaterWarriorHero 50This enormous gronn threatens to destroy Rexxar's people once and for all.
 Greatmother GeyahShamanHero 30The beloved matriarch of the Mag'har orcs has a message for you.
 Grommash HellscreamWarriorHero 30This mighty orc warrior fights a greater battle within himself.
 Handmaiden ZainraPriestHero 80Dedicated to the court at an early age, Zainra never approved of your friendship with Dathril.
 Helka GrimtotemWarriorHero 30Helka wants you to lead her new gladiator team! She's not at all interested in how you feel about this.
 Hurricane ElementalShamanHero 50The elements themselves seem to have turned against you as they rage across the open sea...
 IllidanDemon HunterHero 40Your brother's demonic powers have changed him, and he's lashing out against his own allies.
 IllidanDemon HunterHero 50Embittered against his own people, Illidan has resisted Maiev's attempts to return him to his prison.
 JainaMageHero 50Your former friend will use her vast power to attack the Horde in retaliation for her loss at Theramore.
 Jaina ProudmooreMageHero 40Her settlement borders Horde land, but not for long...
 Jaina ProudmooreMageHero 30The archmage gave you the power to visit her in Theramore whenever you want! Like right now.
 Jorach RavenholdtRogueHero 300He has sent a mysterious invitation requesting your presence at his manor.
 KhiraggRogueHero 40The centaur have long feuded with the tauren, fighting over territory and resources.
 King VarianWarriorHero 30Like every father, Varian only wants what's best for his child. Even if he has no idea what that is...
 Lady DarkscaleMageHero 40The vindictive naga often cause trouble on these shorelines...
 LeoroxxHunterHero 30Rexxar's father thinks he knows best. But does he truly?
 MagtheridonWarlockHero 100This pit lord has conquered the shattered world of Outland, or so he thinks…
 Maiev ShadowsongRogueHero 50Having appointed herself as your jailer for millennia, she is obsessed with recapturing you.
 Mal'GanisWarlockHero 50This dreadlord commands the Scourge against you, impeding your progress.
 Malfurion StormrageDruidHero 50He's appeared at the worst possible moment—when your essential spell is nearly complete!
 MannorothWarlockHero 50Years ago, he tricked the orcs into consuming his blood, allowing demons to control them.
 MannorothWarlockHero 40This mighty pit lord leads the demon army using the Well of Eternity as a portal to bring in more invaders.
 MedivhMageHero 50Despite the great distance, this powerful stranger has invaded your mind in a sudden vision!
 MishaDruidHero 30Winning the trust of a bear isn't easy. You need patience. And snacks.
 Moira ThaurissanPriestHero 30Help Moira and Varian resolve their differences peacefully before war breaks out!
 Monkey KingRogueHero 40Myth holds that this enigmatic figure knew the location of the Harmonic Mallet before he was imprisoned.
 MurgalocWarlockHero 50Its level of aggression is concerning... even for a murloc.
 Mysterious StrangerWarriorHero 30He speaks ill of Grommash Hellscream and his efforts to free the imprisoned orcs. But why?
 Mysterious VisitorNeutralHero 30Who would interrupt at a time like this?
 Naga GuardWarriorHero 50Even if the territorial naga are here, it's impossible to back out now.
 Ner'zhulShamanHero 30Respected by all the orc clans, Ner'zhul will be instrumental to your master's plans.
 Ol' RattleswipeWarriorHero 40He's got a keen eye for loot, but sometimes throwing gold around can work against him.
 Orgrim DoomhammerWarriorHero 50The Warchief of the Horde and his ruthless army move to conquer Lordaeron.
 Orgrim DoomhammerWarriorHero 50The tides of war have turned in favor of this insolent upstart. As warchief, he now controls your fate.
 OzumatWarlockHero 100This great behemoth lurks beneath the waves, waiting to entrap its unwary prey...
 Patrol CaptainHunterHero 30
 Prince Anduin WrynnPriestHero 50The son of King Varian is foolish enough to interfere with the Horde.
 Prince ArthasDeath KnightHero 300The time has come to face the inevitable.
 Prince ArthasDeath KnightHero 30To prove your brother wrong, you must clear the forests of any foes, no matter how dangerous…
 Prince ArthasPaladinHero 30No one knows yet, but his heart has already been corrupted by the Lich King's evil.
 Prince Kael'thasMageHero 30Has heard of Jaina's skill but not her love for a different blond prince. It's hard to tell him...
 Privateer TomRogueHero 50If Grace needs to confront the captain of this ship, we'd better get to it!
 Prophet VelenPriestHero 30The ancient leader of the draenei knows much about the Light, but not human nature...
 Queen AzsharaMageHero 100If this is the end, at least you will face it knowing the truth.
 RagnarosShamanHero 90The Fire Lord will burn down the World Tree unless you and the other guardians stop him!
 Rehgar EarthfuryShamanHero 30Thrall's trusted friend and ally wishes to maintain peace with the Alliance.
 Rehgar EarthfuryShamanHero 30This skillful trainer has a gift for turning misfits into stars of the fighting arenas.
 Ruins of House EvenlarWarlockHero 30After so many long years, it is finally time to let go of the past.
 Searing Fire ElementalShamanHero 30Restless elementals threaten to destroy the Horde city of Orgrimmar!
 Stasia FallshadowMageHero 50A suspicious attacker has interrupted a meeting between leaders of the Alliance and Horde.
 Sylvanas WindrunnerHunterHero 100The latest Warchief has committed a shocking atrocity against the night elves.
 Sylvanas WindrunnerHunterHero 100Tensions between the Horde and Alliance have reached the breaking point under the new warchief.
 The Dark PortalWarlockHero 100The Horde came from this mysterious portal, and now they seek to return to it while they still can.
 The LeviathanNeutralHero 30You've hired the best possible vessel and its engineer, Ini Stormcoil, to take you to the ruins of Zin-Azshari.
 The LeviathanNeutralHero 30The crew is ready to begin the voyage! But is the submarine...?
 The LeviathanNeutralHero 30This vessel runs a lot more smoothly when the water is on the outside and not the inside.
 The LeviathanNeutralHero 30Tangling with a kraken has left catastrophic damage, as well as some stowaways!
 The LeviathanNeutralHero 200You'll need every trick in the book to get it going THIS time.
 The SunderingShamanHero 30
 ThrallShamanHero 50Thrall has returned, only to lead traitors against the Warchief and the True Horde.
 ThrallShamanHero 50The former warchief has returned to restore the peace, if he can.
 Throne of the ElementsShamanHero 30Young shaman traditionally visit this landmark to receive the elements' blessings and power.
 TichondriusWarlockHero 40Defeating this demon and stealing his power will suit your aims and your brother's… right?
 Tomb GuardianWarlockHero 100By betraying Orgrim, you can divert your forces to the Tomb of Sargeras and seize its power for your own.
 Underqueen ZarzhetDeath KnightHero 30The undead nerubians were quick to attack the Horde... and their peons.
 Varok SaurfangWarriorHero 50Though the Horde retreats, their legendary warriors are still a great threat to the Alliance.
 Vendellin SoulfireWarlockHero 50Each of Varian's foes is more threatening than the last. There's something odd about this one...
 Venim IcebladeMageHero 40Arthas and Jaina were ambushed while investigating a new plague outside the city.
 Warchief BlackhandWarriorHero 30Uniting the orc clans into the Horde, he has secured dominance over the land.
 XaviusWarlockHero 50The source of corruption within the Emerald Dream has never been revealed... until now.

Playable Heroes[edit | edit source]

 Ambassador FaelinDruidHero 30
 AnduinPriestHero 30
 AnduinNeutralHero 30
 AnduinPriestHero 30
 AnduinPriestHero 30
 Caye StarduskPriestHero 30
 Dathril EvenlarHunterHero 30
 Garrosh HellscreamWarriorHero 30Battlecry: Restore 5 Health to your hero. Deal 5 damage to all enemies.
 Garrosh HellscreamWarriorHero 30
 Garrosh HellscreamWarriorHero 30
 Garrosh HellscreamWarriorHero 30
 Garrosh HellscreamWarriorHero 30
 Grace FarsailRogueHero 30
 Gul'danWarlockHero 30
 Gul'danWarlockHero 30
 Gul'danWarlockHero 30
 Gul'danShamanHero 30
 Halus SunwatcherWarriorHero 30
 IllidanDemon HunterHero 30
 IllidanDemon HunterHero 30
 IllidanDemon HunterHero 30
 Illidan and MalfurionDemon HunterHero 30
 Ini StormcoilNeutralHero 30
 Jaina ProudmooreMageHero 30
 Jaina ProudmooreMageHero 30
 Jaina ProudmooreMageHero 30
 MalfurionDruidHero 30
 MalfurionDruidHero 30
 MalfurionDruidHero 30
 MalfurionDruidHero 30
 Possessed ValeeraRogueHero 40
 RexxarHunterHero 30
 RexxarHunterHero 30
 RexxarHunterHero 30
 RexxarHunterHero 30
 Sir FinleyPaladinHero 30
 ThrallShamanHero 30
 ThrallShamanHero 30
 ThrallWarriorHero 30
 ThrallWarriorHero 30
 Uther LightbringerPaladinHero 30
 Uther LightbringerPaladinHero 30
 Uther LightbringerPriestHero 30
 ValeeraRogueHero 30
 ValeeraRogueHero 30

Other Heroes[edit | edit source]

 Bear FormDruidHero 30Replace your Hero Power with Feral Strength (Restore 2 Health to your hero for each friendly minion.)
 Cat FormDruidHero 30Replace your Hero Power with Feral Frenzy (Gain 2 Attack for each friendly minion.)
 Death Knight VelasDeath KnightHero 40
 Lady EvenlarWarlockHero 30
 Orgrim DoomhammerWarriorHero 30
 Varok SaurfangWarriorHero 40
 Varok SaurfangWarriorHero 30

Hero Powers[edit | edit source]

Note: This section will only list a maximum of 50 cards. To see more, click "Go to query" at the beginning of this page and change the query to fit more.

 Blood CurseWarlockHero Power Reduce the Health of all enemy minions by 2 and increase their Attack by 1.
 Bold DeterminationWarriorHero Power Give your lowest Health minion +1/+2.
 BookwormNeutralHero Power Passive After a Lorebook is summoned, gain +3 Health and draw 3 cards.
 CalculationHunterHero Power Passive After a friendly minion dies, draw a card.
 Dark DeterminationDeath KnightHero Power Passive If you have more minions than your opponent, draw a card at the start of your turn.
 Dark InfusionDeath KnightHero Power Passive Convert fatal damage to minions into Health for this soldier.
 Dathril's AmuletNeutralHero Power Passive Your attacks restore 2 Health to all friendly characters.
 Eye of SargerasWarlockHero Power Passive. Destroy 1 of your opponent's Mana Crystals every other turn until 1 remains. (increases each use)
 Feral FrenzyDruidHero Power Gain 2 Attack for each friendly minion.
 Feral StrengthDruidHero Power Restore 2 Health to your hero for each friendly minion.
 Firelord's RageShamanHero Power Deal 8 damage split among all enemies.
 Fury of the ElementsShamanHero Power Passive If you have fewer cards than your opponent, destroy the top card of their deck.
 Grave CallDeath KnightHero Power Summon a random undead.
 Greater InnervateDruidHero Power If you've cast a spell, gain 1 Mana Crystal this turn only.
 Harmonic MalletNeutralHero Power Turn the Divine Bell Dormant this turn. Deal 4 damage randomly split among all enemies.
 Heart of Y'ShaarjNeutralHero Power Passive At the end of your turn, put a minion from your deck into your hand. It costs (0).
 Heart of Y'ShaarjNeutralHero Power Passive. At the end of your turn, put a minion from your deck into your hand. It costs (0).
 Horde ArmadaNeutralHero Power Deal 4 damage to the Gates of Theramore.
 InfectionDeath KnightHero Power At the end of your turn, transform a non-Legendary enemy minion into a 1/1 Skeleton. Take control of it.
 Instruments of WarWarriorHero Power The orc chieftains gather on the eve of battle...
 Learn to GrowDruidHero Power Give the enemy hero a random training card.
 Murloc MayhemNeutralHero Power Passive After a friendly Murloc dies, give one of your Murlocs +1 Health.
 Nathrezim's FavorWarlockHero Power Passive At the end of your turn, give your left and right-most minions +3/+3.
 Nightmare CurseNeutralHero Power Curse a random enemy minion to attack their hero at the end of their turn.
 Quick FixMageHero Power Fixing up the Leviathan...
 Scourge ArmyDeath KnightHero Power Summon three 2/2 Ghouls.
 ShackledWarlockHero Power Passive Enemy cards cost (0) more. Changes at the start of their turn.
 Shadow VolleyWarlockHero Power Passive Deal 2 damage to the enemy hero and discard the lowest cost card in their hand.
 Shrouded in MysteryRogueHero Power Passive At the start of your turn, give a Silent Shadow +1 Attack.
 SinkingNeutralHero Power Passive Destroy the outermost minions at the end of your enemy's turn. Deal 2 damage to all enemies.
 Stolen CoinsWarriorHero Power Passive Your enemy guesses whose hand has greater total Mana Cost to earn a Coin.
 Submarine ControlsNeutralHero Power This vessel is truly a marvel of modern engineering! Better not press the wrong button...
 Survival of the HordeWarriorHero Power If you have less than 3 minions, your minions have +1/+1 this turn.
 TeambuilderShamanHero Power Restore 2 Health to the Training Totem.
 Tentacles of OzumatWarlockHero Power Passive Destroy Ozumat's tentacles to defeat it.
 Unbound RageWarriorHero Power Give a friendly minion +3 Attack.
 Warchief's VengeanceWarriorHero Power Passive Your minions have +1/+1 while you have a weapon equipped.
 Wild ThrashingDruidHero Power Deal 1-3 damage to 2 random minions.
 Zin-Azshari CrystalPriestHero Power Passive Friendly minion attacks restore Health to random friendly characters.
 Blade TempestRogueHero Power 1Deal 3 damage to the highest Attack enemy minion and 1 damage to the rest.
 Bold ChargeWarriorHero Power 1Give a friendly minion Charge.
 Bombard PortalPaladinHero Power 1If you control a minion, deal 10 damage to the Dark Portal.
 CaptureNeutralHero Power 1Deal 2 damage to an enemy. If you played a Naga this turn, deal 3 damage instead.
 Choose CrewNeutralHero Power 1Choose your final crew member from the opposite side of the board.
 Dredge Depths Rank 3NeutralHero Power 1Dredge. If you have the Mana to play the card this turn, draw it.
 Dredge Depths Rank 4NeutralHero Power 1Dredge. If it's a spell, reduce its Cost by (2).
 FelstormWarlockHero Power 1Deal 1 damage to all non-Demon minions.
 Horde ArmadaWarriorHero Power 1Deal 4 damage to the Gates of Theramore or 2 damage to a random enemy minion.
 Infiltrator's SpyglassNeutralHero Power 1Look at the top 3 cards of your opponent's deck. Choose one to put on top and increase its Cost by (1).
 Light ThinkingPriestHero Power 1Discover a card from your deck. Reduce its Cost by (1).

Minions[edit | edit source]

Note: This section will only list a maximum of 50 cards. To see more, click "Go to query" at the beginning of this page and change the query to fit more.

 Divine BellNeutralMinion 1Can't attack. Give friendly minions +1/+1 and Rush.
 Freezing PotionNeutralMinion 1
 Gates of TheramoreNeutralMinion 10Taunt Deathrattle: Deal 3 damage to your hero.
 Mogrin the InjuredNeutralMinion 12At the start of your turn, this minion loses 2 health. Can't attack.
 ShaNeutralMinion 11
 Vicious Bear TrapNeutralMinion 240Taunt Can't Attack At the start of your turn, deal 4 damage to Misha.
 Walls of LordaeronNeutralMinion 10Can't Attack Deathrattle: Deal 10 damage to your hero.
 ArcanotronNeutralMinion - Mech022Both players have Spell Damage +2.
 AlexstraszaNeutralMinion - Dragon154If your hero dies, resurrect them. (3 Times Remaining) Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 2 turns.
 Alleria WindrunnerHunterMinion 156At the start of your turn, deal 2 damage to the enemy hero. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 3 turns.
 Baby ElekkNeutralMinion - Beast124Taunt
 Blackwater BehemothNeutralMinion - Beast1410Colossal +1 At the end of your turn, deal 3 damage to enemy minions without Bioluminescent. Deathrattle: Advance fight.
 Broll BearmantleDruidMinion 113Spellburst: Transform into a 3/6 Bear with Rush. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 2 turns.
 Broll BearmantleDruidMinion 136Rush Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 2 turns.
 BubblerNeutralMinion - ElementalCommon124After this minion takes exactly one damage, destroy it. (Pop!)
 Captured CrocoliskNeutralMinion - Beast110Taunt At the end of your turn, gain +1 Attack. Deathrattle: Advance fight.
 Gelbin MekkatorqueNeutralMinion 165Spellburst: Summon an AWESOME invention. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 4 turns.
 Genn GreymaneNeutralMinion 165Your Hero Power costs (2) less. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 2 turns.
 Giant TentacleNeutralMinion - Beast1115Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 4 turns.
 Giant TentacleNeutralMinion - Beast1115Taunt Deathrattle: Summon a surprise!
 Giant TentacleNeutralMinion - Beast1115Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 4 turns.
 GibberlingDruidMinion Common111Spellburst: Summon a Gibberling.
 Jade WarlordNeutralMinion 110At the end of your turn, gain +1 Attack. Deathrattle: Destroy all friendly minions and advance fight.
 Jaina ProudmooreMageMinion 154At the end of your turn, Freeze a random enemy minion. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 2 turns.
 Large TentacleNeutralMinion - Beast1210Loses 1 Attack when a Terrifying Tentacle dies. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 3 turns.
 Large TentacleNeutralMinion - Beast1210Taunt Loses 1 Attack when a Giant Tentacle dies.
 Large TentacleNeutralMinion - Beast1210Loses 1 Attack when a Terrifying Tentacle dies. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 3 turns.
 Large TentacleNeutralMinion - Beast1210Loses 1 Attack when a Terrifying Tentacle dies. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 3 turns.
 Lo'GoshWarriorMinion 135Inspire: Draw a card. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 3 turns.
 Lordaeron AttendantPaladinMinion 113Battlecry: Reduce the Cost of your Librams by (1) this game.
 MechafishNeutralMinion - Mech121
 Mountain CatNeutralMinion - Beast128Taunt Deathrattle: Kill 2 Mountain Cats to advance fight.
 PashmarNeutralMinion - Naga135At the end of your turn, gain +1 Attack. Must be killed with Silivaz. Deathrattle: Advance fight.
 Radiance of AzsharaShamanMinion - Elemental1310Can't be targeted by spells. At the end of your turn, deal 1 damage to all enemy minions. Deathrattle: Advance fight.
 Repair BotNeutralMinion - Mech13At the end of your turn, restore 6 Health to a damaged friendly character.
 Salvage BotNeutralMinion - Mech111
 Sam the WiseNeutralMinion 1315At the start of your turn, restore 3 Health to himself. Deathrattle: Gift the Metal Brew and advance fight.
 Shifting Mana WyrmNeutralMinion 121Stealth Deathrattle: Gain an empty Mana Crystal.
 SilivazNeutralMinion - Naga117At the end of your turn, gain +1 Attack. Must be killed with Pashmar. Deathrattle: Advance fight.
 Sir Finley MrrggltonPaladinMinion - Murloc113This esteemed murloc relies on versatility and swapping cards to outsmart his foes.
 Sir Finley MrrggltonPaladinMinion - Murloc113Battlecry: Discover an ability. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 2 turns.
 Spirit of AirShamanMinion - Elemental118Can't be targeted by spells. Deathrattle: Advance fight and restore 15 Health to Thrall.
 Spirit of EarthShamanMinion - Elemental118Taunt Deathrattle: Advance fight and restore 15 Health to Thrall.
 Spirit of FireShamanMinion - Elemental128Immune to Fire spells. At the end of your turn, deal 1 damage to all enemy minions. Deathrattle: Advance fight and restore 15 Health to Thrall.
 Spirit of the WildsShamanMinion - Elemental128Immune to Nature spells. At the start of your turn, give a random friendly minion +1/+1. Deathrattle: Advance fight.
 Spirit of WaterShamanMinion - Elemental128Immune to Frost spells. At the start of your turn, restore 1 Health to itself. Deathrattle: Advance fight and restore 15 Health to Thrall.
 Stormreaver WarlockWarlockMinion 124Spellburst: Add a copy of the spell to your hand. It costs (0).
 Stuffed SackNeutralMinion 13Deathrattle: Return your stolen minion!
 Terrifying TentacleNeutralMinion - Beast1120Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 5 turns.
 Terrifying TentacleNeutralMinion - Beast1120Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 5 turns.

Spells[edit | edit source]

Note: This section will only list a maximum of 50 cards. To see more, click "Go to query" at the beginning of this page and change the query to fit more.

 'Splosive SolutionsPaladinSpell Give Ini a 50% chance to throw a bomb into the opponent's deck when they cast a spell.
 Abyssal KeyNeutralSpell Free yourself from the dungeons of the Eternal Palace.
 Activate the LeviathanNeutralSpell Destroy the enemy minions.
 Answer Choice 1NeutralSpell 050404
 Answer Choice 2NeutralSpell 01101110 01101111
 Answer Choice 3NeutralSpell 0123456
 Aquatic FormDruidSpell RareDredge. If you have the Mana to play the card this turn, draw it.
 Archdruid's BlessingDruidSpell - NatureRestore 8 Health to random friendly characters.
 Archdruid's RageDruidSpell - NatureDeal 8 damage to random enemies.
 Backup PlanRogueSpell After Faelin deals 16 damage, summon the Leviathan.
 Bag of CoinsNeutralSpell Add 3 Coins to your hand.
 Bitter RemembranceDruidSpell When Faelin takes damage, restore that much Health to your hero.
 Bold ChargeWarriorSpell Give Halus Charge.
 Bold Charge Rank 2WarriorSpell Give Halus and adjacent minions Charge.
 Bold Charge Rank 3WarriorSpell Give all friendly minions Rush.
 Bright IdeaPaladinSpell Gives Ini Frenzy: Add a Seafloor Savior to your hand. It costs (0).
 Bubble UpPriestSpell Give Caye Deathrattle: Give Divine Shield to a random friendly minion.
 CaptureNeutralSpell Dathril gives all Naga minions +2 Attack.
 Charm OffensiveNeutralSpell Reduce the Attack of all enemy minions by 1.
 Clap BackRogueSpell Grace deals 1 damage to enemy minions when they attack.
 Dathril's AmuletNeutralSpell When Dathril attacks, restore 1 Health to all friendly minions.
 Dream TeamPriestSpell Caye gives your Legendary minions +1/+2.
 Dredge LordDruidSpell Give Faelin Spellburst: Add a Dredge spell to your hand.
 Ensnare SoulWarlockSpell - ShadowDeal 3 damage to your hero. Return two friendly minions that died this game to your hand.
 Exceptional AidePriestSpell Give Caye's attacks the ability to restore 2 Health to your hero.
 Exceptional Aide Rank 2PriestSpell Give Caye's attacks the ability to restore 3 Health to your hero.
 Exceptional Aide Rank 3PriestSpell Give Caye's attacks the ability to restore 4 Health to your hero.
 Explorer's PridePaladinSpell Add a random Paladin spell to your deck each turn. It will only last in your hand for 1 turn.
 Extinguish the FiresNeutralSpell Restore every section of the engine room.
 Faelin's AmuletDruidSpell When Faelin attacks, restore 1 Health to all friendly minions.
 Faelin's AmuletDruidSpell A beloved memento that carries the heavy burden of time.
 Faelin's AmuletDruidSpell Unleash the amulet's power against Queen Azshara to secure your escape.
 Finley's CompassPaladinSpell Finley deals 1 damage to a random enemy minion for each friendly minion at the end of your turn.
 Finley's Pith HelmetPaladinSpell At the start of your turn, give all friendly minions +2 Health.
 Fond MemoryNeutralSpell Relive Faelin's special memory.
 Forbidden WordsPriestSpell Spend all your Mana. Destroy a minion with that much Attack or less.
 Freezing PotionMageSpell - FrostCommonFreeze an enemy.
 Grace of WindDruidSpell Give your minions Rush.
 Graceful BladeRogueSpell Gives Grace +1 Attack and Lifesteal.
 Graceful Blade Rank 2RogueSpell Gives Grace +2 Attack, Lifesteal, and ignore Taunt.
 Greater!DruidSpell Guess that the enemy's hand has a greater total Mana Cost than yours.
 Guardian of WindDruidSpell Summon a 3/4 Hippogryph with Charge.
 Harvest SoulWarlockSpell - ShadowDestroy a minion and give its stats to the Spirit of Teron'gor.
 High Seas RevengeRogueSpell Gives Grace Deathrattle: Draw a card for each enemy minion on the board.
 Ini's Security QuestionNeutralSpell Choose the correct password to unlock the Stormcoil Override equipment.
 Lead the ExpeditionDruidSpell Unleash the amulet's power against Queen Azshara to secure your escape.
 Left-most PositionDruidSpell - NatureCreate a Rubbish Pile on the left of your opponent's board.
 Lesser!DruidSpell Guess that the enemy's hand has a lesser total Mana Cost than yours.
 Leviathan MissilesRogueSpell Ini deals 1-3 damage to random enemy minions when she is attacked.
 Lightning BloomDruidShamanSpell - NatureCommonGain 2 Mana Crystals this turn only. Overload: (2)

Weapons[edit | edit source]

Note: This section will only list a maximum of 50 cards. To see more, click "Go to query" at the beginning of this page and change the query to fit more.

 Override DrillNeutralWeapon 1001Attack the Leviathan to perform the Stormcoil Override!
 Aquatic HammerNeutralWeapon 132Windfury
 Blade of the PentinentDemon HunterWeapon 14Has Attack equal to the number of spells you've cast this turn.
 Fire HammerNeutralWeapon 132Windfury
 Flame WrenchNeutralWeapon 142Windfury Great for damp equipment!
 Gnomish HammerNeutralWeapon 132Used to strike an area. Battlecry: The next Mech you play costs (0).
 Hasty BladeRogueWeapon 123Deathrattle: Give a random friendly minion Charge.
 Heated CrowbarNeutralWeapon 122Windfury
 Infused WrenchNeutralWeapon 142Windfury
 Marine CrowbarNeutralWeapon 122Windfury
 Pyro-drill 5000NeutralWeapon 141Windfury
 Secondhand WrenchNeutralWeapon 132Used for making adjustments on large receptacles.
 Trusty CrowbarNeutralWeapon 112Used to wedge apart narrow gaps.
 Explorer's SceptorNeutralWeapon 242Spell Damage +1 Battlecry: Gain 8 Armor.
 Stormcoil DrillNeutralWeapon 241
 Ancient TridentNeutralWeapon 332After your hero attacks, Discover a spell and cast it with random targets.
 AtieshNeutralWeapon 313After you cast a spell, summon a random minion of that Cost. Lose 1 Durability.
 Desperate ClawShamanWeapon 323Has +1 Attack while you have Overloaded Mana Crystals.
 Graceful BladeRogueWeapon 323Battlecry: Deal 1 damage. Combo: Gain Lifesteal.
 Stolen VengeanceDemon HunterWeapon 322Lifesteal Outcast: Deal 3 damage to all enemy minions.
 Sunken SwordNeutralWeapon 323Battlecry: Add a Sunken Sword to the bottom of your deck. Deathrattle: Dredge.
 The KingslayersRogueWeapon 321Double all damage dealt to the enemy hero.
 Training SwordNeutralWeapon 315After your hero attacks, gain +1 Attack.
 Warsong AxeWarriorWeapon 342After attacking a minion, your hero may attack again.
 FearbreakerPriestWeapon 434After your hero attacks, give a minion in your hand +1/+1.
 Hammer of the LightbringerPaladinWeapon 434After your hero attacks, give a random friendly minion Divine Shield and Taunt.
 IcebladeDeath KnightWeapon 422Battlecry and Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to all enemy minions.
 ShalamayneNeutralWeapon 432After you attack, give +1/+1 to your minions with Rush.
 ShalamayneNeutralWeapon 432After you attack, give +1/+1 to your legendary minions.
 Thistle DaggerRogueWeapon 422After your hero attacks, draw a card. Add an extra copy of it to your hand.
 Charged DoomhammerShamanWeapon 538Windfury Deathrattle: Give your minions Windfury.
 DoomhammerShamanWeapon 528Windfury, Overload: (2)
 DoomhammerShamanWeapon 528Windfury, Overload: (2)
 Warden's GlaiveRogueWeapon 532If this kills an enemy minion, adjacent minions go Dormant for 2 turns.
 FrostmourneDeath KnightWeapon 653Battlecry: Remove all your minions. Deathrattle: Resummon them.
 Windrunner's BowHunterWeapon 642After your hero attacks, summon three reinforcements.
 FrostmourneDeath KnightWeapon 753Deathrattle: Summon every minion killed by this weapon.
 GorehowlWarriorWeapon 771Poisonous Attacking a minion costs 1 Attack instead of 1 Durability.
 Huntmaster's BowHunterWeapon 752After your hero attacks, summon three 1/1 Snakes.
 Mok'Nathal BowHunterWeapon 742Battlecry: If your deck has no minions, fill your hand with Hunter spells.
 Staff of AntonidasMageWeapon 73Whenever you cast a spell, add a 'Fireball' spell to your hand.
 Focusing IrisMageWeapon 83Spell Damage +1 Battlecry: Fill your board with 3/6 Water Elementals.
 The RunespearShamanWeapon Legendary833After your hero attacks, Discover a spell and cast it with random targets.