Quest/2013-2020 system

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A video explaining Quests in Hearthstone made by the Curse Gamepedia YouTube Channel.

NB: This page serves as an archive of the Quest system from 2013 to November 2020.

Quest in 2013-2020 came in two different forms:

  • Daily quests are given-out each day and can be viewed in the Quest Log, with a maximum of 3 available at any time. These must be in the Quest Log before they can be completed, and they can be awarded repeatedly.
  • Legendary quests (or Unique quests) are non-repeatable quests which can be completed at any time. Most of these quests are 'hidden', which means they will never appear in the Quest Log; they will only be revealed to the player when they are completed. A pop-up will signal a 'hidden' quest's completion.

In addition to the array of quests on offer, players are also awarded 10 gold for every 3 wins in Play mode or Tavern Brawls up to a maximum of 100 gold per day, for 30 wins. Each win displays the player's progress toward the 10-gold reward, and the gold is awarded each time 3 wins is reached. This reward serves as an additional and potentially larger source of gold than quests. The same running total is used for both Play mode and Tavern Brawls.

After completing the tutorial, new players are given the "Win 5 Practice Games" quest, encouraging them to explore Practice mode. Completing the quest awards a card pack and two further unique quests, leading the player into Play mode. Once the introductory quests "First Blood" and "The Duelist" have been completed, daily quests will be unlocked.

Daily quests[edit | edit source]

Viewing current quests in the Quest Log

Daily quests are given to players once per day and represent the majority of quests available to players. To begin receiving daily quests, new players must complete the two introductory unique quests "First Blood" and "The Duelist", accomplished by completing a total of 4 games in Play mode.

Daily quests can be viewed in the Quest Log, by clicking the exclamation mark icon at the bottom left of the main menu. This shows the quest's name, objective, and reward. Daily quests are also presented to the player upon logging in.

Players can only have 3 daily quests active at any time. Completing a quest will remove it from the list in the Quest log, making room for another. If a player has three quests and doesn't complete any of them (i.e. the Quest log is completely filled), they will not receive a new daily quest for the next day.

Most of quest progress can be made in games in these following modes:

'Watch and Learn', 'Total Dominance' and most of Legendary quests can also be made progress in those modes and additionally Solo Adventures.

'Play a Friend!' is the only quest to offer rewards for the opponent, even if they do not have the quest. It also requires participating in a Friendly Challenge.

Gaining daily quests[edit | edit source]

Today's Quests: Only the Mighty

A fresh daily quest is granted to each player every day if an empty quest slot is available. Additionally, once per day, the player is allowed to choose and replace one quest with a new and different quest.

New quests

Daily quests are awarded at midnight server time, determined by region. This is often referred to as the "quest reset" or "reset time". The Americas region is set to PST; the Europe region set to CET; and the Asia region set to Hongkong/Taiwan time.[2] Player reports suggest that the reset time changes to match daylight saving time during the summer months.[3] However, note that if the country in which the player is based has a different daylight saving time schedule to that of the country in which the server is located, there will be periods during which the reset does not take place at the usual local time.

Once the reset time has passed, players with less than 3 quests become eligible to be awarded a new quest. It should be noted that while the new quest is assigned according to the server's reset time, it is only added to the player's quest log when they either log into the game from offline, complete a match, or perform certain other actions.[4] Progress cannot be made on such quests until they have been added to the quest log and revealed to the player. Therefore, players awaiting a new quest while in game menus are advised to log out and back in again after the reset time, in order to activate it before resuming play. One exception to these rules is when certain bugs prevent new quests from being displayed upon logging in; in these cases progress can be made for the new quests, but they will not be revealed until after the completion of a match.[5]

Players do not need to be online during the quest reset in order to be assigned a new quest. Quests will accumulate in the player's profile, up to a maximum of 3, and will be presented to the player when they next log in.


Players can choose to abandon up to 1 quest each day by clicking the ⟳ in the corner of its plaque in the Quest Log, immediately receiving a different, random quest in its place. Abandonment is also known as "replacement" or "re-rolling", since the replacement quests are randomly determined, as with dice rolls. If no ⟳'s are present in the Quest Log, re-rolls are not possible again until the next day.

Any quest may be selected for replacement. An empty slot cannot be "abandoned" - a real quest is always lost, so there is no way to use this process to increase the number of new quests, only to change which quests are active. Note that despite the term "abandon", the player also does not end up with fewer quests to do since the quest is replaced.

All progress on a quest is erased when it is abandoned; the next time the same quest is randomly assigned to the player, it will start with 0 objectives complete.

Unlike the quests automatically granted to fill empty quest slots, re-rolls do not accumulate over multiple days. If a re-roll is not used on one day, it is still only possible to re-roll once the next day. However, there used to be a bug in which there was a way to infinitely re-roll quests, but this has been fixed.[6]


While players may be assigned the same quest more than once over the course of their Hearthstone play, they will never be assigned a duplicate of a quest they are already on. This is true whether the quest is a re-roll replacement, or a new quest filling an empty slot.

The once-per-day abandonment limit and once-per-day new quest are completely independent. Each day, players may log in, gain a new quest in an empty slot, AND re-roll a quest. This gives a total of two opportunities per day to try to obtain desired quests.

Players are unable to accumulate daily quests beyond the maximum of 3. If a player already has 3 quests when the reset time is reached, the potential new quest will simply be lost; even if the player completes 2 or 3 quests prior to the next quest reset, they will still only receive a single new quest at that point. Prior to Patch (2016-10-20) it was sometimes possible for the player to 'save up' new quests, and be awarded up to 3 more at once when the quest reset is reached,[7] but this should now be fixed.

List[edit | edit source]

Some class-specific daily quests offer a choice between three classes; completing either version of the quest will provide a single reward and remove the quest.

Some quests seem to be far rarer than others. As a rule, quests with greater rewards seem to be reported less frequently than those with lesser rewards.

Quests are available to all players, regardless of their playing habits. For example, a player may get a quest to play druid, despite never playing it before. This is likely an intended design goal, encouraging players to explore other classes and deck types. However, certain quests, such as those which cannot be completed using only cards from the Basic set, are not given to new players.[8]

On April 2018, quest requirements and rewards were changed with the Year of the Raven in Patch

On October 2018, new daily quests were added with Patch

On February 2019, the new quest "Rise to Glory!" was added with Patch, although it was not mentioned in the official list of changes.

On November 2019, many changes to daily quests were made with Patch Some less popular daily quests have been cut, such as the ones requiring playing Divine Shield Minions, Overload Cards, Secrets, 50 Murlocs, etc. Also, some new daily quests have been added, such as High Roller (Play 2 cards that cost 10!) and Number One! (Play 8 1-cost minions.) Some quest requirements were changed so that they are now easier to complete. In addition, daily quests are now split into two buckets: Easy (50g) and Slightly More Difficult (60g). Rerolling a Slightly More Difficult (60g) quest will now always give an Easy (50g) quest. Lastly, quest lines for new Hearthstone players have been updated to create a better experience with significantly more rewards.

On March 26, 2020 with Patch, Easy (50g) and Slightly More Difficult (60g) daily quests were changed such that they were now offered at the same rate as each other every day. This 50/50 split in offering chance between Easy and Slightly More Difficult quests only applies to the roll of a player's initial daily quest each day and to Easy quest re-rolls.[9] Additionally, class triplet quests involving the Demon Hunter class were added, and the 60g Full Northshire daily quest was deprecated.

NB: The below list has been updated as of March 2020.[10]

Name Requirements Reward
2 Victories! Win 2 games with any class. 50 gold
Destroy them All Destroy 25 minions. 50 gold
Spell Master Play 25 spells. 50 gold
Beat Down Deal 65 damage to enemy heroes.** 50 gold
Draw! Draw 30 cards. 50 gold
Are We There Yeti? Take 20 turns. 50 gold
Inspiring Use your Hero Power 20 times. 50 gold
Trifecta Play 3 games as any class. 50 gold
Empty Handed Play 30 cards. 50 gold
Summoning Circle Play 25 minions. 50 gold
Class A, Class B or Class C Play 3 games with Class A, Class B or Class C. 60 gold
... repeats C(10,3) or 120 times ...
Class G, Class H or Class I Play 3 games with Class G, Class H or Class I. 60 gold
Mrgrgrglrr Play 20 Murlocs. 60 gold
You Shall Not Pass! Play 10 Taunt minions.*** 60 gold
Death to the Living! Play 10 Deathrattle minions.*** 60 gold
I Can't Even... Play 10 odd-cost cards. 60 gold
The Odds Are Against Us Play 10 even-cost cards. 60 gold
For Azeroth! Play 20 Battlecry minions. 60 gold
Stable Master Play 12 Beasts. 60 gold
Off the Scales Play 12 Dragons. 60 gold
Weaponmaster Play 6 Weapons. 60 gold
Everybody! Get in here! Win 3 Tavern Brawls. 60 gold
Number One! Play 8 1-cost minions.* 60 gold
The Meek Shall Inherit Play 25 cards that cost 3 or less.* 60 gold
Only the Mighty Play 6 cards that cost 7 or more.* 60 gold
High Roller Play 2 cards that cost 10!* 60 gold
Big Boss Battle Play 2 games of Battlegrounds. 60 gold
Play a Friend! Play a friend, you both earn a reward!**** 80 gold
Total Dominance Win 5 games in any mode. 100 gold
Cry Havoc Play 50 Battlecry minions. 100 gold
It's the Little Things Play 50 cards that costs 3 or less. 100 gold
Watch and Learn! Watch a friend win in spectator mode.***** Classic card pack

* Only counts the base cost of the card, not how much mana you played it for.

** Not all damage seems to be counted for this quest. For example, damage caused to a hero that is later replaced by another hero is not counted, and damage caused by fatigue or  Life Tap is not counted.[11]

*** Quests that require you to play cards with specific abilities only count cards played from the hand, and do not count abilities that are granted by effects or other cards.[12][13] Cards summoned, put into play or equipped by other effects likewise also do not count.[14] For example, You Shall Not Pass! counts only minions with Taunt that are played from the hand, and not minions with Taunt that is granted from Battlecries such as  Twilight Guardian, or from other cards such as  Sunfury Protector or  Ancestral Healing. Another example would be Mrgrgrglrr, which does not count murlocs summoned via battlecries or spells.

**** Play a Friend! can only be completed if the player with the quest issued the challenge.[15] Similar to the Friendly Feud event, conceding requires the conceding player to have 15 HP or below, or both players have passed 10 turns or more; otherwise, the rewards will not be granted. There is also a limit to how many times any one account can earn rewards from the quest each day, intended to prevent complex gold-earning arrangements.[16] Based on player reports, the daily limit seems to be 5.[17][18] According to player observations, the limit seems to reset, at most, 24 hours after the first of 5 Play a Friend! quests is completed.[19][20] The earliest day that this quest can re-appear in the quest log is at most 5 days.[21]

***** Watch and Learn! can be completed by watching a player win in spectator mode, in any game mode, including Solo Adventures and Friendly Challenge.[22]

No longer available[edit | edit source]

{{Collapsible|Daily quests before November 2019 | The following daily quests were used right before Patch

Name Requirements Reward
2 Victories! Win 2 games with any class. 50 gold
Druid or Hunter Victory Win 1 game with Druid or Hunter. 50 gold
Druid or Rogue Victory Win 1 game with Druid or Rogue. 50 gold
Hunter or Mage Victory Win 1 game with Hunter or Mage. 50 gold
Mage or Shaman Victory Win 1 game with Mage or Shaman. 50 gold
Paladin or Priest Victory Win 1 game with Paladin or Priest. 50 gold
Paladin or Warrior Victory Win 1 game with Paladin or Warrior. 50 gold
Priest or Warlock Victory Win 1 game with Priest or Warlock. 50 gold
Rogue or Warrior Victory Win 1 game with Rogue or Warrior. 50 gold
Shaman or Warlock Victory Win 1 game with Shaman or Warlock. 50 gold
Emerald Dream Play 20 Druid cards. 50 gold
Welcome to the Jungle Play 20 Hunter cards. 50 gold
Arcane Brilliance Play 20 Mage cards. 50 gold
Righteousness Play 20 Paladin cards. 50 gold
Shadow and Light Play 20 Priest cards. 50 gold
They Came From Behind Play 20 Rogue cards. 50 gold
The Maelstrom Play 20 Shaman cards. 50 gold
Dark Soul Play 20 Warlock cards. 50 gold
Tactician Play 20 Warrior cards. 50 gold
The Meek Shall Inherit Play 20 minions that cost 2 or less. 50 gold
Only the Mighty Play 12 minions that cost 5 or more. 50 gold
Destroy them All Destroy 25 minions. 50 gold
Spell Master Play 25 spells. 50 gold
Beat Down Deal 65 damage to enemy heroes. 50 gold
[class] Victory Win 2 games with [class]. 50 gold
Overpowered Play 6 cards that cost 8 or more. 50 gold
Stable Master Play 12 Beasts. 50 gold
Beyond the Dark Portal Play 10 Demons. 50 gold
Mrgrgrglrr Play 20 Murlocs. 50 gold
Swashbuckler Play 6 Pirates. 50 gold
For Azeroth! Play 20 Battlecry minions. 50 gold
Draw! Draw 20 cards. 50 gold
Are We There Yeti? Take 20 turns. 50 gold
Death to the Living! Play 12 Deathrattle minions. 50 gold
Tiny Bubbles Make Me Happy Play 6 Divine Shield minions. 50 gold
You Shall Not Pass! Play 12 Taunt minions. 50 gold
Elemental Overload Play 10 Overload cards. 50 gold
Combo Meal Play 6 Combo cards. 50 gold
It's a Secret to Everyone Play 6 Secrets. 50 gold
Weaponmaster Play 6 Weapons. 50 gold
Inspiring Use your Hero Power 20 times. 50 gold
Elementary My Dear Play 6 Elementals. 50 gold
Druid or Hunter Dominance Win 3 games with Druid or Hunter. 60 gold
Druid or Rogue Dominance Win 3 games with Druid or Rogue. 60 gold
Hunter or Mage Dominance Win 3 games with Hunter or Mage. 60 gold
Mage or Shaman Dominance Win 3 games with Mage or Shaman. 60 gold
Paladin or Priest Dominance Win 3 games with Paladin or Priest. 60 gold
Paladin or Warrior Dominance Win 3 games with Paladin or Warrior. 60 gold
Priest or Warlock Dominance Win 3 games with Priest or Warlock. 60 gold
Rogue or Warrior Dominance Win 3 games with Rogue or Warrior. 60 gold
Shaman or Warlock Dominance Win 3 games with Shaman or Warlock. 60 gold
I Can't Even... Play 40 odd-cost cards. 60 gold
The Odds Are Against Us Play 40 even-cost cards. 60 gold
Spells are Fun! Cast 40 spells. 60 gold
Full Northshire Draw 30 cards 60 gold
Time Warp Again Take 30 turns. 60 gold
Everybody! Get in here! Win 3 Tavern Brawls. 60 gold
Play a Friend! Play a friend, you both earn a reward! 80 gold
Total Dominance Win 5 games in any mode. 100 gold
Cry Havoc Play 50 Battlecry minions. 100 gold
Murlocalypse Play 50 Murlocs. 100 gold
Watch and Learn! Watch a friend win in spectator mode. Classic card pack
Spelunker Defeat 3 Dungeon Run Bosses.* Classic card pack
Catch a Big One! Defeat 3 Monster Hunt Bosses.* Classic card pack
Rise to Glory! Defeat 3 Rumble Run Bosses.* Classic card pack
Crimewave Defeat 3 Great Heist Bosses.* Classic card pack
Plague Busting Defeat 3 Tombs of Terror Bosses.* Classic card pack

* Only one quest based on solo contents seem to be available at any given time. When a new one is added, the oldest one is rotated out. Spelunker was replaced by Rise to Glory! in February 2019, and Catch a Big One! was replaced by Crimewave in May 2019.[23]

Class combinations

There used to be two-class Victory and Dominance daily quests that randomly select one of a number of pre-determined class pairings. Other class combinations are not offered. The list of possible combinations is the same for both Victory and Dominance quests.

Possible combinations are listed below. Note that each class may be paired with one of two other classes. For example, a hunter may be paired with either a druid or a mage, while a druid may be paired with either a hunter or a rogue. For speculation about the system of pairings, see the Trivia section.

Quest title
Druid or Hunter
Druid or Rogue
Hunter or Mage
Mage or Shaman
Paladin or Priest
Paladin or Warrior
Priest or Warlock
Rogue or Warrior
Shaman or Warlock

An alternate way to present the pairings is that they include every 2 adjacent classes on this list: Druid, Hunter, Mage, Shaman, Warlock, Priest, Paladin, Warrior, Rogue, Druid.

Promotional[edit | edit source]

New promotional daily quests replaced the usual daily quests during certain Hearthstone events.

Taverns of Time[edit | edit source]

Main article: The Taverns of Time

During the Taverns of Time event in 2018 from June 11 - July 2, new daily quests replaced the usual daily quests, rewarding both gold and dust per quest completed.[24]

Name Requirements Reward
Timewalk This Way Take 15 turns. 60 gold & 60 dust
The Alpha Play 5 minions that cost 1. 60 gold & 60 dust
Card-boiled Draw 15 cards. 60 gold & 60 dust
Spell of a Time Play 20 spells. 60 gold & 60 dust
Off the Scales Play 3 Dragons. 80 gold & 80 dust
Aeon and Off Take 25 turns. 100 gold & 100 dust
Card Mode Draw 25 cards. 100 gold & 100 dust
Time Will Spell Play 35 spells. 100 gold & 100 dust

Lunar New Year[edit | edit source]

During the Lunar New Year event in 2019 from February 5 to 14, new daily quests replaced the usual daily quests, rewarding both gold and dust per quest completed.[25] The list of quests was the same as during the Taverns of Time event in 2018.

Strategy[edit | edit source]

NB: Some of the following information might be outdated.

With the choice of when and how to complete quests, and the option to replace quests by abandoning them, players have a small amount of management power over their quests. This allows them to work within the one-per-day limit on new quests to maximize their gold earnings, depending on their playing style and goals.

Maximizing gold per day[edit | edit source]

Due to the limit on new daily quests, the maximum possible rate of daily quest completion over the long term is also 1 per day. Therefore, players wishing to build up as much gold as possible over time should make that 1 quest as valuable as possible, by choosing only the most rewarding quest to finish each day. This allows the possibility of replacing the lesser quests with more valuable ones later on. However, the foremost rule for these players is to never leave a full slate of 3 quests incomplete at the end of the day - even if none are high-value, it is far more productive to complete one of them than to waste the daily quest replenishment.

It should be noted that 50 gold quests far out number more valuable quests meaning any replacement will also likely be 50 gold so players with this objective will have to weigh the current quest plus the possibility of completing the win three games with a class for 10 gold quest against the (remote) possibility of getting a 60 gold or higher quest as a replacement. Since quests worth 60 or more gold are rare, it is generally not worth replacing them.

It may be tempting for players to finish all available quests every day. However, from the second day onward, that still only amounts to 1 quest per day; it does not increase the long-term number of quests available. Furthermore, some special events (such as the Midsummer Fire Festival and The Taverns of Time) give bonuses to quests completed during them even if those quests were obtained before the event.

One of the long term strategies is to keep two quests ready for the event and then complete as many quests during the event as possible. It should be noted that only quests completed during the event get the bonuses; so having quests left over at the end of the event actually "loses" you gold.

For example, take the aforementioned Midsummer Fire Festival event where the gold rewards are doubled. Each (normally) 50 gold quest is now worth 100 gold but at the end of the event they will be 50 gold again; so leaving one uncompleted quest results in 50 gold being "lost"!

Maximizing gold per game played[edit | edit source]

Efficient questing as a priest

Players with limited time to devote to Hearthstone may want to earn as much gold as possible within a short amount of games. This is also applicable to players who primarily play the Arena, since each game in that format costs gold, which must be weighed against any rewards gained. The basic rule of thumb in this case is to try to "align" quests so that as many as possible are advanced by each game, resulting in a low cost/reward ratio. It is also critical to abandon as few quests as possible that are partially completed, since doing so "throws away" part of the cost (in play time or gold) of the games that were used to progress it.

Since players are always (presumably) trying to win, "gold per games played" and "gold per time spent playing" is directly related to gold per win, which is easily calculated for the "class quests". However, there are some quests that do not require wins at all, and are instead completed in the regular course of play. Such quests become more valuable the more often a player loses, since those quests will progress while the win-based quests stand still; they become weaker for players (or Arena decks) with high win rates, who may rack up a number of wins before hitting the limits of those other quests. For instance, a player with "Warlock or Shaman Victory" and "Destroy Them All" may end up only killing 14 minions in the course of winning two games, finishing the first one while leaving the latter quest less than half complete in comparison. Players should also weigh the requirements of these quests against the actual contents of their decks; a deck with only 4 spells is likely to take many, many games to complete Spell Master, and is better off looking for a more relevant quest.

If focusing on the Arena, players should of course try to get quests that correspond to the current arena class. If a player believes a new Arena run is imminent, it may be best to save the daily re-roll until after the new arena class options are revealed, allowing the player to pick which quest to abandon based on matching with the arena class.

Unlike the "maximum gold per day" mindset, this paradigm does not require that a quest be completed an average of once per day. Technically, playing no games in 5 days to reroll quests until they can all be advanced by a single game (for example, getting three priest quests) provides more gold per game than simply finishing some (for instance, finishing one priest quest and advancing another, even though the third is for other classes). However, it should be kept in mind that there are only two chances per day to obtain quests that DO align with existing quests, and choosing to leave all quest slots full at the end of the day removes one of those chances by preventing the next day's daily from being granted. It is up to individual players to decide where to make the tradeoff between the most efficient possible quest selections, and actually playing games frequently enough for their taste. A reasonable intermediate approach might be to try for perfect alignment, but to still complete one quest a day as long as it matches at least one other quest.

Similarly, it is up to Arena players to decide how much they are willing to play constructed decks in order to hunt for better quests. A quest that is 4/5 complete but needs a win with a class that was not part of a player's Arena draw may be a good reason to just play one Play Mode game of the required class, freeing up a slot for a more relevant quest to appear. Players likely want to avoid being so extreme as to become "stuck" with 3 quests in progress from previous arena runs, and no arena class choices corresponding to those quests. In this case, it is of course necessary to either sacrifice some of the work already done on one of those quests, or complete it by playing in Play mode, to free up space to find a match for the Arena.

Class choice[edit | edit source]

While the above strategies describe optimal methods of acquiring gold, a practical limitation for most players lies in which classes they are required to play. While determined gold farmers may be willing to play any class in order to gain the optimal reward, for most players personal enjoyment is also an important factor, and this is often strongly affected by class.

Completing a quest

Skill with specific classes can significantly affect gold per game played. Achieving a few wins using a class with which the player is relatively accomplished may be an easily and swiftly completed task, while the same objective using a class which they have never played, and for which they have few good cards, may take a very long time to achieve. It should also be noted that matchmaking does not take into account the player's familiarity with their chosen deck; if a player who is highly ranked with mage takes up rogue for the first time in order to complete a related quest, their opponents will still match the player's usual level of performance, which may make it difficult for them to achieve a win with their beginner's rogue deck. This provides another reason to re-roll class quests in exchange for more suitable substitutes.

To a lesser extent, class preference can also affect non-class specific quests. For example, a player favouring aggro decks featuring only low-cost minions may not wish to switch decks in order to complete "Only the Mighty". However, the lack of win requirements makes these quests far more reliable to complete, even if the player does not win the matches.

For most, personal preference is a prime reason to re-roll quests, both in order to avoid certain classes, and in hopes of finding others. If the player is currently focusing on a small selection of classes, this can also serve to increase overall efficiency, by allowing them to gain gold while still focusing on refining their play with their preferred decks. With luck, the player can complete quests without deviating from their preferred style of play, removing all effort from the process.

Non-gold quest rewards[edit | edit source]

Currently the only non-gold daily quest reward is the Classic card pack from the "Watch and Learn!" quest.

The value of a Classic card pack is worth 100 gold if the player plans on buying Classic packs in the future, or it can be worth about 100 dust, if the player has a saturated collection of Classic cards. For more information, see: Card pack statistics.

The basic rule is, if the player plans to buy a Classic pack at any point in the future, the quest will save them from paying for it, and is therefore worth the pack's full cost, 100 gold. However, if the player mainly plays Hearthstone for Arena runs, then the best choice is to skip non-gold quests and replace them with quests that reward gold.

Whether to complete a non-gold quest also depends on the value remaining in card set(s) that the player still wishes to buy packs from. If a player desires many cards from a card set, then completing quests rewarding gold is the best choice, in order to buy packs from that set. If a player desires only a select few cards from a card set, then completing quests that reward dust is the best choice, in order to craft the remaining desired cards from that particular card set.

Multiple accounts[edit | edit source]

If a player plays on multiple accounts and/or on multiple regions, they are able to receive more than one new quest per day. However, each "account and region" combination acts as a separate account and receives its own allotment of quests, gold, dust, and cards, meaning that these resources cannot be shared between accounts. Thus, the increased rate of questing seen by playing on multiple accounts is not useful for building up a single collection.

However, playing on multiple accounts is useful for funding runs in the Arena, since multiple sets of quests can be worked on independently of each other. Multiple Arena runs can be simultaneously in progress on different accounts, with each Arena run benefiting the completion of that particular account's set of quests — an increase in rate of play. Also, given a set of quests for multiple accounts, if a player wants to wait for the next day's re-roll for an account, they can do so and play on a different account instead — an increase in questing efficiency.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Speculation[edit | edit source]

The exact pattern of class pairings for Victory and Dominance daily quests may be based on mathematics, or the lore behind each class. Probably the best example is the paladin, commonly considered a combination of the priest and warrior classes, which can only be paired with the priest or warrior.

This explanation does not seem to fit the pairings precisely. However, it would be reasonable to speculate that the designers used lore for as many of pairings as possible, but due to the mathematical constraints of the system (each class being matched with precisely two others) were forced to make the remaining pairings fairly randomly.

The below table lists specific and unique or nearly unique connections between the paired classes. Weak connections are marked with a *. More general connections common to more than three classes are not listed.

Pairing Connection between classes
Druid & Hunter Wilderness adventurers comfortable with animals
Hunter & Mage Ranged combatants known for firing projectiles to deal direct damage *
Mage & Shaman The primary wielders of elemental magic
Shaman & Warlock Employers of power from extraplanar creatures; many warlocks are former shamans *
Warlock & Priest The only practitioners of Shadow magic
Priest & Paladin Devoted servants of the Holy Light
Paladin & Warrior Plate-wearing, heavily armed fighters at the forefront of battle
Warrior & Rogue Non-magical melee combatants employing bloody attacks
Rogue & Druid Stealthy classes well versed in agile melee combat (as shapeshifted cats, in the case of druids)

References[edit | edit source]

There are many quests with references in their titles:

  • You Shall Not Pass! is a famous quote said by Gandalf the Grey, a character in J. R. R. Tolkien's books. It is also the summoning quote of  Shieldbearer.
  • It's a Secret to Everyone is a reference to the Moblins, a common enemy in the The Legend of Zelda game series: whenever a player finds their cave the moblins say the phrase and bribe the player with rupees to keep the location secret.
  • Everybody! Get in here! is a reference to  Grim Patron's quote when his triggered effect is activated.
  • Beyond the Dark Portal is a reference to the Warcraft II expansion of the same name.
  • They Came From Behind is likely a reference to a quote spoken in Star Wars, and which is also referenced by the Flying Machine unit in Warcraft III as well as the  Flying Machine minion in Goblins vs Gnomes.
  • The Meek Shall Inherit is a reference to Matthew 5:5, the fifth verse of the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament of the Bible, which reads: "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth."
  • Elementary My Dear is a reference to the quote "Elementary, my dear Watson" that is falsely attributed to the fictional private investigator Sherlock Holmes.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Quest progress is shown following the completion of a qualifying match
A typical selection of daily quests
The Quest Log prior to Patch
The Beta Hero! quest, completed by making a real money purchase during the game's beta

Patch changes[edit | edit source]

  • Madness at the Darkmoon Faire logo.pngPatch (2020-11-12): Replaced by a complete new system.
  • Ashes of Outland logo.pngPatch (2020-03-26):
    • Initial daily quest offerings and Easy (50g) quest re-rolls now have a 50/50 chance of giving 50g Easy quests and 60g Slightly More Difficult quests.[26]
    • Class triplet daily quests now include the Demon Hunter class.
    • The daily quest "Full Northshire" (60g) "Draw 30 cards" is deprecated and no longer available.
    • (Undocumented) Rerolling a Slightly More Difficult (60g) quest now always give an Easy (50g) quest.
  • Saviors of Uldum logo.png Patch (2019-11-05):
    • Less popular daily quests have been cut, such as the ones requiring playing Divine Shield Minions, Overload Cards, Secrets, 50 Murlocs, etc.
    • Some quest requirements were changed so that they are now easier to complete.
    • Daily quests have been split into two buckets: Easy (50g) and Slightly More Difficult (60g). Rerolling a Slightly More Difficult (60g) quest will now always give an Easy (50g) quest.
      • In reality, re-rolling 60g quests still had a chance to give any other quest, not just 50g quest, until Patch
    • Some new daily quests have been added, such as High Roller (Play 2 cards that cost 10!) and Number One! (Play 8 1-cost minions.)
    • Quest lines for new Hearthstone players have been updated to create a better experience with significantly more rewards.
  • The Boomsday Project logo.png Patch (2018-10-02): 5 new daily quests were added: "Spells are Fun!" "Draw!" "Full Northshire" "Are We There Yeti?" "Time Warp Again"
  • The Witchwood logo.png Patch (2018-04-10): All quests that previously awarded 40 gold will now award 50 gold. Most Daily Quests are now easier to complete.
  • Kobolds and Catacombs logo.png Patch (2017-12-06): - New daily quest: "Spelunker" added.
  • Journey to Un'Goro logo.png Patch (2017-06-01) New daily quest: "Elementary My Dear" added.
  • Mean Streets of Gadgetzan logo.png Patch (2016-11-29): Six new promotional quests have been added: Welcome to Gadgetzan, Join the Goons, A Job for Ya', Join the Jade Lotus, Wise Beyond Your Years, Join the Kabal.
  • One Night in Karazhan logo full2.png Patch (2016-10-20):
    • A large number of new daily quests added, including the first minion type, ability and class card-related quests:
      • 100 Gold: Murlocalypse, Cry Havoc
      • 60 Gold: Druid Mastery, Hunter Mastery, Mage Mastery, Paladin Mastery, Priest Mastery, Rogue Mastery, Shaman Mastery, Warlock Mastery, Warrior Mastery
      • 50 Gold: Overpowered, Stable Master, Beyond the Dark Portal, Mrgrgrglrr, Swashbuckler, For Azeroth!, Death to the Living!, Tiny Bubbles Make Me Happy, Rampage, You Shall Not Pass!, Elemental Overload, Combo Meal, It's a Secret to Everyone, Weaponmaster, Inspiring
      • 40 Gold: Emerald Dream, Welcome to the Jungle, Arcane Brilliance, Righteousness, Shadow and Light, They Came From Behind. The Maelstrom, Dark Soul, Tactician
    • Several hidden quests have also been added:
      • Return of the Hero, Ready for Action, Back in the Game!, Hail, Champion! [1 pack], Hail, Champion! [2 packs], Hail, Champion! [3 packs], Hail, Champion! [4 packs], Hail, Champion! [5 packs], Hail, Champion! [6 packs]
    • "Win 5 Tavern Brawls" quest will no longer be given during days that Tavern Brawls are not active.
    • Resolved an issue where players that didn't cycle quests after a certain period of time then cleared all quests at once could acquire multiple quests in a single day.
  • Whispers of the Old Gods logo.png Patch (2016-07-12): "Play a Friend!", "Morgl the Oracle!", "New Recruit!", "Recruits!", "Recruits!", "Recruits!", and "Recruits!" added.
  • Whispers of the Old Gods logo.png Patch (2016-04-24):
    • The "Mrglglglgl!", "Golden Mrglglglgl!", "Arrrrrr!!!" and "Golden Arrrrrr!!!" quests have been removed. The awarded  Old Murk-Eye and  Captain's Parrot minions are now craftable instead.
    • New quests: "The Old Gods Have Arrived!", "5 Old Gods Packs!" and "5 More Old Gods Packs!" added.
  • The Grand Tournament logo.png Patch (2015-08-18):
    • New daily quests: "Everybody! Get in here!", "Druid Victory", "Hunter Victory", "Mage Victory", "Paladin Victory", "Priest Victory", "Rogue Victory", "Shaman Victory", "Warlock Victory" and "Warrior Victory" added.
    • Tavern Brawl victories now count towards earning the Heroes of the Storm mount reward.
    • The Quest Log has been adjusted to make room for the Ranked Chest display.
  • Blackrock Mountain logo.png Patch (2015-06-15): If the player has no quests available when they log in, the message "You've completed all of your daily quests." will be displayed. Previously the quest display step would simply be skipped.
  • Blackrock Mountain logo.png Patch (2015-05-14): "Easy Rider" and "Hero of the Storm" quests added.
  • Blackrock Mountain logo.png Patch (2015-04-14): "Win 5 Practice Games" quest added.
  • Blackrock Mountain logo.png Patch (2015-03-31): The "Watch and Learn!", "iPhone" and "Android Phone" quests have been added.
  • Curse of Naxxramas logo.png Patch (2014-07-22):
    • Curse of Naxxramas quests added.
    • Swapping a quest for a new one now produces a suitable visual effect.
  • Hearthstone logo.png Patch (2014-04-10): Completing a quest when there are three quests in the quest log will no longer immediately grant a new quest. Undocumented: New quests: iPack and IGR Login Reward (NNF) (However, these may have been added with an earlier patch).
  • Hearthstone logo.png Patch (Open beta, 2014-03-11): New quests have been added: all "Golden [hero]" quests, "Greater Reaper of Packs", "Mount Up!", "You are Legend", "Fireside Friends" and "Reaper of Packs".
  • Hearthstone logo.png Patch (Closed beta, 2013-12-10): You are now able to abandon one quest per day. When you abandon a quest, you’ll receive a new, random quest in its place.
  • Hearthstone logo.png Patch (Closed beta, 2013-10-02): Quests that required you to win with a class now give you a choice between 2 classes.
  • Hearthstone logo.png Patch (Alpha, 2013-08-12): Several quests have been added:
    • 3 Victories! - Win 3 games with any class.
    • Ready to Go! - Unlock every Hero.
    • Crushed Them All! - Defeat every Expert AI Hero.
    • Got the Basics! - Collect every card in the Basic Set.
    • One of Everything! - Collect every card in the Classic Set.
    • Beta Hero! - Thank you for helping to test our Store!
  • Hearthstone logo.png Patch (Alpha, 2013-06-22): Quest system introduced, featuring 35 quests.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Blizzard Entertainment (May 16, 2017). New Features Coming to Hearthstone!. Retrieved on 2018-06-20.
  2. Zeriyah on Twitter (X). (2015-02-05). 
  4. User:Taohinton 2016-12-06 - Entered the Open Packs screen prior to 11pm, then returned to the main menu screen after 11pm, and was immediately awarded a new quest and reminded of my quests.
  5. Experienced repeatedly by User:Taohinton in February and March 2016. No new quest revealed on log in (quest log shows empty); completed a match and the new quest is revealed (with the full 'new quest' splash), including progress made on it from that match. Not sure if the quest is revealed due to match completion or progress being made on it.
  7. Experienced by User:Taohinton, 2015-05-20; reproduced on other dates since. After not playing for several days, completed all 3 quests; at reset time gained 3 new ones. Previously tested this and did not work; however on at least 2 other occasions has awarded 2 quests at once, following having had a full quest log at quest reset the previous night.
  8. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2017-04-09). 
  9. Chadd Nervig on reddit. (March 30, 2020). Retrieved on 2020-04-01.
  10. Give Me A Quest! Hearthstone Dailies Have Gotten Easier. (November 6, 2019). Retrieved on 2019-11-17.
  12. Yong Woo on Twitter (X). (2016-10-23). 
  13. Yong Woo on Twitter (X). (2016-12-16). 
  14. Yong Woo on Twitter (X). (2016-10-23). 
  15. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2016-08-08). 
  16. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2016-07-28). 
  19. Observed by User:Aegonostic and a fellow collaborator in September 2016. Further verification by other players is desired.
  20. User:Aegonostic observed that a sixth Play a Friend!, within 23 hours of the first, rewarded 80 gold, on October 12, 2016.
  21. Observed by User:Aegonostic
  22. Zeriyah on Twitter (X). (2015-04-27). 
  23. New Daily Quest: Crimewave (reddit)
  24. Fluxflashor (2018-06-11). The Taverns of Time is Here! New Arena Cards, Free Arena Ticket, New Daily Quests
  25. Daxxarri (2019-01-29). Celebrate Lunar New Year 2019
  26. Chadd Nervig on reddit. (March 30, 2020). Retrieved on 2020-04-05.