Paradise Recipe!

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This content is only for Tavern Brawl.
The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
It is a part of limited content and does not appear in any other game modes.
The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
Paradise Recipe!.jpg
"There're perils in paradise! Choose a class and enjoy the latest deck recipes!"

Paradise Recipe! is a Tavern Brawl. It debuted on July 24, 2024.

History[edit | edit source]

Tavern Brawl Start End
475 July 24, 2024 July 31, 2024

Overview[edit | edit source]

This Brawl sees players competing with pre-made decks, matching Perils in Paradise-themed Deck Recipes. Before each game the player chooses a class, which also determines their deck.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Games are played in Wild format despite the decks using only Standard format cards, meaning Wild cards can be generated.
  • Unlike the Deck Recipes suggested when creating a deck, Demon Hunter and Hunter decklists used in this Tavern Brawl do not contain  Zilliax Deluxe 3000, using another card instead.

Deck Recipes[edit | edit source]

The pre-made decks used in the Brawl match the Deck Recipes added with Perils in Paradise, as suggested to players when creating new decks.

  • Death Knight: BabyBear's Deathrattle Death Knight
    • "This deck was built by BabyBear - a top-ranked Legend player, Masters Tour competitor, full-time Hearthstone streamer, and wife of Jambre. They met through Hearthstone!"
    • Deck code: AAECAfHhBAaP5AX8+QXt/wX/lwa9sQbIyQYM9eMEkOQElJUGkqAGubEGz7wGgcAGx8kG/8kGkMsGlM8G0+UGAAA=
  • Demon Hunter: BabyBear's Pirate Demon Hunter
    • "This deck was built by BabyBear - a top-ranked Legend player, Masters Tour competitor, full-time Hearthstone streamer, and wife of Jambre. They met through Hearthstone!"
    • Deck code: AAECAYfHBASongb8wAa6wQa6zgYNr6AE5OQFsvUFhY4G7p4G/KgG17gG1sAG2MAG9sAGrcUGl8oGy8oGAAA=
  • Druid: Rarran's Taunt Druid
    • "This deck was built by Rarran - a regular Legend player and one of Hearthstone's biggest content creators."
    • Deck code: AAECAaGUBASf8wXKuAbuuAb55QYNrp8E2/oF/Y0G2JwGmqAG76kGw7oG0roG1boGo7sGpLsG0MoG88oGAAA=
  • Hunter: Rarran's Big Beast Hunter
    • "This deck was built by Rarran - a regular Legend player and one of Hearthstone's biggest content creators."
    • Deck code: AAECAR8IiNEFj+QF9qMG/qUGib8Gjb8GjsEG2sEGC6mfBKjRBd/tBdL4BcuOBvGlBvKlBvqlBo6/Bpa/BvnJBgAA
  • Mage: LanguageHacker's Spell School Mage
    • "This deck was built by Languagehacker - a Hearthstone Grandmaster, rank 1 Legend player, competitive tournament winner, and husband of TheHousewife. They met through Hearthstone!"
    • Deck code: AAECAf/tBATr9AXY/gWzngazxQYN7PYFv/4FpP8Fg5UG8psGkJ4Gsp4Ggb8Ghb8Gwb8Gyr8Gzr8GhuYGAAA=
  • Paladin: TheHouseWife's Tempo Tourist Paladin
    • "This deck was built by TheHousewife, a regular Legend player in Standard, Wild, and Twist. She's also married to Languagehacker - they met through Hearthstone!"
    • Deck code: AAECAdTBBASN/gXSuQbDvwaX1wYNvI8GkqAGwbYG1LgGwb8Gyr8Gzr8G7ckG78kG8skG88kGztUGjNYGAAA=
  • Priest: Jambre's Control Priest
    • "This deck was built by Jambre - a Hearthstone Grandmaster, rank 1 Legend player, competitive tournament winner, and husband of BabyBear. They met through Hearthstone!"
    • Deck code: AAECAfewBgTPxgXP9gXYgQbZwQYNougDrYoEhJ8Eu8QFu8cF7fcF+/gFyP8FmKAGwrYGgLgG5MEGzNUGAAA=
  • Rogue: Languagehacker's Thief Rogue
    • "This deck was built by Languagehacker - a Hearthstone Grandmaster, rank 1 Legend player, competitive tournament winner, and husband of TheHousewife. They met through Hearthstone!"
    • Deck code: AAECAZLWBASOlgaKqAbvyQaX1wYN9p8E958E7qAE6PoFkIMGzpQGjZYGracGucEG7ckG8skG88kGjNYGAAA=
  • Shaman: Jambre's Spell School Shaman
    • "This deck was built by Jambre - a Hearthstone Grandmaster, rank 1 Legend player, competitive tournament winner, and husband of BabyBear. They met through Hearthstone!"
    • Deck code: AAECAaa0BgaN9QXUpQaBuAb8wAak0wal0wYMre0FnJ4GpKcGqKcGv74Gw74Gxr4GpMAG1sAG+MAGss4G0dAGAAA=
  • Warlock: TheHouseWife's Self Damage Warlock
    • "This deck was built by TheHousewife, a regular Legend player in Standard, Wild, and Twist. She's also married to Languagehacker - they met through Hearthstone!"
    • Deck code: AAECAZbHBASAngbHuAaoygaTywYNhKAEzvoF7v0FhJ4GnLMGnrgGw7gGlMoGlcoGpMoGpcoGp8oG8OYGAAA=
  • Warrior: Day9's Sanwich Warrior
    • "This deck was built by Day9 - a storied Blizzard gamer, regular Legend player, and popular strategy game streamer."
    • Deck code: AAECAbapBAKJvwb6yQYOjtQEkNQEuMUFhYIG7KkGw7oG1boGpLsGjb8Gjr8G2sEG+ckG0MoG88oGAAA=