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This content is only for Tavern Brawl.
The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
It is a part of limited content and does not appear in any other game modes.
The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
"Grab your weapon and head to the Rumbledome! When the felfire burns brightest, many will fight... and ONE will win."

Rumbledome! is a Tavern Brawl. It debuted on July 1, 2020.

History[edit | edit source]

Tavern Brawl Start End
264 July 1, 2020 July 8, 2020

Overview[edit | edit source]

This Tavern Brawl sees players taking on prebuilt decks as special heroes. Most heroes are dual-class.

At the start of the game, players Discover one of three special weapons, from a list of eight.

Special cards[edit | edit source]

Augmented Auto-Mace
Board with a Nail in It
Electrified Spear
Felfire Flamberge
Improvised Flamethrower
Scrapmetal Battleaxe
Snake on a Stick
Whizzing Buzzer

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Dual-class heroes will count as both classes for the purpose of Quests.

Classes[edit | edit source]

Hero Classes Hero Power Description
Aranna Starseeker
Icon Demon Hunter 64.pngIcon Hunter 64.png
Demon Claws
A natural leader always comes out on top!
Elise of the Wasteland
Icon Druid 64.pngIcon Priest 64.png
Has some serious questions about her sister's recent
Illidan Stormrage
Icon Demon Hunter 64.png
Demon Claws
The Lord of Outland is looking forward to a rematch!
Icon Demon Hunter 64.pngIcon Priest 64.png
Demon Claws
As a priest turned demon hunter, he's basically capable
of anything.
Icon Priest 64.pngIcon Warlock 64.png
Lesser Heal
Sought peace and quiet in Outland, but instead found
demon hunters. LOTS of demon hunters.
Icon Warlock 64.png
Life Tap
With rage and rust, he has been rebuilt!
Icon Demon Hunter 64.pngIcon Shaman 64.png
Demon Claws
Even in the middle of a desert, she'll ensure her foes
are all washed up.
Icon Demon Hunter 64.pngIcon Druid 64.png
Demon Claws
He's proof that in Zangarmarsh, the mushrooms
hunt YOU!

Decks[edit | edit source]

Aranna Starseeker
Aranna's deck
Class Card Quantity


 Consume Magic 1
 Twin Slice 2
 Blade Dance 1
 Chaos Strike 2
 Furious Felfin 2
 Immolation Aura 1
 Netherwalker 2
 Spectral Sight 1
 Aldrachi Warblades 2
 Coordinated Strike 1
 Altruis the Outcast 1
 Ashtongue Battlelord 2
 Illidari Felblade 2
 Kayn Sunfury 1
 Glaivebound Adept 2
 Imprisoned Antaen 2
 Skull of Gul'dan 2
 Priestess of Fury 1
Hunter  Imprisoned Felmaw 2
Elise of the Wasteland
Elise's deck
Class Card Quantity
Boss Elise's Machete (Tombs of Terror) 1
Druid  Treenforcements 2
 Dreamway Guardians 2
 Ironbark 2
 Shrubadier 2
 Branching Paths 1
 Swipe 2
 Emerald Explorer 2
 Nourish 1
Priest  Renew 2
 Radiant Elemental 2
 Sethekk Veilweaver 2
 Apotheosis 2
 Dragonmaw Overseer 2
 Holy Nova 2
 Mass Dispel 1
 Skeletal Dragon 2
Illidan Stormrage
Illidan's deck
Class Card Quantity


 Mana Burn 2
 Twin Slice 2
 Chaos Strike 2
 Furious Felfin 2
 Netherwalker 2
 Spectral Sight 1
 Coordinated Strike 1
 Eye Beam 2
 Wrathscale Naga 1
 Ashtongue Battlelord 2
 Kayn Sunfury 1
 Command the Illidari 2
 Metamorphosis 1
 Warglaives of Azzinoth 1
 Imprisoned Antaen 2
 Skull of Gul'dan 1
 Priestess of Fury 2
 Inner Demon 2
Neutral  Kael'thas Sunstrider 1
Karnuk's deck
Class Card Quantity


 Consume Magic 2
 Command the Illidari 2
 Imprisoned Antaen 2
Priest  Holy Smite 2
 Imprisoned Homunculus 2
 Reliquary of Souls 1
 Spirit Lash 2
 Dragonmaw Overseer 2
 Kabal Talonpriest 2
 Shadow Madness 2
 High Priest Amet 1
 Convincing Infiltrator 2
 Vol'jin 1
 Prophet Velen 1
 Obsidian Statue 2
Neutral  Overconfident Orc 2
 Mosh'Ogg Enforcer 2
Kriziki's deck
Class Card Quantity
Boss  Rusted Voidwalker 2
 Deteriorate 2
 Rusted Fungal Giant 2
Priest  Penance 2
 Sethekk Veilweaver 2
 Breath of the Infinite 2
 Kabal Talonpriest 2
 Vivid Nightmare 2
 Kabal Songstealer 2
 Psyche Split 2
Warlock  Duskbat 2
 Spreading Madness 2
 Diseased Vulture 2
Neutral  Dread Raven 2
 Bad Luck Albatross 1
 Scaled Nightmare 1
Mecha-Jaraxxus's deck
Class Card Quantity
Boss  Rusted Voidwalker 2
 Deteriorate 1
 Rusted Basilisk 1
 Rusted Legion Gan'arg 1
 Rusted Fungal Giant 2
 Rustsworn Champion 2
Mage  Astromancer Solarian 1
Paladin  Murgur Murgurgle 1
Priest  Reliquary of Souls 1
Warlock  Unstable Felbolt 1
 Felstalker 2
 Imprisoned Scrap Imp 2
 Hellfire 2
 Dread Infernal 2
 Felfire Potion 2
 Hand of Gul'dan 2
 Enhanced Dreadlord 2
Warrior  Kargath Bladefist 1
Neutral  Scrapyard Colossus 2
Shalja's deck
Class Card Quantity


 Shadowhoof Slayer 2
 Furious Felfin 1
 Sightless Watcher 2
 Aldrachi Warblades 2
 Wrathscale Naga 4
 Ashtongue Battlelord 2
 Coilfang Warlord 1
Shaman  Ancestral Knowledge 2
 Maelstrom Portal 1
 Bogstrok Clacker 2
 Marshspawn 2
 Serpentshrine Portal 2
 Torrent 1
 The Lurker Below 1
 Bogshaper 1
Neutral  Bilefin Tidehunter 2
 Terrorguard Escapee 2
Sklibb's deck
Class Card Quantity


 Spectral Sight 2
 Coordinated Strike 1
 Wrathscale Naga 2
Druid  Treenforcements 2
 Dreamway Guardians 2
 Fungal Fortunes 1
 Ironbark 1
 Wrath 1
 Archspore Msshi'fn 1
 Blessing of the Ancients 2
 Bogbeam 1
 Coordinated Strike 1
 Imprisoned Satyr 2
 Landscaping 1
 Savage Roar 1
 Overgrowth 1
 Soul of the Forest 1
 Living Mana 2
 Nourish 1
 Marsh Hydra 2
 The Forest's Aid 1
 Ysiel Windsinger 1

Strategy[edit | edit source]

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