Road to Northrend

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This content is only for Tavern Brawl.
The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
It is a part of limited content and does not appear in any other game modes.
The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
Road to Northrend.png
"For the final Conflict against E.V.I.L., Reno Jackson must conjure a portal to Northrend! Now if only he knew how..."

Road to Northrend is a Tavern Brawl. It debuted on January 15, 2020.

For exact times, see the schedule.

History[edit | edit source]

Tavern Brawl Start End
241 January 22, 2020 January 29, 2020

This brawl first debuted on January 15, 2020, but was removed due to technical difficulties and replaced with a reprisal of Pick a Hand, Any Hand.

Overview[edit | edit source]

This single-player Brawl sees players navigating through various portals as one of four playable heroes: Elise Starseeker, Sir Finley, Reno Jackson, and Brann Bronzebeard.

It is similar to the Dungeon Run mode.

Note: Because this is a Tavern Brawl, games played in this mode do count towards completing daily quests, even though the games are not played against other humans.

Rules[edit | edit source]

  • The objective of Road to Northrend is to defeat eight bosses of increasing difficulty to win the run.
  • The player begins with a collection of 9/10/11 cards depending of hero, consisting of different cards for each class.
  • The player starts on 20 Health, and gains additional Health per defeated boss, up to 40 Health for the fifth, and final boss.
  • After rounds 1 and 5, the player receives a Passive buff, selected from one of three random passive buffs from the pool of Passives.
  • These passives give a permanent effect to the player for the rest of the run. These are applied at the start of the match, meaning some buffs that affect cards will not affect cards added to your hand or deck later in the game.
  • After rounds 3 and 7, the player receives a Treasure card, selected from one of three random cards from the pool of Treasure cards. These are very powerful cards, and often have low mana costs.
  • After each round, the player is offered three bundles of three cards each. The player can only select one of these three bundles. This allows the player to increase their deck size in tandem with the boss' decks increasing in size.
  • Should a game end in a tie, the player will be given the chance to try the round again.
  • If player loses a game, he visits Aviator's Bob Tavern where can decide to end or continue run.
  • The player always goes first. The enemy also does not get  The Coin.

Starting cards[edit | edit source]

Upon starting a new Dungeon Run, a player is given a deck of 9/10/11 cards. These decks are always the same for that class. Each deck runs one copy of each of the cards in the below lists.

Brann Bronzebeard Elise Starseeker Reno Jackson Sir Finley
 Helpless Hatchling Academic Research (Tombs of Terror)  Magic Trick  Brazen Zealot
 Raptor Hatchling  Acornbearer Reno's Lucky Hat (Tombs of Terror)  Lost in the Jungle
 Crackling Razormaw  Worthy Expedition  Eviscerate  Murmy
Flo Slatebrand (Tombs of Terror)  Dreamway Guardians Lei Flamepaw (Tombs of Terror)  Hydrologist
 Grievous Bite  Keeper Stalladris Reno's Crafty Lasso (Tombs of Terror)  Primalfin Totem
 Slam  Power of the Wild  Sorcerer's Apprentice  Feral Spirit
 Desert Spear Starseeker's Tools (Tombs of Terror)  Arcane Intellect Maxwell, Mighty Steed (Tombs of Terror)
Ol' Faithful (Tombs of Terror)  Velen's Chosen  Blink Fox Truesilver Lance (Tombs of Terror)
 Vicious Fledgling  Archmage Vargoth  Headcrack  Murloc Knight
 Direhorn Hatchling  Fandral Staghelm Look What I Found!
 Sandhoof Waterbearer

Heroes[edit | edit source]

Hero Hero Power Notes
Reno Jackson Arcane Craftiness (Tombs of Terror): "Fire two missiles that deal 1 damage each. If any minion dies, repeat this." (2 Mana) After the first round, hero power is replaced with Practice: "Cast a random portal with random targets." (2 Mana)
Sir Finley Power Up! (Tombs of Terror): "Give a minion Divine Shield & Windfury. (2 Mana)
Elise Starseeker Druidic Teaching (Tombs of Terror): "Restore 2 Health, then draw a card if the target is at full health." (2 Mana)
Brann Bronzebeard Spread Shot (Tombs of Terror): "Deal 1 damage, then deal 1 damage to the enemy hero." (2 Mana)

Loot Cards[edit | edit source]

Passives and Treasures


Battle Totem
Book of Wonders
Captured Flag
Crystal Gem
Dr. Boom's Remote
Elixir of Vigor
Elixir of Vile
Elixir of Vim
First Aid Kit
Khadgar's Scrying Orb
Potion of Vitality
Robe of the Magi
Rocket Backpacks
Small Backpacks
Totem of the Dead


Mystical Mirage
Zephrys's Lamp
Aegis of Death
Case Study
Crusty the Crustacean
Ethereal Covenant
Tracking Device
Untold Splendor
Banana Split
Big Boomba
Kodo Hide Whip
Swampqueen's Call
Amakir the Light
Canopic Jars
Crawling Claw
Dagwik Stickytoe
Elder Taggawag
Grimmer Patron
THE... Candles?
Bauble of Beetles
Blade of the Burning Sun
Continuum Collider
Golden Candle
Orb of the Untold
Staff of Ammunae
The Muscle
Ancient Reflections
Phaoris' Blade
Runaway Gyrocopter
Staff of Scales
Stone Fox Statue
Super Simian Sphere
Elistra the Immortal
Murky's Battle Horn
Dreamgrove Ring
EVIL Propaganda
Book of the Dead

Bosses[edit | edit source]

Boss Encountered in Round Hero Power Notes
first last
Reno's Junkpile 1 Rummaged: "When damaged, draw and cast a spell from your deck (Random targets)" (Passive)
Orgrimmar Guard 2 Curious Bystander: "Summon a random Orgrimmar citizen" (2 Mana, autocast)
Primodino 3 Closer Than It Looks: "Destroy the left-most enemy minion." (2 Mana, autocast)
White King 4 Castle: "Discover a chess piece." (2 Mana)
Bookmaster Bae Chao 5 Shhh!: "Silence ALL minions." (3 Mana)
Tak Nozwhisker 6 Make Enemies: "Whenever Tak shuffles a card into his deck, add a copy to his hand. (Passive)
Murgatha 7 Mrrgl-ution: Transform a friendly minion into a random murloc that costs (1) more. Max cost: (5) (0 Mana)
Elise Starseeker 8 (final boss) Druidic Teaching (Tombs of Terror): Restore 2 Health, then draw a card if the target is at full Health. (2 mana) Final boss for Sir Finley as starting hero
Sir Finley 8 (final boss) Power Up! (Tombs of Terror): Give a minion Divine Shield & Windfury. (2 mana) Final boss for Brann Bronzebeard, Elise Starseeker and Reno Jackson as starting heroes

Narrative[edit | edit source]

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