Deck Recipe

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The Deck Recipe interface

Deck Recipes are premade card lists which players can use when creating a new deck. When creating a deck from a Deck Recipe, cards which the player does not possess can be substituted, with alternative suggestions provided.

Deck Recipes are intended to give newer players an easy way to explore new deck types, simultaneously helping them to learn about synergies and deck building. They also provide a guide to reliable and competitive playstyles for each class. For experienced players, they can provide a convenient starting point when creating new decks, and ideas for new deck types to explore. Deck Recipes are comparable to deck lists found online, but integrated into Hearthstone itself, and with the cards automatically selected from the player's collection.

Deck Recipes are significantly more advanced than Core decks, and are generally aimed at players who have already expanded their collections a fair bit, due to the variety and rarity of cards featured in each Recipe. New players will usually lack the cards to fill Deck Recipes, and should generally use the Core decks or create custom decks based around Core cards until their collection has grown somewhat.

Deck Recipes only include cards usable in Standard format, ensuring their validity in all types of play.

If  Whizbang the Wonderful is in your deck, the deck will be replaced with one of the random non-Classic deck recipes at the start of the game.

Details[edit | edit source]

Each Deck Recipe is a class-specific deck list, most having a specific theme. Each Recipe has a title, description and art taken from a fitting card.

Each class has three Deck Recipes, one 'classic' and two 'themed'.

  • Classic Recipes comprise only Core cards, and are intended to provide a foundation for the class. They generally feature less specific mechanics than themed decks. In some cases they illustrate what may be considered the general playstyle of the class, while in others they simply present a strategy that is easier for newer players to learn. These Recipes are usually the best starting points for newer players, since the cards are more readily available to them, and the goals of the decks simpler. Classic Recipes sometimes represent competitive decks, but are focused on ease of card collection and play rather than performance at higher levels.
  • Themed Recipes are themed around specific mechanics, and usually feature a lot of synergy between cards. Themed Recipes are intended for more advanced gameplay than the Classic Recipes, and usually match decks currently popular in the game's meta. Including cards from any Standard set, themed Recipes may be harder to fill, and the specific goals of the decks make some understanding of the design necessary when substituting cards. Themed Recipes are recommended for intermediate players wishing to explore new deck types, or advanced players seeking a convenient template for deck experimentation.

Despite their intention as learning tools for newer players, most Deck Recipes feature a number of high rarity cards, including legendaries. All classic Recipes feature one legendary minion, while some of the themed Recipes feature several.

Many Deck Recipes share a number of cards in common with the other Recipes for that class. Such cards are usually fairly key or 'core' cards for the class, and their indication in multiple Recipes can generally be taken as an indication of their versatility, unusual power, or inherent synergy with the class's Hero Power and/or other cards.

Use[edit | edit source]

Replacing missing cards
Main article: Collection#Making a new deck

When creating a new deck, players are given the choice of creating a blank "custom deck", or using one of three Deck Recipes available for that class. Clicking a Deck Recipe previews the deck list in the right hand pane, along with the deck's description in the bottom pane. Recipe cards which are missing from the player's collection are shown in blue.

Upon choosing a Deck Recipe, the player is taken back to the usual collection screen, where they will find a new deck filled with all the cards from the Recipe that they own. Higher quality copies of cards will be included instead of regular copies wherever possible. Any missing cards are still highlighted in the deck list in blue, and right-clicking will bring up the crafting interface for that card. Left-clicking a missing card will open the card replacement window, providing two alternatives that the player already owns to replace the missing card.

Once all missing cards are replaced, the Deck Recipe process is complete.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Deck Recipes are updated or replaced three times each year, with the release of each new expansion, to ensure they stay relevant and valid in Standard format.[1][2][3]
  • The original Deck Recipes are widely believed to hint at the then-upcoming changes to many Basic and Classic cards with the release of Standard format, based on their lack of certain, currently key cards, most notably the  Force of Nature +  Savage Roar combo. They also noticeably lacked cards from content which would not be valid in Standard format when it released, despite the Recipes themselves preceding the format's release by more than a month.

Lists[edit | edit source]

The lists below are the deck recipes available in-game at the moment. For the previous or removed recipes, see Deck Recipe/Patch changes.

Death Knight[edit | edit source]

Core Death Knight
Raise the dead with Unholy fervor! These Core cards will overwhelm your opponent with Undead minions!
1Death Knight Body Bagger2
1Neutral Murmy2
1Death Knight Plagued Grain2
1Death Knight Skeletal Sidekick2
2Death Knight Battlefield Necromancer2
2Neutral Cult Neophyte2
2Death Knight Necrotic Mortician2
3Death Knight Anti-Magic Shell2
3Death Knight Chillfallen Baron2
4Death Knight Grave Strength2
5Death Knight Army of the Dead2
5Death Knight Corpse Bride2
5Neutral Taelan Fordring1
6Death Knight Gnome Muncher2
9Death Knight Stitched Giant2
9Death Knight The Scourge1
BabyBear's Deathrattle Death Knight
This deck was built by BabyBear - a top-ranked Legend player, Masters Tour competitor, full-time Hearthstone streamer, and wife of Jambre. They met through Hearthstone!
1Death Knight Runes of Darkness2
2Death Knight Brittlebone Buccaneer2
2Death Knight Corpsicle2
2Death Knight Frost Strike2
2Death Knight/ Paladin Mining Casualties2
3Death Knight Frostbitten Freebooter2
3Death Knight Rainbow Seamstress2
3Death Knight Toysnatching Geist2
4Death Knight Eliza Goreblade1
4Death Knight Ghouls' Night2
4Death Knight Horizon's Edge2
5Death Knight Army of the Dead2
5Death Knight Corpse Bride2
6Death Knight/ Hunter Hollow Hound1
6Death Knight The Headless Horseman1
8Death Knight The Primus1
10Death Knight Climactic Necrotic Explosion1
25Death Knight Reska, the Pit Boss1
Cantelope's Rainbow Starship
This deck was built by high-legend player Cantelope! Piece together a haunting Starship to trigger Deathrattles and summon massive minions.
1Neutral Miracle Salesman2
1Death Knight Runes of Darkness1
2Neutral Astrobiologist1
2Neutral Crystal Welder1
2Neutral Dimensional Core1
2Death Knight Dreadhound Handler2
2Death Knight Guiding Figure2
2Death Knight/ Paladin Mining Casualties2
3Death Knight Rainbow Seamstress2
3Death Knight Soulbound Spire2
4Neutral Arkonite Defense Crystal2
4Death Knight Eliza Goreblade1
4Death Knight Ghouls' Night2
4Death Knight Suffocate2
5Neutral Mind Control Tech1
6Death Knight Exarch Maladaar1
6Death Knight The Headless Horseman1
7Neutral The Exodar1
8Death Knight The Primus1
25Death Knight Reska, the Pit Boss1
100Neutral The Ceaseless Expanse1

Demon Hunter[edit | edit source]

Core Demon Hunter
Command chaotic energies to inflict havoc on your enemies! These Core cards will ensure you can cut through anything in your path.
1Demon Hunter Battlefiend2
1Neutral Beaming Sidekick2
1Demon Hunter Crimson Sigil Runner2
1Demon Hunter Illidari Studies2
2Demon Hunter Chaos Strike2
2Neutral Dire Wolf Alpha2
2Demon Hunter Spectral Sight2
2Demon Hunter Umberwing2
3Demon Hunter Coordinated Strike2
3Demon Hunter Eye Beam2
3Demon Hunter Gan'arg Glaivesmith2
4Demon Hunter Kayn Sunfury1
4Demon Hunter Metamorphosis1
4Demon Hunter Raging Felscreamer2
7Demon Hunter Expendable Performers2
8Demon Hunter Illidari Inquisitor2
BabyBear's Pirate Demon Hunter
This deck was built by BabyBear - a top-ranked Legend player, Masters Tour competitor, full-time Hearthstone streamer, and wife of Jambre. They met through Hearthstone!
0Demon Hunter/ Warrior Through Fel and Flames2
0Neutral Zilliax Deluxe 30001
1Neutral Miracle Salesman2
1Demon Hunter Patches the Pilot1
1Demon Hunter Sock Puppet Slitherspear2
1Demon Hunter Taste of Chaos2
1Neutral Treasure Distributor2
2Demon Hunter Adrenaline Fiend2
2Neutral Bloodsail Recruiter2
2Demon Hunter/ Rogue Quick Pick2
2Demon Hunter Sigil of Skydiving2
3Neutral Hozen Roughhouser2
3Neutral Southsea Captain2
4Demon Hunter Dangerous Cliffside2
4Demon Hunter Kayn Sunfury1
4Neutral Resort Valet2
7Neutral Marin the Manager1
Kibler's Starship Crew
This deck was built by legendary card game competitor Kibler! Rally Crewmates to helm a fierce, aggressive Starship.
0Demon Hunter/ Warrior Through Fel and Flames2
0Neutral Zilliax Deluxe 30001
1Demon Hunter Headhunt2
1Neutral Miracle Salesman2
1Demon Hunter Patches the Pilot1
2Neutral Crystal Welder2
2Neutral Dimensional Core2
2Demon Hunter Emergency Meeting2
2Demon Hunter Felfused Battery2
2Demon Hunter Sigil of Skydiving2
2Demon Hunter Voronei Recruiter2
3Demon Hunter Infiltrate1
3Demon Hunter Shattershard Turret2
3Demon Hunter Warp Drive2
4Neutral Arkonite Defense Crystal2
4Demon Hunter Dirdra, Rebel Captain1
6Demon Hunter Xor'toth, Breaker of Stars1
7Demon Hunter Argus, the Emerald Star1

Druid[edit | edit source]

Core Druid
As a Druid, flexibility is part of your nature. These Core cards allow you to adapt to your opponent's strategy as you choose!
0Druid Innervate2
1Druid Living Roots2
1Druid Witchwood Apple2
2Druid Mark of the Wild2
2Druid Power of the Wild2
2Druid Wrath2
3Druid Feral Rage2
3Druid Swipe2
4Druid Oaken Summons2
4Druid Park Panther2
4Druid Thickhide Kodo2
5Druid Greybough1
6Druid Druid of the Claw2
7Druid Ancient of Lore2
8Druid Cenarius1
8Neutral Ragnaros the Firelord1
9Neutral Ysera1
Rarran's Taunt Druid
This deck was built by Rarran - a regular Legend player and one of Hearthstone's biggest content creators.
0Druid Innervate2
1Druid Cactus Construct2
1Druid Malfurion's Gift2
2Druid Lifebinder's Gift2
2Druid Trail Mix2
3Druid Frost Lotus Seedling2
3Druid Hiking Trail2
3Druid New Heights2
3Druid/ Priest Pendant of Earth2
3Druid Tortollan Traveler2
5Druid Dozing Dragon2
5Druid Greybough1
6Druid Cruise Captain Lora1
6Druid Toyrantus1
8Druid Hydration Station2
8Druid Sleep Under the Stars2
10Druid Eonar, the Life-Binder1
Kibler's Starcaneship
This deck was built by legendary card game competitor Kibler! Command a magical Starship to unleash a flurry of astral Arcane spells.
0Neutral Zilliax Deluxe 30001
1Druid Arkonite Revelation2
1Druid Malfurion's Gift2
2Druid Astral Phaser2
2Neutral Crystal Welder2
2Druid Sha'tari Cloakfield2
3Druid Frost Lotus Seedling2
3Druid New Heights2
3Druid Starlight Reactor2
4Neutral Arkonite Defense Crystal2
4Druid Distress Signal2
4Druid Exarch Othaar1
5Druid Cosmic Phenomenon2
7Druid Crystal Cluster1
7Druid Final Frontier1
8Druid Sleep Under the Stars2
10Druid Eonar, the Life-Binder1
10Neutral Yogg-Saron, Unleashed1

Hunter[edit | edit source]

Core Hunter
Wild animals answer your call, as you lay down traps and strike with your hatchet. Hunt your opponent with this deck of Core cards.
1Hunter Arcane Shot2
1Neutral Fire Fly2
1Hunter Jeweled Macaw2
1Hunter Tracking2
2Neutral Dire Wolf Alpha2
2Hunter Explosive Trap1
2Hunter Freezing Trap1
2Hunter Quick Shot2
3Hunter Animal Companion2
3Hunter Ball of Spiders2
3Hunter Deadly Shot2
3Hunter Kill Command2
4Hunter Dragonbane1
4Neutral Lifedrinker2
5Hunter Barak Kodobane1
5Neutral Leeroy Jenkins1
6Hunter Savannah Highmane2
7Neutral Siamat1
Rarran's Big Beast Hunter
This deck was built by Rarran - a regular Legend player and one of Hearthstone's biggest content creators.
0Neutral Zilliax Deluxe 30001
1Hunter Sneaky Snakes2
1Hunter Tracking2
2Hunter Barrel of Monkeys2
2Hunter Patchwork Pals2
2Hunter Titanforged Traps2
3Warrior All You Can Eat2
3Warrior Food Fight2
4Hunter R.C. Rampage2
5Hunter Big Dreams1
5Hunter Ranger Gilly1
5Warrior The Ryecleaver1
7Neutral Beached Whale1
7Hunter Toyrannosaurus2
8Warrior Draconic Delicacy1
8Neutral Thunderbringer1
9Hunter King Plush1
9Warrior Muensterosity2
10Hunter Banjosaur2
Day9's Ceaseless Discover
This deck was built by the popular strategy game streamer Day9! Explore space away from face as you Discover powerful synergies in a strange new world.
1Hunter Rangari Scout2
1Hunter Rexxar's Gift2
1Neutral Scarab Keychain2
1Hunter Tracking2
2Hunter Barrel of Monkeys2
2Hunter Detailed Notes2
2Hunter Patchwork Pals2
2Hunter Pet Parrot2
2Hunter Titanforged Traps2
3Hunter Exarch Naielle1
3Hunter Harmonica Soloist2
3Hunter Parallax Cannon2
5Hunter Alien Encounters2
5Hunter/ Mage Star Power2
7Neutral Kil'jaeden1
9Hunter King Plush1
100Neutral The Ceaseless Expanse1

Mage[edit | edit source]

Core Mage
Want to be a Mage? This deck of powerful Core cards is designed to enhance and support spell casting!
1Mage Arcane Artificer2
1Mage Babbling Book2
1Mage Flame Geyser2
1Mage Shooting Star2
2Mage Arcanologist2
2Neutral Bloodmage Thalnos1
2Mage Frostbolt2
2Neutral Kobold Geomancer2
2Mage Primordial Glyph2
3Mage Arcane Intellect2
3Mage Counterspell1
3Mage Explosive Runes2
3Mage Stargazer Luna1
4Mage Fireball2
6Mage Blizzard2
7Mage Firelands Portal2
9Neutral Malygos the Spellweaver1
Languagehacker's Spell School Mage
This deck was built by Languagehacker - a Hearthstone Grandmaster, rank 1 Legend player, competitive tournament winner, and husband of TheHousewife. They met through Hearthstone!
1Mage Discovery of Magic2
1Paladin Divine Brew2
1Mage Flame Geyser2
1Paladin Lifesaving Aura2
1Mage Seabreeze Chalice2
2Mage Primordial Glyph2
2Paladin Service Ace2
2Mage Stargazing2
2Mage Void Scripture2
3Mage Stargazer Luna1
3Mage Tide Pools2
4Mage Raylla, Sand Sculptor1
5Mage Inquisitive Creation1
5Hunter/ Mage Mantle Shaper2
5Mage Wisdom of Norgannon2
6Mage Sif1
7Mage Elemental Inspiration2
SwayBae's Fiery Elementals
This deck was built by SwayBae, one of the winners of the Hearthstone Tavern Training event! Wield the burning power of suns with a firestorm of spells and Elementals.
1Neutral Fire Fly2
1Mage Flame Geyser2
2Mage Aqua Archivist2
2Neutral Flame Revenant2
2Neutral Rolling Stone2
2Neutral Shale Spider2
2Mage Spontaneous Combustion2
3Mage Blasteroid2
3Mage Blazing Accretion2
3Mage Molten Rune1
4Neutral Lamplighter2
4Mage Overflow Surger2
4Mage Unchained Gladiator2
5Mage Solar Flare2
5Mage Tainted Remnant2
6Mage Saruun1

Paladin[edit | edit source]

Core Paladin
Interested in justice? Consider a career as a Paladin with these Core cards! Command your army to control the board and cast blessed spells of the Light!
1Neutral Fire Fly2
1Paladin Righteous Protector2
2Paladin Argent Protector2
2Paladin Equality2
2Paladin Flash of Light1
2Paladin Grimestreet Outfitter2
2Paladin Hand of A'dal2
3Paladin Bronze Explorer2
3Paladin Consecration2
3Paladin Muster for Battle2
3Paladin Silvermoon Portal2
3Paladin Warhorse Trainer2
4Paladin Crusader Aura2
4Paladin Stand Against Darkness2
5Neutral Justicar Trueheart1
6Paladin Hammer of the Naaru1
8Paladin Tirion Fordring1
TheHousewife's Tempo Tourist Paladin
This deck was built by TheHousewife, a regular Legend player in Standard, Wild, and Twist. She's also married to Languagehacker - they met through Hearthstone!
1Paladin Divine Brew2
1Paladin Lifesaving Aura2
2Paladin Hi Ho Silverwing2
2Death Knight/ Paladin Mining Casualties2
2Rogue Oh, Manager!2
2Rogue Petty Theft2
2Paladin Service Ace2
3Paladin Flickering Lightbot2
3Rogue Knickknack Shack2
3Rogue Sea Shill2
4Rogue Conniving Conman2
4Paladin Grillmaster1
4Paladin Holy Glowsticks2
5Paladin Sunsapper Lynessa1
5Rogue Treasure Hunter Eudora1
7Paladin Amitus, the Peacekeeper1
10Paladin Sea Shanty2
Roffle's Libram Paladin
This deck was built by deckbuilding wizard Roffle! With new Draenei to reduce their Costs, Librams make their triumphant return.
1Neutral Astral Vigilant2
2Paladin Hi Ho Silverwing2
2Neutral Instrument Tech1
2Paladin Interstellar Researcher2
2Death Knight/ Paladin Mining Casualties2
3Paladin Flickering Lightbot2
3Paladin Holy Cowboy2
3Paladin Interstellar Starslicer2
3Paladin Libram of Clarity2
4Paladin Grillmaster2
4Paladin Interstellar Wayfarer2
4Paladin Libram of Divinity2
4Paladin Yrel, Beacon of Hope1
6Paladin Libram of Faith2
6Paladin Lumia1
7Paladin Amitus, the Peacekeeper1
7Neutral Velen, Leader of the Exiled1
100Neutral The Ceaseless Expanse1

Priest[edit | edit source]

Core Priest
Are you a healer? With this deck of solid Core cards, keep your minions alive as they fight for you!
1Neutral Beaming Sidekick2
1Priest Crimson Clergy2
1Priest Flash Heal2
1Priest Holy Smite2
1Priest Psychic Conjurer2
2Neutral Crazed Alchemist1
2Neutral Injured Tol'vir2
2Priest Mana Geode2
2Priest Shadow Ascendant2
2Priest Shadow Word: Pain2
2Priest Thrive in the Shadows2
3Priest Holy Nova2
3Priest Madame Lazul1
6Priest Lightbomb2
6Neutral Sylvanas Windrunner1
7Priest Catrina Muerte1
9Neutral Alexstrasza1
9Neutral Ysera1
Jambre's Control Priest
This deck was built by Jambre - a Hearthstone Grandmaster, rank 1 Legend player, competitive tournament winner, and husband of BabyBear. They met through Hearthstone!
1Priest Crimson Clergy2
1Priest Fan Club2
2Priest Creation Protocol2
2Priest Power Chord: Synchronize2
2Priest Thrive in the Shadows2
3Priest Holy Nova2
3Priest Love Everlasting1
3Priest Rest in Peace2
4Priest Glowstone Gyreworm2
4Neutral Ignis, the Eternal Flame1
4Priest Narain Soothfancy1
4Priest Puppet Theatre2
4Priest Serenity2
5Priest Twilight Medium2
6Priest Harmonic Pop2
7Priest Aman'Thul1
7Priest Repackage2
MarkMcKz's Mystified Draenei
This deck was built by deckbuilding mad scientist MarkMcKz! Mystify your opponent with Mystified To’cha by setting your hero’s Health total just right.
1Neutral Astral Vigilant2
1Priest Nightshade Tea2
1Neutral Starlight Wanderer2
2Neutral Astrobiologist2
2Priest Creation Protocol2
2Neutral Gold Panner2
2Neutral Hologram Operator1
2Neutral Stranded Spaceman2
2Neutral Troubled Mechanic2
3Neutral Crimson Commander2
3Priest Hot Coals1
4Neutral Ace Wayfinder2
4Priest Askara1
4Neutral Caricature Artist2
4Priest Mystified To'cha1
6Priest Harmonic Pop2
7Priest Aman'Thul1
7Neutral Velen, Leader of the Exiled1

Rogue[edit | edit source]

Core Rogue
Orchestrate the situation to your maximum advantage. Exploit card interactions and strike swiftly with this deadly aggressive deck of Core cards!
0Rogue Backstab2
0Rogue Preparation2
0Rogue Shadowstep2
1Rogue Deadly Poison2
1Rogue Swashburglar2
2Neutral Bloodmage Thalnos1
2Rogue Eviscerate2
2Rogue Fan of Knives2
2Neutral Loot Hoarder2
2Rogue Sap1
3Neutral Hench-Clan Thug2
3Rogue SI:7 Agent2
4Rogue Assassinate1
4Rogue Elven Minstrel2
4Rogue Fal'dorei Strider2
4Rogue Hench-Clan Burglar2
6Rogue Flik Skyshiv1
Languagehacker's Thief Rogue
This deck was built by Languagehacker - a Hearthstone Grandmaster, rank 1 Legend player, competitive tournament winner, and husband of TheHousewife. They met through Hearthstone!
0Rogue Preparation2
0Rogue Shadowstep2
1Rogue Dig for Treasure2
1Rogue Swashburglar2
2Neutral Greedy Partner2
2Rogue Kaja'mite Creation2
2Rogue Oh, Manager!2
2Rogue Petty Theft2
3Rogue Bounty Wrangler2
3Rogue Knickknack Shack2
3Rogue Sea Shill2
3Rogue Velarok Windblade1
4Rogue Conniving Conman1
4Rogue Sonya Waterdancer1
5Rogue Treasure Hunter Eudora1
5Rogue Wishing Well2
8Rogue Snatch and Grab2
Clark's Schematic Heist
This deck was built by popular Hearthstone streamer Clark! Use other classes' Starships against them, and double them up with the Gravitational Displacer!
0Rogue Preparation2
0Rogue Shadowstep2
1Neutral Miracle Salesman2
1Rogue Starship Schematic2
1Rogue Stick Up2
2Neutral Crystal Welder2
2Neutral Dimensional Core1
2Rogue Fan of Knives2
2Rogue Kaja'mite Creation2
2Rogue Scrounging Shipwright2
3Rogue Barrel Roll2
3Rogue Talgath1
3Rogue Velarok Windblade1
4Neutral Arkonite Defense Crystal2
4Rogue Dubious Purchase2
5Rogue Sandbox Scoundrel1
5Rogue The Gravitational Displacer1
7Neutral The Exodar1

Shaman[edit | edit source]

Core Shaman
Elements guide your path! Use elemental magic to destroy enemy minions, and enhance your own to overwhelm your opponent. All you need are Core cards!
1Shaman Air Elemental2
1Neutral Fire Fly2
1Shaman Lightning Bolt2
1Shaman Muck Pools2
1Shaman Novice Zapper2
2Shaman Ancestral Knowledge2
2Shaman Flametongue Totem2
2Shaman Menacing Nimbus2
2Neutral Wandmaker2
3Shaman Feral Spirit2
3Shaman Hex2
3Shaman Lightning Storm2
6Shaman Fire Elemental2
6Shaman Thing from Below2
7Shaman Kalimos, Primal Lord1
8Shaman Al'Akir the Windlord1
Jambre's Spell School Shaman
This deck was built by Jambre - a Hearthstone Grandmaster, rank 1 Legend player, competitive tournament winner, and husband of BabyBear. They met through Hearthstone!
1Shaman Murloc Growfin2
1Demon Hunter Patches the Pilot1
1Shaman Pop-Up Book2
2Shaman Malted Magma2
2Shaman/ Warrior Needlerock Totem2
2Demon Hunter Sigil of Skydiving2
2Shaman Siren Song2
2Neutral Watcher of the Sun2
3Shaman Carefree Cookie1
3Shaman Fairy Tale Forest2
3Demon Hunter Skirting Death2
4Shaman Cabaret Headliner2
4Shaman Hagatha the Fabled1
5Shaman Carress, Cabaret Star1
5Shaman Frosty Décor2
6Shaman Golganneth, the Thunderer1
7Shaman Razzle-Dazzler2
7Shaman Wish Upon a Star1
Roffle's Spacerock Shaman
This deck was built by deckbuilding wizard Roffle! Channel the cosmic elements and bombard your opponent with asteroids.
1Neutral Fire Fly2
1Shaman Shock Hopper2
2Shaman Menacing Nimbus1
2Neutral Moonstone Mauler2
2Neutral Shale Spider2
2Shaman Triangulate2
3Shaman Minecart Cruiser2
3Shaman Turbulus1
3Shaman Ultraviolet Breaker2
4Shaman Bolide Behemoth2
4Neutral Lamplighter2
5Shaman Living Prairie2
6Neutral Incindius1
6Shaman Meteor Storm2
6Shaman Murmur1
6Shaman Shudderblock1
7Shaman Kalimos, Primal Lord1
7Shaman Skarr, the Catastrophe1
100Neutral The Ceaseless Expanse1

Warlock[edit | edit source]

Core Warlock
Power is all that matters. Seize it, no matter the cost! Wield overwhelming destruction and summon powerful demons with this deck of Core cards.
1Warlock Demonic Studies2
1Warlock Flame Imp2
1Warlock Mortal Coil2
1Warlock Spirit Bomb2
1Warlock Voidwalker2
2Neutral Bloodmage Thalnos1
2Warlock Defile2
2Warlock Drain Soul2
3Warlock Hellfire2
4Warlock Dark Alley Pact2
4Warlock Lesser Amethyst Spellstone2
4Warlock Siphon Soul2
5Warlock Doomguard2
7Warlock Arch-Villain Rafaam1
8Warlock Enhanced Dreadlord2
8Warlock Lord Jaraxxus1
8Warlock Twisting Nether1
TheHousewife's Self Damage Warlock
This deck was built by TheHousewife, a regular Legend player in Standard, Wild, and Twist. She's also married to Languagehacker - they met through Hearthstone!
1Warlock Chaotic Consumption2
1Warlock Flame Imp2
1Warlock Fracking2
1Warlock Mass Production2
2Warlock Cursed Souvenir2
2Warlock Eat! The! Imp!2
2Warlock Fearless Flamejuggler2
2Warlock Party Fiend2
3Warlock "Health" Drink1
3Warlock Malefic Rook2
3Warlock Sacrificial Imp2
4Warlock INFERNAL!2
4Warlock Pop'gar the Putrid1
4Warlock Summoner Darkmarrow1
6Warlock Party Planner Vona1
9Warlock Imprisoned Horror2
22Neutral Molten Giant2
MarkMcKz's Demon Starship
This deck was built by the deckbuilding mad scientist MarkMcKz! Assemble an army of demons while also assembling a powerful legion Starship.
1Warlock Demonic Studies2
1Mage/ Warlock Soulfreeze2
2Warlock Abduction Ray2
2Neutral Crystal Welder2
2Warlock Defile2
2Warlock Demonic Dynamics1
2Warlock Drain Soul2
2Warlock Foreboding Flame2
2Warlock Heart of the Legion2
3Warlock Domino Effect2
3Warlock Felfire Thrusters2
4Neutral Arkonite Defense Crystal2
5Neutral Carnivorous Cubicle1
6Warlock Bad Omen2
7Warlock Archimonde1
7Neutral Kil'jaeden1
7Neutral The Exodar1
9Warlock Sargeras, the Destroyer1

Warrior[edit | edit source]

Core Warrior
What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger! Use these Core cards to gain lots of Armor and take quick control of the game, then finish them off with some huge minions.
1Warrior Execute2
1Warrior Sanguine Depths2
1Warrior Shield Slam2
1Warrior Slam2
2Warrior Bash2
2Warrior Bladestorm2
2Warrior Fiery War Axe2
2Warrior Frightened Flunky2
2Warrior Shield Block2
3Neutral Acolyte of Pain2
3Warrior Frothing Berserker2
4Neutral Dread Corsair2
5Warrior Brawl1
5Neutral Justicar Trueheart1
7Neutral Baron Geddon1
8Warrior Grommash Hellscream1
8Neutral Ragnaros the Firelord1
9Neutral Alexstrasza1
Day9's Sandwich Warrior
This deck was built by Day9 - a storied Blizzard gamer, regular Legend player, and popular strategy game streamer.
1Warrior Garrosh's Gift2
2Warrior Bash2
2Neutral Instrument Tech2
2Warrior Shield Block2
2Druid Trail Mix2
3Warrior All You Can Eat2
3Warrior Bellowing Flames2
3Druid New Heights2
3Druid Tortollan Traveler2
5Warrior The Ryecleaver1
6Warrior Hamm, the Hungry1
7Neutral Beached Whale2
8Warrior Draconic Delicacy2
8Druid Hydration Station2
8Druid Sleep Under the Stars2
9Warrior Muensterosity2
Sloot's Akamattack
This deck was built by Sloot, one of the winners of the Hearthstone Tavern Training event! Command aggressive Draenei and keep the pressure going with Exarch Akama.
1Neutral Astral Vigilant2
1Warrior Garrosh's Gift1
1Neutral Miracle Salesman1
1Neutral Starlight Wanderer2
2Warrior Crystalline Greatmace2
2Shaman/ Warrior Needlerock Totem2
2Warrior Shield Block1
2Warrior Stoneskin Armorer1
2Neutral Stranded Spaceman2
2Neutral Troubled Mechanic1
3Warrior Bellowing Flames1
3Neutral Crimson Commander1
3Warrior Expedition Sergeant2
4Neutral Ace Wayfinder1
4Warrior Captain's Log1
4Neutral Defender of Argus1
4Warrior Stalwart Avenger1
4Warrior Unyielding Vindicator2
5Warrior Exarch Akama1
6Neutral Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. Pilot1
7Neutral Eredar Brute2
7Neutral Velen, Leader of the Exiled1

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Deck Recipes were added to the game more than a month ahead of Standard format, but with decklists specifically limited to cards valid in Standard. The sole exception was Tide of Murlocs (Paladin), which included  Old Murk-Eye, from the non-Standard Reward set, confusing some players. This was confirmed as an error and replaced with a second  Guardian of Kings in Patch[4]

Patch changes[edit | edit source]

Main article: Deck Recipe/Patch changes

Deck Recipes have been constantly renewed and removed throughout the updates. Most of major changes occur whenever a new expansion is released.

Deck Recipes were first introduced in Patch

References[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]