Force of Nature

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You might be looking for one of these cards: Force of Nature (Classic), Force of Nature (Core).

Force of Nature is an epic druid spell card, from the Legacy set.

Other versions

How to get

Card packsThe Regular version can be opened from any of these packs:

Regular1~2 (random)
Card packsThe Golden version can be opened from any of these packs:

Golden Classic
Golden Wild
Golden1~2 (random)
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 400 Dust.pngRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 1600 Dust.pngGolden1

Related cards

EX1 tk9.png


Prior to Patch, this card was commonly seen in combination with  Savage Roar. The card cost 6 mana, and the Treants summoned died at the end of the turn, but they also had Charge, allowing them to make immediate use of the extra Attack from Savage Roar. The combination cost 9 mana and could deal 14 damage directly from the hand (4 from each Treant and 2 from the hero), plus another 2 damage for each other minion on the druid's board. This was widely used as a druid finisher, by first reducing the opponent to within lethal, then playing the combo the next turn for a large burst of damage.

Blizzard had for a long time acknowledged the overinfluence of the druid's core cards, but it was not until the introduction of game formats that they decided to make changes to reduce druid decks' dependence on cards from the Basic and Classic sets - this change was one of them. Additionally, the effectiveness of the Force of Nature/Savage Roar combo was such that other deck types were less appealing and competitive, with many considering combo druid a monotonous and unchanging mainstay. The lack of interactiveness in its one turn kills may also have contributed to its being changed. Players were unable to prevent the basic 14 damage combo except through Taunts, with it necessary to keep an especially keen eye on their Health and Armor totals whenever playing against a druid.

Aside from its use to directly win games, Force of Nature was very effective for clearing the board. This could allow the druid to avoid defeat, or simply allow them to turn the tide and begin to dominate the battlefield. Given its common use as a win condition, the question of whether to use Force of Nature for removal was often a gamble as to which player would reach lethal first.


Force of Nature is a talented druid ability from World of Warcraft. It summons three treant guardians to assist the druid for 15 seconds, with the capabilities of the treants determined by the druid's specialization. For example, Restoration druids' treants will heal allies, while Balance druids' treants will attack and root enemies.



Patch changes

Card changes

  • Forged in the Barrens logo.pngPatch (2021-03-25):
    • Spell school is now Nature (previously: no spell school).
  • Whispers of the Old Gods logo.png Patch (2016-04-24):
    • Now reads: "Summon three 2/2 Treants." (previously: "Summon three 2/2 Treants with Charge that die at the end of the turn.")
    • Now costs 5 (Down from 6).
  • Hearthstone logo.png Patch (Alpha, 2013-06-22):
    • Now costs 6 (Up from 5).
  • Hearthstone logo.png Patch (Alpha, April or May 2013):
    • Added.

Bug fixes and other changes

External links