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For other uses of C'Thun, see C'Thun (disambiguation).

C'Thun is a legendary neutral minion card, from the Whispers of the Old Gods set.

Other versions

How to get

The Regular copy of C'Thun is uncraftable. It has special unlock requirements and cannot be crafted, disenchanted, or opened from card packs:
Card packsThe Golden and Signature versions can be opened from any of these packs:

Whispers of the Old Gods
Golden Wild
1 (random)
Card packsOnly the Signature version can be opened from these packs:

Caverns of Time
Golden Caverns of Time
Signature1 (random)
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 3200 Dust.pngGolden1
Custom Own a Whispers of the Old Gods pack and go to the Open Packs menu. The card will be automatically added to your collection once you do so starting from April 24, 2016.[1]Regular 1

Previous availability

C'Thun used to be obtainable through these means.

Bundle Buy the Signature C'Thun Bundle in the Shop from June 1, 2024 until July 2, 2024 for $39.99 or 4000 Runestone.pngRunestones.Signature 1

Ban lists

C'Thun is in these ban lists:

Related cards

"Of course, no ancient unknowable evil is complete without a dedicated host of capable cultists. C’Thun’s followers have been fanatically preparing the world for the Old God’s awakening..."[2]

C'Thun has a unique relationship with certain specific cards. Some of these cards' effects cause C'Thun to grow in power regardless of its current location, while others produce additional effects depending on C'Thun's current stats. These specifically related cards are listed below.

Cards that improve C'Thun

OG 281.png
OG 303.png
OG 284.png
OG 162.png
OG 286.png
OG 283.png
OG 321.png
OG 334.png
OG 302.png
OG 293.png
OG 339.png
OG 282.png
OG 255.png

Cards with C'Thun-related conditions

WON 144.png
OG 188.png
OG 096.png
OG 301.png
OG 131.png
OG 255.png


To edit these notes, go to Template:C'Thun notes.

Empowering C'Thun reveals the minion to both players
  • This minion's effect shoots a number equal to its Attack of individual missiles, each one dealing 1 damage to a randomly selected enemy character:
    • Each missile is resolved (queuing and resolving triggered effects, such as that of  Acolyte of Pain) before the next one is shot.
    • As with all random effects, the missiles can hit any enemy, including Immune targets (which will however suffer no damage), Stealthed minions and the enemy hero.
    • Characters which have been mortally wounded by earlier missiles or destroyed by triggered effects like  Acidmaw will not be selected as targets for subsequent missiles (thus preventing missiles from dealing 'overkill' damage to targets that have already been destroyed by earlier missiles).
  • The related cards shown above can improve C'Thun regardless of whether C'Thun is currently in the player's deck or hand, on the battlefield,[2] or even dead in the graveyard or removed from play.
  • Whenever C'Thun is empowered, a special display reveals the minion and its resulting stats to both players.[4] The location of the minion is not revealed during this process. The animation is always displayed whether or not the player has C'Thun in their deck.[5]
    • If C'Thun is in the player's hand, its current stats and abilities can also be viewed by mousing over the card as usual.
  • C'Thun's Battlecry will be affected by Attack adjustments from any ongoing effects such as  Dire Wolf Alpha or  Stormwind Champion that are in play when C'Thun is played.[6]
  • Cards with effects which activate based on C'Thun's stats, such as  Ancient Shieldbearer and  Klaxxi Amber-Weaver, will glow yellow and activate if at least one of the following are true:[7][8][9][10]
    • Your 'ideal' (base + ritual buffs) C'Thun has 10+ Attack, even if you do not have a C'Thun (such as due to it being stolen, transformed, killed, or even never having been put into the deck to begin with[11]).
    • You have a C'Thun in your hand or battlefield that is 10+ Attack, even using temporary buffs like  Abusive Sergeant or  The Mistcaller.
  • C'Thun's Battlecry has a hard-coded limit of 100 hits.[12]
  • C'Thun buffs work by placing a permanent enchantment on all C'Thuns that enter your hand or your battlefield, that buffs that C'Thun by your current 'ritual stats'. If you increase your 'ritual stats' further, all C'Thuns in your hand and battlefield will be given a new enchantment with the increased stats. As these enchantments are permanent, they do not disappear even if C'Thun is silenced, returned to the hand, or otherwise attempted to reset.
  • Each player has their own C'Thun buffs.[13] If a player uses  Thoughtsteal to copy the opponent's C'Thun, the copy will benefit from the stealing player's C'Thun buffs, not those belonging to the player from whom the C'Thun was copied.[14]
  • Stealing your opponent's C'Thun will cause it to maintain its current buffs, as least if the stealing player has no C'Thun ritual buffs.[15]
  • C'Thuns created by transform effects will be 6/6, but afterwards will gain stats from friendly ritual buffs.[16]
  • A Shadowcaster copy of C'Thun will be a 1/1, regardless of any ritual buffs played earlier in the game, but will be buffed by ritual buffs played after it.
  • Hand-buffing effects such as  Grimy Gadgeteer and  Smuggler's Run will increase C'Thun's stats as usual, but unlike the ritual buffs these increases will not cause C'Thun to be displayed to the opponent, and when C'Thun is displayed to the opponent due to a ritual buff, these increases will not be included in the stats of the displayed C'Thun.
  • If you use  Entomb on your opponent's C'Thun, it will be reset to a default state (6/6) then start being affected by your own ritual buffs, including ones you had played earlier in the game, as though it had been your C'Thun the entire game.
  • C'Thun can be buffed by  Feat of Strength after  Twilight Geomancer has been played, at least if it's the only Taunt minion in hand.[17]
  • If you have a C'Thun with reduced or increased stats (such as by stealing your opponent's C'Thun or due to  Shadowcaster,  Hunter's Mark or  Equality) then play a new ritual buff, the additional stats will apply to all C'Thuns in your hand and battlefield.[18] This only adds the new additional stats, and does not return C'Thun to the overall total.
    • Example: A 10/10 C'Thun on the board is set to a 1/1. The player then plays a minion that buffs C'Thun by +2/+2. The C'Thun on the board would then increase to 3/3, not 12/12.
  • It appears the buffs may be recorded through a non-playable proxy minion, which may also be the minion displayed when C'Thun is buffed. This might explain a certain bug where using a golden cultist to buff a golden C'Thun displays the buff being granted to a regular C'Thun.[19]
Prior to Patch
  • Due to C'Thun's buff functionality being changed in this patch, the following notes were only applicable before it:
    • C'Thun's animation would not appear if you lack a C'Thun, to prevent bluffing. The specific requirement is: If you ever had a C'Thun in your deck, in your hand, summoned a C'Thun or had a minion transformed into C'Thun, the animation will appear for the rest of the game.[20]
    • C'Thun's buffs were not permanent and could be removed through Silences, and a Silenced C'Thun will remain a 6/6 and not be buffed by changing your 'ritual stats'. However, if you return the C'Thun to your hand, a fresh enchantment will be applied, and as the card is no longer Silenced it will continue to gain your 'ritual stats' once more.


  • ▶️ VO_OG_280_Male_OldGod_Play_01.wav My dreaming ends... Your nightmare... begins.
  • ▶️ CThun_Play_Stinger.wav <music stinger>
  • ▶️ VO_OG_280_Male_OldGod_InPlay_01.wav Your minions will abandon you.
  • ▶️ VO_OG_280_Male_OldGod_InPlay_02.wav Death is close.
  • ▶️ VO_OG_280_Male_OldGod_InPlay_03.wav Your deck betrays you.
  • ▶️ VO_OG_280_Male_OldGod_InPlay_04.wav You have already lost.
  • ▶️ VO_OG_280_Male_OldGod_InPlay_05.wav Caress your fear.
  • ▶️ VO_OG_280_Male_OldGod_InPlay_06.wav Your minions think you are weak
  • ▶️ VO_OG_280_Male_OldGod_InPlay_07.wav Hope is an illusion.
  • ▶️ VO_OG_280_Male_OldGod_InPlay_08.wav It was your fault.
  • ▶️ VO_OG_280_Male_OldGod_InPlay_09.wav That was a mistake.
  • ▶️ VO_OG_280_Male_OldGod_InPlay_10.wav Flee, screaming.
  • ▶️ VO_OG_280_Male_OldGod_InPlay_11.wav Give in to your fear.
  • ▶️ VO_OG_280_Male_OldGod_InPlay_12.wav Well met.
  • ▶️ VO_OG_280_Male_OldGod_Attack_01.wav Sleep.
  • ▶️ VO_OG_280_Male_OldGod_Death_01.wav <death sound>



C'Thun saw the least changes of all the Old Gods during its design process; its basic card text was decided early on, although the many related cards saw "a ton of iteration". One idea was to have "lieutenants", special minions which would gain bonuses equal to one of C'Thun's current stats when played. These were eventually turned into the "If your C'Thun has 10 or more Attack" cards, such as  Klaxxi Amber-Weaver and  Ancient Shieldbearer. One reason for their inclusion was to compensate for matches where C'Thun was drawn late or not at all, with these "C'Thun matters" minions ensuring the ritual buffs still had value, and giving the C'Thun player better chances.[21]

The last idea to be discarded was to have other cards which directly benefited not C'Thun itself, but the many ritualist minions. Examples include "Battlecry – give your ritualist +2/+2" and "Battlecry: evolve all your ritualists", the latter functioning identically to  Evolve. This more complex synergy was partly discarded due to the increasing number of cards devoted to C'Thun and related cards, and not wanting the set to feel like "Whispers of C'Thun", or to have C'Thun decks overly dominate the meta due to their many possible versions. The designers also wanted to avoid making it feel too similar to the synergies for Mechs.[21]

Overall the designers found simple related minions worked better than complicated ones, opting for fairly "vanilla" minions over "trickier" ideas.  Disciple of C'Thun was an exception, and "the last piece of the puzzle" of ensuring C'Thun had sufficient gameplay and interaction.[21]

Removed cultist cards include a "mini-C'Thun", which dealt 1 random damage for each cultist that had died that game; another summoned 1 tentacle minion for each cultist that had died each game. This theme was intended to reward board interaction, but was ultimately trimmed. Many class cards were removed, determined partly by which classes C'Thun made the most sense for; one was a hunter card with a Battlecry that reduced C'Thun's cost by 2.  Cult Apothecary was originally a C'Thun cultist (perhaps explaining its name), with its healing determined by the size of the player's C'Thun, but was removed due to there being too many C'Thun cards in total.[21]

Flavor text

A few days after the card's revealing on March 16, a special poll was opened on the official forums allowing players to vote on which text would become the card's official flavor text, as seen in-game in the Collection.

The poll, titled The Old God C'Thun DEMANDS flavor text, mortal!, ran from March 16 to March 20, and was presented with the introduction "The bane of contact lenses everywhere, the ancient many-eyed Old God C'Thun is great at winking, but not particularly good at describing itself. That's where you come in! Cast your vote on what flavor text makes it into Hearthstone for the Legendary card, C'Thun!"

The five possibilities presented for voting, and the percentages of votes they received, were:

  • C'Thun really regrets creating the qiraji now that they've hung out together for millennia. (8%)
  • It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. (28%)
  • C'Thun's shopping list: eyedrops, contact lens cleaner, mascara. (8%)
  • If C'Thun is too scary, just imagine it with a monocle and top hat, and say hello to your ragtime pal! (15%)
  • C'Thun's least favorite Hearthstone card:  Eye for an Eye. (41%)

While voting on card reveals has become common practice for new releases, this is the first time players have been able to determine actual in-game content, albeit only flavor text.


Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
C'Thun (pronounced /k'θuːn/) is the Old God of Madness and Chaos one of the Old Gods, ancient and powerful creatures who ruled the world of Azeroth long ago before being defeated and imprisoned by the titans. C'Thun created the qiraji and resides within the city of Ahn'Qiraj in Silithus. It appears in World of Warcraft as the final encounter in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, implemented in patch 1.9.
C'Thun was the Old God who created the qiraji, a race of insect-men, who along with the ancient mantid and nerubians served the Old Gods as mortal kingdoms of old. After its imprisonment by the titans, it sent its children to conquer the world in the War of the Shifting Sands, though the qiraji were defeated by the combined forces of the night elves and Dragon Aspects. Thousands of years later, in World of Warcraft, C'Thun reawakened, prepared to imprison any dragons who dared enter its lair, but while its gaze was fixed upon them, a group of mortals managed to breach its chamber and kill it against all odds.
Throughout the Ruins and Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, players can periodically hear the whisperings of C'Thun:
  • Death is close...
  • You are already dead.
  • Your courage will fail.
  • Your friends will abandon you.
  • You will betray your friends.
  • You will die.
  • You are weak.
  • Your heart will explode.

In Hearthstone

C'Thun is basically a gigantic eyeball on a bed of the evillest pasta imaginable. Also tentacle eyebeams. And terror. And dread whispers that infest your imagination. In addition to having a name that is pronounced incorrectly in many different ways (hint: Kuh-THOON), C'Thun may be the most famous of the Old Gods. It lies imprisoned deep beneath the cyclopean desert ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. Its legion of insectile servants—the Qiraji—once helped conquer nearly all of Azeroth many millennia ago, and were more recently involved in a dustup that caused some high-profile mayhem. All this while still in prison! It's hard to keep an Old God down.
C'Thun's mortal cultists are some of the best in the business! Old Gods might not pay well, but the benefits can be great. Most of C'Thun's devoted followers—16 in all—offer a direct buff to C'Thun when played. It's not all volunteer work either; the more powerful C'Thun becomes, the greater the potential reward—it's a squid-pro-quo kind of thing.[22]


  • The designers are not planning on adding any further C'Thun-related cards in future content, with the original selection of cultists considered sufficiently strong.[21][23]
  • C'Thun is the first minion to be designed to grow in power while still in the player's deck or hand. With a slew of supporting cards, C'Thun was one of the first cards to be introduced for Whispers of the Old Gods, strongly depicting the expansion's Old God theme. The design concept for C'Thun was to allow players to "build your own monster" over the course of a match, with C'Thun considered the right Old God for that behaviour.[24]
  • C'Thun is one of the first cards to be specifically affected by several other cards, as well as named in their card text. It outstrips  Silver Hand Recruit, the only card prior to C'Thun to have such diverse and specific synergies.
  • C'Thun is also the first legendary card to be presented to players for free, and in combination with  Beckoner of Evil, the first to present players with a specific deck type.
  • C'Thun is the only of the Old Gods not to have a title. Ben Brode explains that this was partly in order to make it easier and more consistent to mention C'Thun on the 16 synergy cards which mention it by name, and partly to emphasise its gameplay differences from the other Old Gods.[25][26][27]
  • The developers decided to give players C'Thun for free because of its strong synergy with its 16 associated cards. Ben Brode explains:
    "...if you open a pack of Whispers of the Old Gods and it's got a bunch of cultists, you look at the card and say, "What's a C'Thun? How do I use this? I have to get a legendary card to even build this deck?!" That doesn't feel great. So by giving C'Thun away free, it's all upside, it's all positive. You have C'Thun, you understand how it works, so when you open up a cultist you have the reference, and you've got the foundation for building those awesome C'Thun decks already."[28]
  • C'Thun and the associated cards are the first cards to be specifically excluded from the Arena, for the same reasons.
  • C'Thun's reveal quotes "That was a mistake." and "Well met." mirror  Gul'dan's Oops and  Uther Lightbringer's Greetings emotes respectively. The Paladin emote is almost certainly referencing the then-current popularity of Secret Paladin.
  • C'thun, makes a reappearance as  C'Thun, the Shattered in the Madness at the Darkmoon Faire expansion, along with the other Old Gods.
  • In The Art of Hearthstone: Year of the Kraken, C'Thun is described as "a ticking time bomb of destruction, always lurking in the corner of both players' eyes as its dreaming comes to an end".[29]


Patch changes

Card changes

Bug fixes and other changes

  • GDB Logo.pngPatch (2024-10-29):
    • Now banned from all types of card generation unless the player's deck started with C'Thun or one of its related cards.
  • TOY Logo.pngPatch (2024-03-11):
    • No longer globally banned from Arena drafting, however this card may still be banned in individual Arena rotations.
  • TTN Logo.pngPatch (2023-08-22):
    • Cards that buff C'Thun now permanently increment its attack and health, instead of granting an enchantment.
    • Signature card unlock requirement is now: "Obtainable in Caverns of Time card packs." (previously: no special unlock requirement).
    • Signature artist is now Vladimir Kafanov (previously: no artist).
    • Now has Signature version.
  • Whispers of the Old Gods logo.png Patch (2016-06-01):
    • Bug fix: " Redemption will no longer bring C'Thun back at its full, buffed health value."


  1. Patch
  2. 2.0 2.1 Heed the Whispers of the Old Gods. (2016-03-11). 
  3. PlayHearthstone on Twitter (X). (2016-03-11). 
  4. Hearthstone: Whispers of the Old Gods new expansion full announce. (2016-03-11). 
  5. Tested by VGhost01.
  6. PlayHearthstone on Twitter (X). (2016-03-12). 
  7. https://youtu.be/cSVvBFHsoLs
  8. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2016-03-21). 
  9. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2016-03-19). 
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-31wDMUnwc
  11. HysteriA (2016-05-08). Hearthstone Mythbusters 19 - YouTube at 1:30
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kocq9PYk_A
  13. PlayHearthstone on Twitter (X). (2016-03-16). 
  14. PlayHearthstone on Twitter (X). (2016-03-15). 
  15. http://imgur.com/a/wAN9N
  16. https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/4go1r6/so_i_was_playing_my_evolving_cthun_and_dragon/
  17. [1] 7 NEW INTERACTIONS from the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan - YouTube
  18. https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/4hitwu/question_how_does_shadowcaster_op_on_cthun/
  19. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2016-06-10). 
  20. Tested extensively by Culinko on 12th May 2016 to 15th May 2016: http://pastebin.com/raw/Gz9EBDvG
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 IGN - Blizzard on Designing Hearthstone's Old Gods. (2016-06-20). 
  22. Whispers of the Old Gods – Say C'Thun Three Times Fast. (2016-03-16). 
  23. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2016-08-28). 
  24. The Angry Chicken: "The One with Iksar". (2016-05-18). 
  25. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2016-04-07). 
  26. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2016-04-09). 
  27. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2016-04-09). 
  28. Hearthstone's Ben Brode on Old Gods and Reynad's match-making theory. (2016-03-18). 
  29. The Art of Hearthstone Vol. 2, pg. 20

External links