Signature card
- "Signature" redirects here.

Signature is a special quality of cards, rarer than golden cards but more common than diamond cards. Signature cards can be of any rarity, and card sets starting with March of the Lich King usually feature multiple signature cards.
Like diamond and golden cards, signature cards are purely aesthetic, and there is no difference in gameplay or behaviour on the battlefield, and signature cards do not allow you to circumvent the 2-per-deck (1-per-deck for legendaries) card restriction.
Signature cards feature different artwork compared to their regular versions along with unique color hues or art themes. There are also 3 unique borders: one for March of the Lich King, one for all signature cards released during the Year of the Wolf, and one for all signature cards released from the Year of the Pegasus onwards. Signature cards are also animated like golden cards, with the exception of the signature cards from March of the Lich King.
Notes[edit | edit source]

- Signature cards are uncraftable: They cannot be crafted but can be disenchanted for the same arcane dust amounts as golden cards.[1][2]
- Because signature cards do not display their usual class colors, they feature an additional ribbon at the bottom bearing the color of the card's class.
- Signature cards do not feature the expansion watermark.
- Signature cards that generate cards can only generate signature cards if they have it, otherwise they only generate golden versions of them.
- In card packs, signature cards only replace regular common cards, which means they do not take the place of a potential golden card. This also effectively increases the rate of legendary cards in card packs compared to before their addition.[3]
- From Festival of Legends onwards:
How to get[edit | edit source]
All signature cards are uncraftable, but have a variety of ways to earn them:[4]
- Signature legendary cards can be opened in the card packs of their expansions, Standard or Wild packs depending on the format of the card, as well as class packs for Standard cards[5] at the same rate as golden legendaries (see Card pack statistics).
- Event Tracks, Rewards Tracks, achievements, and Shop bundles may contain non-legendary signature cards of varying rarities.[6]
- Signature Golden card packs, which were only used for March of the Lich King, could contain signature legendary cards at an increased rate of a 15.1% chance to get a signature legendary card[7].
List of cards with signature versions[edit | edit source]
As of, there are a total of 211 cards that have obtainable signature versions. Below is the list of Signature cards, separated by card set.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
Annoy-o-Tron, and
N'Zoth's First Mate received their signature artwork in-game in Patch, but weren't used until Patch
Acolyte of Pain also received signature artwork during patch 27.2, but its signature version hasn't been seen in-game yet.
- Signature cards from the Whizbang's Workshop expansion are themed as "Dr. Boom-ified" versions of the characters.[8]
Patch changes[edit | edit source]
Patch (2024-07-16): Introduction of signature spells.
Patch (2023-04-04): Now disenchantable. Card text on signature cards will now be moved to a tooltip, out of the main frame.
Patch (2022-11-29): Added.
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Announcing Festival of Legends, Hearthstone’s Next Expansion!. (2023-03-14).
- ↑ Celestalon on Twitter (X). (2023-03-14).
- ↑ Celestalon on Twitter (X). (2022-11-02).
- ↑ Announcing March of the Lich King, Hearthstone’s Next Expansion!. (2022-11-01).
- ↑ Celestalon on Twitter (X). (2023-03-14).
- ↑ Celestalon on Twitter (X). (2023-03-15).
- ↑ Hearthstone Shop. (2023-03-14).
- ↑ Ridiculous Hat on Twitter (X). (2024-03-01).
External links[edit | edit source]