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This content is only for Battlegrounds.
An example of a Battlegrounds Quest. The "{0}" indicates a variable number.
For the Quests in constructed, see Quest (ability).

Quests in Battlegrounds are spells, which can be completed to gain a conditional Reward.

Functionality[edit | edit source]

  • Quest options will appear on turn 4 (the 6 Gold turn).[1]
  • Instead of getting the same Quest and Reward every game, the player picks them from three options at that time.[1]
    • Both the Quest and Reward are selected to be completed as a pair.[1]
  • Once the Quest is completed, the Reward will be automatically received.[1]
  • The requirements to complete a Quest may change to be harder or easier to complete, depending on the player's hero or the strength of the Reward.[1]
  • Quests are planned to last until the end of Season 2 of Battlegrounds.[1]

Baseline requirements for all Quests[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Many Quests have a "{0}" or a similar variable number in their card text. This indicates that the number in its place can change.
    • For example,  Invite the Guests says "Buy {0} minions". In this case, depending on the circumstances, the "{0}" can be a 7, changing it to "Buy 7 minions".

Quests[edit | edit source]

For Rewards, see Reward.
Customize this list

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
BG24 Quest 114.png
BG24 Quest 352.png
BG24 Quest 311.png
BG24 Quest 314.png
BG24 Quest 320.png
BG28 Quest 500.png
BG24 Quest 123.png
BG24 Quest 126.png
BG24 Quest 351.png
BG24 Quest 313.png
BG27 Quest 801.png
BG24 Quest 124.png
BG27 Quest 802.png
BG24 Quest 125.png
BG24 Quest 112.png
BG24 Quest 151.png

Removed Quests[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
BG27 Quest 800.png
BG24 Quest 120.png
BG24 Quest 318.png

Patch changes[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]