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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.

Sangtusk is the third boss in Kurtrus' Book of Mercenaries chapter.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]


Player's hero[edit | edit source]

Fashion Weapon (Rank 1)
Fashion Weapon (Rank 2)
Fashion Weapon (Rank 3)
Fashion Weapon
Equipped weapons
Glaive (Rank 1)
Glaive (Rank 2)
Glaive (Rank 3)

Special cards[edit | edit source]

Cariel Roame
Glaive (Rank 1)
Glaive (Rank 2)
Glaive (Rank 3)
Going Alone

Decks[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Sangtusk (29/30) Kurtrus
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Priest  G'huun the Blood God 1 Boss  Going Alone 2
 Blood of G'huun 2 DH  Battlefiend 2
Priest, Warlock  Flesh Giant 2  Fury (Rank 1) 2
Warlock  School Spirits 2  Chaos Strike 2
 Cascading Disaster 2  Immolation Aura 2
 Summoning Portal 2  Sigil of Summoning 2
 Siphon Soul 1  Spectral Sight 2
 Aranasi Broodmother 2  Blade Dance 2
 Keli'dan the Breaker 1  Coordinated Strike 2
 Valdris Felgorge 1  Eye Beam 2
 Voidlord 2  Satyr Overseer 2
Warlock, DH  Spirit Jailer 2  Ashtongue Battlelord 2
 Soul Shear 2  Vilefiend Trainer 1
 Luckysoul Hoarder 2  Imprisoned Antaen 1
 Soulciologist Malicia 1  Priestess of Fury 1
Neutral  Death's Head Cultist 2  Inner Demon 1
 Darkmoon Rabbit 2 DH, Hunter  Felfire Deadeye 2


To edit these notes, go to Template:Sangtusk notes.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Cariel Roame
▶️Are you all right? Do you want to talk about your friend?
▶️My only friend is the carnage I will bring down upon Anetheron.
▶️Look ahead. A warlock on the road. Keep your libram close, paladin.


▶️Stop right there, warlock.
▶️Stop? No! I can't...

Emote Response

▶️Your soul will fit nicely in my little pouch.

Hero Power

▶️For Agamaggan!
▶️Thorns and quills.
▶️Souls... and blood.


▶️Agamaggan, give me power!
▶️Agamaggan, grant me wisdom!
▶️Agamaggan, give me courage!

Turn 2

▶️I need more blood shards. More! <snorts>

Turn 3

Cariel Roame
▶️Is this the warlock you're after?
▶️No. To summon Anetheron would require power to rival that of the lich Kel'Thuzad.

Turn 4

▶️On the other hand, this quilboar will provide an adequate warm up... and perhaps some information.

Turn 5

▶️What are you looking for out here, paladin?
Cariel Roame
▶️My sister. I thought she died during the Third War, but someone matching her description was sighted in the Barrens.

Turn 6

Cariel Roame
▶️I've been tracking my sister's movements. When you and I met, I was on my way to Dreadmist Peak to look for her.
▶️A cult allied with demons occupies Dreadmist Peak. Perhaps it is fate that we are going to the same place.


Cariel Roame
▶️Kurtrus... there's something you should know.
▶️I... abandoned my post at Northwatch. The Silver Hand – they're going to be pretty mad…but I had to find my sister.
▶️Cariel... I understand. Like you, I put family above all else.


▶️And now you will be drained!

Lore[edit | edit source]

Sangtusk is unique to Hearthstone.


Patch changes

Card changes

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Lani Minella official site. Retrieved on 2023-02-26.