Lady Anacondra (boss)

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You might be looking for one of these cards: Lady Anacondra, Mercenaries/Lady Anacondra, Mercenaries/Lady Anacondra (70920), Mercenaries/Lady Anacondra (70921).

Lady Anacondra is the sixth boss in Guff's Book of Mercenaries chapter.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Serpent's Bite

Player's hero[edit | edit source]


Special cards[edit | edit source]

The Power of Love
Rest and Relaxation

Decks[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Lady Anacondra Guff
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Demon Hunter  Felrattler 2 Boss  The Power of Love 1
Druid  Fangbound Druid 4  Rest and Relaxation 2
 Feral Rage 1 Druid  Nature Studies 2
 Druid of the Fang 2  Living Seed (Rank 1) 2
 Giant Anaconda 1  Lunar Eclipse 2
 Deviate Dreadfang 2  Wild Growth 2
Hunter  Dancing Cobra 2  Branching Paths 1
 Snake Trap 2  Overgrowth 1
 Venomstrike Trap 2  Thickhide Kodo 2
 Bloated Python 2  Twilight Runner 2
Rogue  Pit Snake 2  Nourish 1
 Water Moccasin 2  Druid of the Plains 2
Neutral  Oasis Thrasher 4  Cenarion Ward 2
 Oasis Snapjaw 2  Survival of the Fittest 2
Hunter, Druid  Guardian Animals 2
Neutral  Blademaster Samuro 1
 Lake Thresher 2
 Moonfang 1


To edit these notes, go to Template:Lady Anacondra (boss) notes.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Lady Anacondra
▶️We are the Druids of the Fang. You don't belong here.
▶️You're druids? I'm a druid! Maybe you can help us. We're searching Wailing Caverns for a shard of naaru.
▶️Guff – wait! Get away from her!


▶️We want to stop the corruption of nature.
Lady Anacondra

Emote Response

Lady Anacondra
▶️Our fangs are sharp!

Hero Power

Lady Anacondra


Lady Anacondra
▶️You cannot escape.
▶️<Low hiss>

Turn 2

Lady Anacondra
▶️This arid land was once verdant and pure, the jewel of the continent.

Turn 4

Lady Anacondra
▶️Our leader, Naralex, sssought to ressstore the Barrens to its former beauty with the power of the Emerald Dream.
▶️But that dream became a Nightmare.

Turn 6

Lady Anacondra
▶️I found this shard of which you speak. We Fanglords thought the shard's power could awaken our massster.
▶️But the Nightmare claimed the shard as well. The corruption ssspreads. It cannot be ssstopped!

Turn 8

Lady Anacondra
▶️You cannot ssstop us! You will all die in these caverns!
▶️I am the earth... the water... They are... venom. It is... unnatural.
▶️I fear something terrible has happened to the shard of naaru.
▶️I am no friend of the Alliance, but these night elves are something else entirely. Something twisted.
▶️I have one question for you, snake – who does your wardrobe?

Turn 10

▶️These coldblooded fiends must not defeat us.
▶️I'll never understand what Lord Kael'thas saw in creatures such as these.
▶️Fanglords. Why'd it have to be Fanglords?
▶️That one might tip the scales.


Lady Anacondra
▶️Our master is just ahead. You will join him in his Nightmare!


Lady Anacondra
▶️The Nightmare never ends.

Lore[edit | edit source]

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
Lady Anacondra is one of the Druids of the Fang Fanglords within the Wailing Caverns. She once was one of the Disciples of Naralex but was changed after Naralex connected with the Emerald Dream.
From Adventure Guide:
Scarletleaf was the first to volunteer for Naralex's self-appointed mission to the Barrens. After her master's nightmare shattered her mind, the young acolyte cast aside her name, now envisioning a sinister reptilian future for Azeroth.


Patch changes

Card changes