Hearthstone Wiki:Archived/Common deck types

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A reason was given for this page's archival: Content changes too often to be worth it to keep updated
"Decks" redirects here. For a player's stack of playing cards, see Deck.

Common deck types are deck types which are frequently encountered in Play mode, classified primarily by the nine different classes in Hearthstone. This page aims to list the various deck types commonly seen being played in Ranked and Casual mode throughout Hearthstone's history.

For a chronology of deck types commonly seen throughout Hearthstone's meta history, see Meta#History.

Druid[edit source]

Hunter[edit source]

Mage[edit source]

Paladin[edit source]

Priest[edit source]

Rogue[edit source]

Shaman[edit source]

Warlock[edit source]

Warrior[edit source]

Any class[edit source]