Hearthstone Wiki:Archived/Quest Rogue

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Wild format
Wild icon.png

With the start of the Year of the Dragon,  The Caverns Below has rotated to wild, making Quest Rogue a wild-exclusive archetype. For more information, see Game format.

The Caverns Below full.jpg

Quest Rogue (also known as Crystal Rogue) is a Rogue deck type that utilizes low-cost minions and return to hand effects to complete the Journey to Un'Goro Rogue Quest,  The Caverns Below. Upon completion of the quest, the deck utilizes token generators and cheap Charge minions to create a consistently overwhelming board, closing out the game.

History[edit source]

Quest Rogue exploded into the meta with the release of Journey to Un'Goro, cementing itself as a competitive deck very early in the meta. The deck was very quickly refined, with early variants running various token-generating cards like  Moroes and  Violet Teacher to generate late-game value. These cards were later cut to focus more on a rush strategy, focusing on fast Quest completion and rapid board flood with low-cost minions with cheap Charge minions as finishers.

During most of Un'Goro, Quest Rogue was a dominant deck in the meta, having very polarized matchups against most of the field. The inevitability in it's win condition caused it to be very oppressive against Control, Combo and even some Midrange decks, but it showed great weakness in Aggro matchups. This polarized field left the deck to be referred to as "uninteractive" by players favoring these slower styles of decks, and caused aggressive decks to be a very favorable choice for climbing ladder and competitive play. In Patch 8.4.0, The Caverns Below was nerfed to require 5 of the same minions from 4, slowing down the deck and causing a large drop in its playrate.

However, Quest Rogue started to see more play after the Year of the Raven, following the lack of presence of midrange decks, the removal of  Dirty Rat as a tech card, and the addition of  Vicious Scalehide which gave the deck a stronger method of coming back after completing the Quest. The deck, however, received much of the same complaints regarding "uninteractive" playstyle and dominance over control decks, resulting in further nerfs, reducing the stat change from Crystal Core from 5/5 to 4/4.

Common cards[edit source]

Wild icon.pngThis section concerns content exclusive to Wild format.

The following cards are usually in the deck.

Core cards[edit source]

The following cards are played in most or all versions of the deck:

Fire Fly
Glacial Shard
Wax Elemental
Southsea Deckhand
Stonetusk Boar
Daring Escape
The Caverns Below
Novice Engineer
Gadgetzan Ferryman
Vicious Scalehide
Youthful Brewmaster
Zola the Gorgon
Sonya Shadowdancer
Mimic Pod
Elven Minstrel

Optional cards[edit source]

The following cards are played more than occasionally, but not always:

Target Dummy
Togwaggle's Scheme
Bilefin Tidehunter
Gang Up
Captain's Parrot
Lab Recruiter
Cheat Death
Coldlight Oracle
Igneous Elemental
Tar Creeper
Fan of Knives
Edwin VanCleef
Violet Teacher
Giggling Inventor
Valeera the Hollow