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This article is about a specific deck type.
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A  Voidlord a day keeps the aggro away.

Cube Warlock (sometimes referred to as "Cubelock") is a combo focused Warlock control deck type.

The name "Cubelock" comes from the card  Carnivorous Cube, which the deck is built around.

Featured card[edit | edit source]

Carnivorous Cube

History[edit | edit source]

Cube Warlock was one of the most popular decks in the Kobolds & Catacombs and early Witchwood metas. Its combination of control and combo gameplay made it strong against both aggro and control match ups, especially with its best competition, Highlander Priest, receiving a heavy nerf shortly after K&C was launched.

The deck had great consistency, with many of their cards serving multiple purposes and few ways to 'whiff'. Deathrattle synergies worked on both Possessed Lackey and Carnivorous Cube, and the Cube could be used as a deathrattle trigger itself. Demons could be summoned from both the deck or hand by Possessed Lackey and Skull of the Man'ari respectively, preventing drawn demons from being dead cards. The deck also boasted incredible healing from Lesser Amethyst Spellstone, Bloodreaver Gul'dan's hero power, and Dark Pact itself.

Players often had little to no counterplay or answer against Cubelocks, as the warlock could target their high-value demons with Carnivorous Cubes immediately and then activate the deathrattle within the same turn, giving the opponent no time to silence or destroy their threats.

Despite the balance team's hopes, both the Standard rotation and cards from The Witchwood had very little impact on Cubelock's power. In Patch, Possessed Lackey and Dark Pact were both nerfed. While this didn't fully kill Cubelock, its popularity slowly gave way to Even Handlock. With the Year of the Dragon rotation, the deck became restricted to Wild format only.

Cubelock found many successes in Wild as well. Cards like  Voidcaller and  Mal'Ganis that Cubelock never had access to while in Standard. The introduction of  Serpent Egg and  EVIL Genius in Rise of Shadows sparked a faster egg-based variant of Cubelock with a more aggressive early-game but retaining the typical slower Warlock package with  Voidcaller and big Demons.

Cubelock remained a strong competitor in the Wild meta for the rest of the Year of the Dragon after receiving  Plague of Flames and  Expired Merchant in Saviors of Uldum and  Dark Skies in Descent of Dragons. A larger viable pool of cards meant that previously staple cards like  Skull of the Man'ari and  Voidlord began to be omitted in some builds of the deck.

Initially in the Year of the Phoenix, Cubelock remained a powerful deck in high levels of Wild play, but changes in the meta ultimately meant that Cubelock was no longer a top tier deck despite receiving several powerful cards like  Enhanced Dreadlord,  Unstable Felbolt, and  Animated Broomstick. However, it did remain a viable deck and one could expect reasonable success with it.