Hearthstone Wiki:Archived/Midrange Paladin

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NB: This page needs to be updated for the current standard year, and will be updated as soon as possible.
Put your faith in the Light!

Midrange Paladin is a Midrange Paladin deck type. It revolves around the power of Paladin's 4-cost cards such as  Truesilver Champion and  Consecration to obtain value during the mid-game.

The deck's aim is to try to maintain board control from the early game using  Reinforce and efficient minions, and snowball it with options like  Aldor Peacekeeper and  Equality. The deck usually packs Paladin's late game powerhouses in the form of  Tirion Fordring and Ragnaros the Lightlord to finish out the game.

Paladin's Hero Power,  Reinforce, makes attrition battles favored for the Paladin, allowing the deck to out-value most control-style decks. The deck is also able to contest aggressive decks effectively, making it a solid midrange deck.

In standard format, Midrange Paladin is currently dominated by a Murloc-centric build, focusing on an explosive aggro-like start. In wild format, Midrange Paladin generally takes the form of a  Silver Hand Recruit-focused build, utilizing  Quartermaster and strong Journey to Un'Goro cards such as  Sunkeeper Tarim and  Lost in the Jungle.

Common cards[edit source]

The following cards are usually in the deck.

Core cards[edit source]

The following cards are played in most or all versions of the deck:

Righteous Protector
Aldor Peacekeeper
Stonehill Defender
Truesilver Champion
Spikeridged Steed
Sunkeeper Tarim
The Curator
Primordial Drake
Tirion Fordring
The Lich King

Murloc build[edit source]

Main article: Murloc Paladin

The following cards are commonly played in the standard Murloc version:

Murloc Tidecaller
Vilefin Inquisitor
Rockpool Hunter
Coldlight Seer
Murloc Warleader
Gentle Megasaur

Recruit build[edit source]

Wild icon.pngThis section concerns content exclusive to Wild format.
Main article: Silver Hand Paladin

The following cards are commonly played in the wild  Silver Hand Recruit version:

Lost in the Jungle
Shielded Minibot
Muster for Battle
Steward of Darkshire
Keeper of Uldaman
Lightfused Stegodon
Azure Drake
Stand Against Darkness
Justicar Trueheart

Optional cards[edit source]

The following cards are played more than occasionally, but not always:

Wild Pyromancer
Wickerflame Burnbristle
Dread Corsair
Divine Favor
Rallying Blade
Chillblade Champion
Stampeding Kodo
Ivory Knight
Lay on Hands
Ragnaros, Lightlord