Hearthstone Wiki:Archived/Tempo Rogue

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SI7 Agent full.jpg

Tempo Rogue is a Tempo-focused Aggro Rogue deck type. It heavily revolves around making efficient tempo plays using Rogue's wide variety of low-cost spells, efficient removal and burst damage to snowball a board advantage and quickly finish off the opponent. The deck's focal power changed wildly through the Standard cycle, but the core gameplay remains the same.

History[edit source]

The first version of Tempo Rogue can be traced back to Goblins vs. Gnomes, utilizing weapon buffs like  Tinker's Sharpsword Oil for a powerful 2-mana  Blade Flurry to deal double the face damage and clear the board in one turn and finishing off the opponent with Charge minions like  Leeroy Jenkins powered up with  Cold Blood. This version of Rogue was often referred to as Oil Rogue.

With the release of Knights of the Frozen Throne, Tempo Rogue decks used  Prince Keleseth to single-handedly push the game heavily in their favor with cheap, buffed minions. This version of Tempo Rogue was widely used in the Year of the Mammoth. This version of Tempo Rogue was also known as Keleseth Rogue.

With Year of the Raven, most Tempo Rogue decks transitioned to using  Baku the Mooneater for  Poisoned Daggers, which was extremely effective early in the game. Despite the deck restrictions imposed, many of the staple tempo cards like  Hench-Clan Thug and  Vilespine Slayer were usable. This variant was known as Odd Rogue.

Despite losing both Baku and Keleseth in the Year of the Dragon, Tempo Rogue still lives on, thanks to cards like  Vendetta and  Underbelly Fence creating cheap and effective tempo swings and  Waggle Pick as an activator for 0-cost Dread Corsairs, which can all be pulled with  Raiding Party. The deck makes liberal use of Return to hand effects as re-activators for  SI:7 Agent,  EVIL Miscreant,  Leeroy Jenkins, or  Heistbaron Togwaggle. Some versions of Tempo Rogue use a Highlander version of the deck for  Zephrys the Great following Saviors of Uldum. Descent of Dragons created Galakrond Rogue, using  Galakrond, the Nightmare and its Invoke cards for copious Lackey generation and easy combo activators, and even enabled an OTK using  Spirit of the Shark,  Umbral Skulker, and  Spectral Pillager.

In the Year of the Phoenix, the new Rogue cards introduced in Ashes of Outland added more variety to Tempo Rogue decks. Secret Rogue uses  Ambush and  Blackjack Stunner for tempo,  Dirty Tricks for card draw, and  Shadowjeweler Hanar as a mid-game backup plan to utterly confuse the opponent into a losing position. The Stealth Rogue package uses early-game Stealth minions  Spymistress and  Akama with  Ashtongue Slayer as a potent burst damage or removal tool. Some decks combine both Stealth and Secrets into one deck.

Common cards[edit source]

The following cards are usually in the deck.

Core cards[edit source]

The following cards are played in most or all versions of the deck:

Secret Passage
Wand Thief
Efficient Octo-bot
Foxy Fraud
Tenwu of the Red Smoke
Field Contact
SI:7 Agent
Jandice Barov

Secret Rogue[edit source]

Blackjack Stunner
Dirty Tricks
Shadowjeweler Hanar
Sparkjoy Cheat

Optional cards[edit source]

The following cards are played more than occasionally, but not always:

Deadly Poison
Guardian Augmerchant
Pen Flinger
Cult Neophyte
Overconfident Orc
Shroud of Concealment
Kazakus, Golem Shaper

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Alexstrasza the Life-Binder

Wild cards[edit source]

Wild icon.pngThis section concerns content exclusive to Wild format.

Wild cards that fit well into this deck type:

Dire Mole
Fire Fly
Patches the Pirate
Pharaoh Cat
Prince Keleseth
Ship's Cannon
Undercity Valiant
Blink Fox
Edwin VanCleef
EVIL Miscreant
Hench-Clan Thug
Hench-Clan Thug
Questing Adventurer
Shaku, the Collector
Sonya Shadowdancer
Elven Minstrel
Fal'dorei Strider
Piloted Shredder
Saronite Chain Gang
Spirit of the Shark
Tinker's Sharpsword Oil
Waggle Pick
Leeroy Jenkins
Myra's Unstable Element
Vilespine Slayer
Flik Skyshiv
Dr. Boom
Ragnaros the Firelord
The Lich King
Baku the Mooneater

Galakrond Rogue[edit source]

Wild icon.pngThis section concerns content exclusive to Wild format.
Praise Galakrond!
Seal Fate
Devoted Maniac
Umbral Skulker
Shield of Galakrond
Heistbaron Togwaggle
Kronx Dragonhoof
Galakrond, the Nightmare