Hearthstone Wiki:Archived/Quest Hunter

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For the Saviours of Uldum card, see  Unseal the Vault.
The Marsh Queen full.jpg

Quest Hunter is a Hunter deck type. It runs a light deck of low-cost minions to enable the use of the Journey to Un'Goro Hunter Quest  The Marsh Queen.

The requirement of carrying enough 1-cost minions to consistently complete the quest limits the power of the deck greatly, although it is still being played and experimented in top level. The deck needs to be very carefully balanced to complete the quest, and once quest completion is acquired, it can flood the board very easily with  Carnassa's Brood, or pull off massive damage by utilizing a card like  Tundra Rhino.

Rastakhan's Rumble added many new cards such as  Halazzi, the Lynx or  Untamed Beastmaster that made it much more competitively viable.

Common cards[edit source]

Wild icon.pngThis section concerns content exclusive to Wild format.

The following cards are usually in the deck.

Core cards[edit source]

The following cards are played in most or all versions of the deck:

Elven Archer
Fire Fly
Dire Mole
The Marsh Queen
Crackling Razormaw
Scavenging Hyena
Quick Shot
Kill Command
Stitched Tracker
Untamed Beastmaster
Houndmaster Shaw
Tundra Rhino
Tol'vir Warden
Halazzi, the Lynx
Deathstalker Rexxar

Optional cards[edit source]

The following cards are played more than occasionally, but not always:

Argent Squire
Zombie Chow
Fiery Bat
Acherus Veteran
Stonetusk Boar
Jeweled Macaw
Prince Keleseth
Grievous Bite
Unleash the Hounds
Deadly Shot
Eaglehorn Bow
Augmented Elekk
Cult Master
Dire Frenzy
Wing Blast
Savannah Highmane