Hearthstone Wiki:Archived/Even Paladin

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Wild format
Wild icon.png

With the start of the Year of the Dragon,  Genn Greymane and even-cost related cards rotated to wild, making Even Paladin a wild-exclusive archetype. For more information, see Game format.

Genn Greymane, the archetype-enabling card.

Even Paladin is a variant of the Midrange Paladin deck. It's an archetype enabled by the Witchwood card  Genn Greymane and is built entirely from even-costed card to enable him. Compared to its cousin Odd Paladin, while Even Paladin is not as effective as flooding the board and lacks access to  Divine Favor for huge card redraw, their 1-cost Hero Power makes maintaining a board consistent and they have more access to board-wide buff effects like  Sunkeeper Tarim and  Level Up!. Due to the removal of Genn Greymane from the standard format at the start of the Year of the Dragon, Even Paladin is now exclusive to play in Wild.

While both Odd and Even Paladin were about equally popular during their time in Standard, after entering Wild, Even Paladin became a fringe deck while Odd Paladin remained a popular aggro deck. The following section lists cards played during the Year of the Raven meta.

Prior to Patch 11.1.1, Even Paladin utilized the power of  Call to Arms to overwhelm the board very early, though with the patch Call to Arms was changed to be odd-costed, removing it from the archetype.

Common cards[edit | edit source]

The following cards were played during the Year of the Raven meta:

Core cards[edit | edit source]

Amani Berserker
Wild Pyromancer
Crystalsmith Kangor
Piloted Shredder
Blessing of Kings
Truesilver Champion
Saronite Chain Gang
The Glass Knight
Windfury Harpy
Spikeridged Steed
Avenging Wrath
Sunkeeper Tarim
Genn Greymane
Tirion Fordring
The Lich King

Optional cards[edit | edit source]

The following cards are played more than occasionally, but not always:

Acidic Swamp Ooze
Argent Protector
Vicious Scalehide
Knife Juggler
Keeper of Uldaman
Argent Commander
Mossy Horror
Sire Denathrius

Wild format[edit | edit source]

Wild icon.pngThis section concerns content exclusive to Wild format.
Shielded Minibot
Grimestreet Outfitter
Murloc Knight
Justicar Trueheart