Rare card list/Wild format

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This page lists all cards of rare rarity available in Wild format.

For information on the rare rarity itself, see Rare. For card lists for Standard format, see Rare card list.

Collectible[edit | edit source]

The list of cards here is quite extensive, and so is not listed visually, but can be explored through the tables below. Click "Expand" to see the table. The table will list only the first 100 cards; to see more, click "Customize this list" and change the number of cards presented.

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 Aquatic FormDruidSpell RareDredge. If you have the Mana to play the card this turn, draw it.
 Counterfeit CoinRogueSpell RareGain 1 Mana Crystal this turn only.
 Devouring SwarmHunterSpell RareChoose an enemy minion. Your minions attack it, then return any that die to your hand.
 Dispose of EvidenceDemon HunterSpell RareGive your hero +3 Attack this turn. Choose a card in your hand to shuffle into your deck.
 Flurry (Rank 1)MageSpell - FrostRareFreeze a random enemy minion. (Upgrades when you have 5 Mana.)
 Forbidden FruitDruidSpell RareSpend all your Mana. Choose One - Gain that much Attack this turn; or twice as much Armor.
 Forbidden RitualWarlockSpell - ShadowRareSpend all your Mana. Summon that many 1/1 Tentacles.
 Ritual of DoomWarlockSpell - ShadowRareDestroy a friendly minion. If you had 5 or more, summon a 5/5 Demon.
 Sigil of SilenceDemon HunterSpell - ShadowRareAt the start of your next turn, Silence all enemy minions.
 Through Fel and FlamesWarriorDemon HunterSpell - FelRareGive a minion Rush. Finale: And +1/+1.
 Forbidden WordsPriestSpell - ShadowRare0Spend all your Mana. Destroy a minion with that much Attack or less.
 Target DummyNeutralMinion - MechRare002Taunt
 Anduin's GiftPriestSpell Rare1Discover a Temporary Power Word: Shield, Shadow Word: Pain, or Mind Control.
 Angry ChickenNeutralMinion - BeastRare111Has +5 Attack while damaged.
 Animate DeadPriestSpell - ShadowRare1Resurrect a friendly minion that costs (3) or less.
 Arcane BreathMageSpell - ArcaneRare1Deal 2 damage to a minion. If you're holding a Dragon, Discover a spell.
 Armor VendorNeutralMinion Rare113Battlecry: Give 4 Armor to each hero.
 Arthas's GiftDeath KnightSpell Rare1Discover a Temporary Dark Transformation, Howling Blast, or Death Strike.
 Assembly LineRogueSpell Rare1Discover a Mech from another class.
 Astral AutomatonPriestMinion - MechRare112Has +1/+1 for each other Astral Automaton you've summoned this game.
 Azsharan ScrollShamanSpell Rare1Discover a Fire, Frost or Nature spell. Put a 'Sunken Scroll' on the bottom of your deck.
 Babbling BookMageMinion Rare112Battlecry: Add a random Mage spell to your hand.
 BansheeNeutralMinion - UndeadRare121Deathrattle: Give a random friendly Undead +2/+1.
 Blackjack StunnerRogueMinion Rare112Battlecry: If you control a Secret, return a minion to its owner's hand. It costs (2) more.
 Blazing InvocationShamanSpell - FireRare1Discover a Battlecry minion.
 Blood To IchorWarriorSpell Rare1Deal 1 damage to a minion. If it survives, summon a 2/2 Slime.
 Bloodsail CorsairNeutralMinion - PirateRare112Battlecry: Remove 1 Durability from your opponent's weapon.
 Brain FreezeMageRogueSpell - FrostRare1Freeze a minion. Combo: Also deal 3 damage to it.
 Brazen ZealotPaladinMinion Rare121Whenever you summon a minion, gain +1 Attack.
 Cactus ConstructDruidSpell - NatureRare1Discover a 2-Cost minion. Summon a 1/1 copy of it.
 Calamity's GraspDemon HunterWeapon Rare112Deathrattle: Add a random Outcast card to your hand.
 Clear the WayHunterSpell Rare1Sidequest: Summon 3 Rush minions. Reward: Summon a 4/4 Gryphon with Rush.
 Cleric of ScalesPriestMinion Rare111Battlecry: If you're holding a Dragon, Discover a spell from your deck.
 Cold StorageShamanSpell - FrostRare1Freeze a minion. Add a copy of it to your hand.
 Competitive SpiritPaladinSpell Rare1Secret: When your turn starts, give your minions +1/+1.
 Convincing DisguiseShamanSpell Rare1Transform a friendly minion into one that costs (2) more. Infuse (4): Transform all friendly minions instead.
 Crystalline OraclePriestMinion - ElementalRare112Deathrattle: Copy a card from your opponent's deck and add it to your hand.
 CrystologyPaladinSpell Rare1Draw two 1-Attack minions from your deck.
 Curse of AgonyWarlockSpell - ShadowRare1Shuffle three Agonies into the opponent's deck. They deal Fatigue damage when drawn.
 Curse of FleshWarlockSpell - ShadowRare1Enemy minions cost Health instead of Mana next turn.
 Cursed BladeWarriorWeapon Rare123Double all damage dealt to your hero.
 Dark PossessionWarlockSpell - ShadowRare1Deal 2 damage to a friendly character. Discover a Demon.
 Death GrowlDeath KnightSpell Rare1Choose a minion. Spread its Deathrattle to adjacent minions.
 Demon CompanionDemon HunterHunterSpell Rare1Summon a random Demon Companion.
 Depth ChargeNeutralMinion Rare15At the start of your turn, deal 5 damage to ALL minions.
 Desperate MeasuresPaladinSpell Rare1Twinspell Cast a random Paladin Secret.
 Dig for TreasureRogueSpell Rare1Draw a minion. If it's a Pirate, get a Coin.
 Discovery of MagicMageSpell Rare1Discover a spell from a spell school you haven't cast this game (from any class).
 Divine BrewPaladinSpell - HolyRare1Give a character Divine Shield. If it already had one, give it +1 Attack this turn. (3 Drinks left!)
 Door of ShadowsRogueSpell - ShadowRare1Draw a spell. Infuse (2): Add a temporary copy of it to your hand.
 Dozing KelpkeeperDruidMinion - NagaRare144Rush. Starts Dormant. After you've cast 5 Mana worth of spells, awaken.
 Dragon EggNeutralMinion Rare12Whenever this minion takes damage, summon a 2/1 Whelp.
 Dragon's HoardRogueSpell Rare1Discover a Legendary minion from another class.
 Elemental AlliesMageSpell Rare1Sidequest: Play an Elemental 2 turns in a row. Reward: Draw 3 spells from your deck.
 EvolveShamanSpell - NatureRare1Transform your minions into random minions that cost (1) more.
 Explorer's HatHunterSpell Rare1Give a minion +1/+1 and "Deathrattle: Get an Explorer's Hat."
 Feast of SoulsDemon HunterSpell - ShadowRare1Draw a card for each friendly minion that died this turn.
 Feral GibbererNeutralMinion Rare111After this minion attacks a hero, add a copy of it to your hand.
 First FlameMageSpell - FireRare1Deal 2 damage to a minion. Add a Second Flame to your hand.
 FlareHunterSpell Rare1All minions lose Stealth. Destroy all enemy Secrets. Draw a card.
 Flight of the BronzePaladinSpell Rare1Discover a Dragon. Manathirst (7): Summon a 5/5 Drake with Taunt.
 Focused WillPriestSpell Rare1Silence a minion, then give it +3 Health.
 Font of PowerMageSpell - ArcaneRare1Discover a Mage minion. If your deck has no minions, keep all 3.
 Fool's GoldRogueSpell Rare1Get a random Golden Pirate and Elemental from other classes.
 FrackingWarlockSpell Rare1Look at the bottom 3 cards of your deck. Draw one and destroy the others.
 Funnel CakeDruidPriestSpell Rare1Restore 3 Health to a minion and its neighbors. For each one Overhealed, refresh a Mana Crystal.
 Garrosh's GiftWarriorSpell Rare1Discover a Temporary Execute, Shield Block, or Brawl.
 Gear ShiftRogueSpell Rare1Shuffle the two left-most cards in your hand into your deck. Draw 3 cards.
 Getaway KodoPaladinSpell Rare1Secret: When a friendly minion dies, return it to your hand.
 Glacier RacerMageMinion Rare113Spellburst: Deal 3 damage to all Frozen enemies.
 Gone Fishin'RogueSpell Rare1Dredge. Combo: Draw a card.
 Gravelsnout KnightNeutralMinion Rare123Battlecry: Summon a random 1-Cost minion for your opponent.
 Grim RallyWarlockSpell - ShadowRare1Destroy a friendly minion. Give your minions +1/+1.
 GuidanceDruidShamanSpell Rare1Look at two spells. Add one to your hand or Overload: (1) to get both.
 Gul'dan's GiftWarlockSpell Rare1Discover a Temporary Mortal Coil, Siphon Soul, or Twisting Nether.
 Helmet HermitNeutralMinion - BeastRare143Can't attack.
 Holy Maki RollPaladinSpell - HolyRare1Restore 2 Health. Repeatable this turn.
 Illidan's GiftDemon HunterSpell Rare1Discover a Temporary Fel Barrage, Chaos Strike, or Chaos Nova.
 Imprisoned SungillPaladinMinion - MurlocRare121Dormant for 2 turns. When this awakens, summon two 1/1 Murlocs.
 Infectious SporelingNeutralMinion Rare112After this damages a minion, turn it into an Infectious Sporeling.
 Injured KvaldirNeutralMinion - UndeadRare124Battlecry: Deal 3 damage to this minion.
 Into the FrayWarriorSpell Rare1Give all Taunt minions in your hand +2/+2.
 Irondeep TroggNeutralMinion Rare112After your opponent casts a spell, summon another Irondeep Trogg.
 Jade IdolDruidSpell Rare1
 Jaina's GiftMageSpell Rare1Discover a Temporary Frostbolt, Arcane Intellect, or Fireball.
 Journey BelowRogueSpell Rare1Discover a Deathrattle card.
 Last StandWarriorSpell Rare1Draw a Taunt minion. Manathirst (7): Double its stats.
 Leatherworking KitHunterWeapon Rare13After three friendly Beasts die, draw a Beast and give it +1/+1. Lose 1 Durability.
 Lesser Jasper SpellstoneDruidSpell - NatureRare11Deal 2 damage to a minion. (Gain 3 Armor to upgrade.)
 Lesser Spinel SpellstoneDeath KnightSpell Rare1Give Undead in your hand +1/+1. (Gain 5 Corpses to upgrade.)
 Lifesaving AuraPaladinSpell - HolyRare1At the end of your turn, get a 1-Cost Sunscreen that gives +1/+2. Lasts 3 turns.
 Light of the NaaruPriestSpell - HolyRare1Restore 3 Health. If the target is still damaged, summon a Lightwarden.
 Lightning ReflexesShamanSpell - NatureRare1Discover a Nature spell. If you play it this turn, Discover another.
 LightwardenNeutralMinion Rare112Whenever a character is healed, gain +2 Attack.
 Magic TrickMageSpell - ArcaneRare1Discover a spell that costs (3) or less.
 Malfurion's GiftDruidSpell Rare1Discover a Temporary Feral Rage, Wild Growth, or Swipe.
 Molten BladeWarriorWeapon Rare111Transforms into a new weapon when in hand that changes each turn.
 Muck PoolsShamanLocation Rare13Transform a friendly minion into one that costs (1) more.
 Murloc GrowfinShamanMinion - MurlocRare111Gigantify Battlecry: Summon a Tinyfin with Rush and stats equal to this minion's.
 Murloc TidecallerNeutralMinion - MurlocRare112Whenever you summon a Murloc, gain +1 Attack.

Uncollectible[edit | edit source]

The following cards are uncollectible.

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 Flurry (Rank 2)MageSpell - FrostRareFreeze two random enemy minions. (Upgrades when you have 10 Mana.)
 Flurry (Rank 3)MageSpell - FrostRareFreeze three random enemy minions.
 Amateur PuppeteerDeath KnightMinion - UndeadRare111Mini, Taunt Deathrattle: Give Undead in your hand +2/+2.
 Boom WrenchWarriorWeapon Rare111Mini Deathrattle: Trigger the Deathrattle of a random friendly Mech.
 Chia DrakeDruidMinion - DragonRare111Mini Choose One - Gain Spell Damage +1; or Draw a spell.
 Clay MatriarchPriestMinion - DragonRare111Mini Taunt. Deathrattle: Summon a 4/4 Whelp with Elusive.
 Convincing DisguiseShamanSpell Rare1Infused Transform all friendly minions into random ones that cost (2) more.
 Desperate MeasuresPaladinSpell Rare1Cast a random Paladin Secret.
 Divine BrewPaladinSpell - HolyRare1Give a character Divine Shield. If it already had one, give it +1 Attack this turn. (2 Drinks left!)
 Divine BrewPaladinSpell - HolyRare1Give a character Divine Shield. If it already had one, give it +1 Attack this turn. (Last Drink!)
 Door of ShadowsRogueSpell - ShadowRare1Infused Draw a spell. Add a Temporary copy of it to your hand.
 Greater Jasper SpellstoneDruidSpell - NatureRare1Deal 6 damage to a minion.
 Greater Spinel SpellstoneDeath KnightSpell Rare11Give Undead in your hand +3/+3.
 Jasper SpellstoneDruidSpell - NatureRare11Deal 4 damage to a minion.
 Life from DeathDruidSpell - NatureRare1Infused Draw 3 cards.
 Nostalgic GnomeNeutralMinion Rare111Mini Rush. After this minion deals exact lethal damage on your turn, draw a card.
 Sandbox ScoundrelRogueMinion - PirateRare111Mini Battlecry: Your next card this turn costs (3) less.
 Sleet SkaterMageMinion - ElementalRare111Mini Battlecry: Freeze an enemy minion. Gain Armor equal to its Attack.
 Spinel SpellstoneDeath KnightSpell Rare1Give Undead in your hand +2/+2. (Gain 5 Corpses to upgrade.)
 Stage DiveWarriorSpell Rare1Corrupted Draw a Rush minion and give it +2/+1.
 Wings of Hate (Rank 2)Demon HunterSpell Rare1Summon three 1/1 Felwings. (Upgrades when you have 10 Mana.)
 Wings of Hate (Rank 3)Demon HunterSpell Rare1Summon four 1/1 Felwings.
 Azerite ChunkNeutralSpell Rare2Discover a 3-Cost card. It costs (0).
 Backup Tuning ForkWarriorWeapon Rare222Battlecry: Discover a Taunt minion. (Changes each turn.)
 Barrel of MonkeysHunterSpell Rare2Summon a 1/4 Monkey with Taunt. (2 Monkeys left!)
 Barrel of MonkeysHunterSpell Rare2Summon a 1/4 Monkey with Taunt. (Last Monkey!)
 CanaryNeutralMinion - BeastRare222Battlecry: Return an enemy minion to its owner's hand.
 Conditioning (Rank 2)WarriorSpell Rare2Give minions in your hand +2/+2. (Upgrades when you have 10 Mana.)
 Conditioning (Rank 3)WarriorSpell Rare2Give minions in your hand +3/+3.
 Creation ProtocolPriestSpell - HolyRare2Forged Discover a copy of a minion in your deck. Get another copy of it.
 Curved Tuning ForkWarriorWeapon Rare222Also damages minions adjacent to whomever your hero attacks. (Changes each turn.)
 Deepholm GeodeNeutralMinion - ElementalRare212At the end of your turn, deal 2 damage to all enemies.
 Dissonant Hip HopRogueSpell - ShadowRare2Deal 3 damage. Give your weapon +1 Attack. (Swaps each turn.)
 Druid of the SwarmDruidMinion - BeastRare215Taunt
 Druid of the SwarmDruidMinion - BeastRare215Taunt Poisonous
 Druid of the SwarmDruidMinion - BeastRare212Poisonous
 Embrace of NatureDruidSpell - NatureRare2Forged Draw a Choose One card. It has both effects combined.
 Falling StalactiteNeutralSpell Rare2Deal 3 damage to a minion and the enemy hero.
 Glowing GlyphNeutralSpell Rare2Give a minion and its neighbors +1/+2.
 Greater Opal SpellstoneDemon HunterSpell Rare2Draw 3 cards.
 Greater Pearl SpellstonePaladinSpell - HolyRare2Summon a 6/6 Spirit with Taunt.
 Greater Ruby SpellstoneMageSpell - FireRare2Add 3 random Mage spells to your hand.
 Living Seed (Rank 2)DruidSpell - NatureRare2Draw a Beast. Reduce its Cost by (2). (Upgrades when you have 10 Mana.)
 Living Seed (Rank 3)DruidSpell - NatureRare2Draw a Beast. Reduce its Cost by (3).
 Living StoneNeutralMinion - ElementalRare224Taunt Deathrattle: Summon a random 2-Cost minion.
 Nightshade TeaPriestSpell - ShadowRare2Deal 3 damage to a minion. Deal 2 damage to your hero. (2 Drinks left!)
 Nightshade TeaPriestSpell - ShadowRare2Deal 3 damage to a minion. Deal 2 damage to your hero. (Last Drink!)
 Opal SpellstoneDemon HunterSpell Rare2Draw 2 cards. (Attack with your hero 2 times to upgrade.)
 Pearl SpellstonePaladinSpell - HolyRare21Summon a 4/4 Spirit with Taunt.
 Reinforced Tuning ForkWarriorWeapon Rare222Battlecry: Gain 5 Armor. (Changes each turn.)
 Ruby SpellstoneMageSpell - FireRare2Add 2 random Mage spells to your hand.
 Scarab FormDruidMinion - BeastRare215Taunt
 Shadow Word: ForbidPriestSpell - ShadowRare2Tradeable Corrupted. Destroy ALL 4-Attack minions.
 Sharpened Tuning ForkWarriorWeapon Rare222Battlecry: Gain +2 Attack. (Changes each turn.)
 Spider FormDruidMinion - BeastRare212Poisonous
 Tame Beast (Rank 2)HunterSpell Rare2Summon a 4/4 Beast with Rush. (Upgrades when you have 10 Mana.)
 Tame Beast (Rank 3)HunterSpell Rare2Summon a 6/6 Beast with Rush.
 Titanforged TrapsHunterSpell Rare2Forged Discover and cast two Secrets.
 "Health" DrinkWarlockSpell - FelRare3Lifesteal. Deal 3 damage to a minion. (2 Drinks left!)
 "Health" DrinkWarlockSpell - FelRare3Lifesteal. Deal 3 damage to a minion. (Last Drink!)
 Blazing TotemcarverShamanMinion Rare332Battlecry: Summon a 0/3 Flametongue Totem. (Changes each turn.)
 Blessed MaulPaladinWeapon Rare322Battlecry: Give your minions +1 Attack.
 Bluesy TotemcarverShamanMinion Rare332Battlecry: Summon a 0/3 Mana Tide Totem. (Changes each turn.)
 Champion's MaulPaladinWeapon Rare322Battlecry: Summon two 1/1 Silver Hand Recruits.
 Chilling Dispense-o-botMageMinion - MechRare333Battlecry: Get two random Frost spells. (Changes each turn.)
 Conjurer's CallingMageSpell - ArcaneRare3Destroy a minion. Summon 2 minions of the same Cost to replace it.
 Duskhaven HunterHunterMinion Rare352Stealth Each turn this is in your hand, swap its Attack and Health.
 Frost Lotus BlossomDruidSpell - NatureRare3Draw 2 cards. Gain 10 Armor.
 Karaoke TotemcarverShamanMinion Rare332Battlecry: Summon a 0/4 Jukebox Totem. (Changes each turn.)
 Loud TotemcarverShamanMinion Rare332Battlecry: Summon a 0/3 Stereo Totem. (Changes each turn.)
 Luckysoul HoarderDemon HunterWarlockMinion Rare334Corrupted Battlecry: Shuffle 2 Soul Fragments into your deck and draw a card.
 Merch Dispense-o-botMageMinion - MechRare333Battlecry: Get two random Mechs. (Changes each turn.)
 Money Dispense-o-botMageMinion - MechRare333Battlecry: Get two Coins. (Changes each turn.)
 Moontouched AmuletDruidSpell Rare3Corrupted Give your hero +4 Attack this turn. Gain 6 Armor.
 Mystery Dispense-o-botMageMinion - MechRare333Battlecry: Get two random Mage Secrets. (Changes each turn.)
 Party Favor TotemShamanMinion - TotemRare33Infused At the end of your turn, summon two random basic Totems.
 Pit MasterShamanMinion Rare312Corrupted Battlecry: Summon two 3/2 Duelists.
 Plot of SinDruidSpell - NatureRare3Infused Summon two 5/5 Ancients.
 Purifier's MaulPaladinWeapon Rare322Battlecry: Give your minions Divine Shield.
 Sacred MaulPaladinWeapon Rare322Battlecry: Give your minions Taunt.
 Stitched CreationRogueMinion - UndeadRare344Infused Combo: Gain +2/+2. Manathirst (8): Gain +4/+4.
 Weight of the WorldDemon HunterSpell Rare3Forged. Draw cards until you have as many in hand as your opponent, then draw 2 cards.
 Amethyst SpellstoneWarlockSpell - ShadowRare4Lifesteal. Deal 5 damage to a minion. (Take damage from your cards to upgrade.)
 Auspicious SpiritsPriestSpell - ShadowRare4Corrupted Summon a random 7-Cost minion.
 Direhorn FormDruidMinion - BeastRare435Taunt
 Disciple of SargerasWarlockMinion Rare433Forged Battlecry: Discard a spell to summon two 3/2 Imps with +2 Health and Taunt.
 Dunk TankShamanSpell - NatureRare4Corrupted Deal 4 damage, then deal 2 damage to all enemy minions.
 Gloomstone GuardianDruidWarlockMinion - ElementalRare468Forged Taunt
 Glowstone GyrewormPriestMinion - ElementalRare444Forged, Lifesteal Battlecry: Deal 5 damage.
 Greater Amethyst SpellstoneWarlockSpell - ShadowRare4Lifesteal. Deal 7 damage to a minion.
 Mischievous ImpWarlockMinion - DemonRare433Infused Battlecry: Summon two copies of this.
 Raptor FormDruidMinion - BeastRare453Stealth
 Ring TossMageSpell Rare4Corrupted Discover 2 Secrets and cast them.
 ShellshifterDruidMinion - BeastRare453Stealth
 ShellshifterDruidMinion - BeastRare435Taunt
 ShellshifterDruidMinion - BeastRare455Stealth Taunt
 Angsty RhapsodyDemon HunterSpell Rare5Deal 3 damage to all minions. Draw 3 cards. (Changes each turn.)
 Clean the ScenePriestSpell - HolyRare5Infused Destroy all minions with 6 or less Attack.
 Dissonant DiscoPaladinSpell - HolyRare5Discover a 1-Cost minion. Summon it with +5/+5. (Swaps each turn.)
 DoppelgangsterNeutralMinion Rare522Battlecry: Summon 2 copies of this minion.