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You might be looking for one of these cards: Kriziki (Tavern Brawl).

Kriziki is a hero that the player can pick in The Dalaran Heist. She represents the Priest class.

Hero Powers[edit | edit source]

Available at start Unlock: Restore 50 Health Unlock: Cast 50 Spells
Lesser Heal

Starting cards[edit | edit source]

Available at start Unlock: Defeat 5 Bosses Unlock: Defeat 10 Bosses
Disciplined Shadows Visions
 Arcane Anomaly  Crystallizer  Forbidden Shaping
 Inner Fire  Potion of Madness  Forbidden Words
 Northshire Cleric  Shadow Ascendant  Leper Gnome
 Divine Spirit  Shadow Visions  EVIL Conscripter
 Squashling  Spirit Lash  Museum Curator
 Extra Arms  Sand Drudge  Resurrect
 Kabal Talonpriest  Shadow Word: Death  Acolyte of Agony
 Nightmare Amalgam  Shadowfiend  Dark Cultist
 Shifting Shade  Twilight Drake  Chillwind Yeti
 Holy Nova  Faceless Manipulator  Convincing Infiltrator

Card Bundles[edit | edit source]

Afterlife Curatives Dragonfire From the Graves Legends Miracles Old God Pint-Sized Shadows Strength Within Twisted What's Mind is Mine
 Awaken the Makers  Circle of Healing  Circle of Healing  Resurrect  Bloodmage Thalnos  Power Word: Shield  Beckoner of Evil  Fire Fly  Forbidden Shaping  Inner Fire Silence  Chameleos
 Dead Ringer  Regenerate  Twilight Whelp  Shadow Visions  Brann Bronzebeard  Test Subject  Twilight Geomancer  Potion Vendor  Forbidden Words  Test Subject  Pint-Size Potion  Cloning Device
EVIl Conscripter  Binding Heal  Wyrmrest Agent  Eternal Servitude  Zola the Gorgon  Extra Arms  Disciple of C'Thun  Spirit of the Dead  Lazul's Scheme  Divine Spirit  Ancient Watcher  Crystalline Oracle
 Museum Curator  Light of the Naaru  Dragon Soul  Unsleeping Soul  Arfus  Mana Addict  Twilight Elder  Zombie Chow  Potion of Madness  Fallen Sun Cleric  Confuse  Mind Vision
 Shadowy Figure  Mistress of Mixtures  Twilight Acolyte  Lyra the Sunshard  Harrison Jones  Radiant Elemental  C'Thun's Chosen  Shadowy Figure  Shadowbomber  Shadow Ascendant  Dalaran Librarian  Psionic Probe
 Gilded Gargoyle  Northshire Cleric  Duskbreaker  Onyx Bishop  Loatheb  Shadow Visions  Hooded Acolyte  Magic Carpet  Auchenai Phantasm  Dark Cultist  Purify  Seance
 Shallow Gravedigger  Power Word: Glory  Dragonmaw Scorcher  Shadow Essence  Lyra the Sunshard  Spirit Lash  Crazed Worshipper  Mirage Caller  Mind Blast  Extra Arms  Radiant Elemental Madame Lazul
 Twilight's Call  Divine Hymn  Drakonid Operative  Confessor Paletress  Cairne Bloodhoof  Wild Pyromancer  Twilight Darkmender  Ravencaller  Shadow Ascendant  Fjola Lightbane  Shrinkmeister  Thoughtsteal
 Hench-Clan Shadequill  Mana Geode  Dragonfire Potion  Lesser Diamond Spellstone  Emperor Thaurissan  Dragon Soul  Skeram Cultist  Sand Drudge  Shadow Visions  Kabal Talonpriest  Arcane Watcher  Mindgames
 Spiritsinger Umbra  Shadowboxer  Lightbomb  Prophet Velen  Xavius  Questing Adventurer  Twin Emperor Vek'lor  Shrieking Shroom  Shadow Word: Pain  Spawn of N'Zoth  Humongous Razorleaf  Shadow Madness
 Tortollan Shellraiser  Soup Vendor  Crowd Roaster  Catrina Muerte  Mojomaster Zihi  Sand Drudge  Doomcaller  Unidentified Elixir  Shadowy Figure  Surrender to Madness  Eerie Statue  Shifting Shade
 Convincing Infiltrator  Earthen Ring Farseer  Nightscale Matriarch  Kel'Thuzad  The Black Knight  Unidentified Elixir  C'Thun  Vivid Nightmare  Acolyte of Agony  Unidentified Elixir  Mass Dispel  Devour Mind
 Reckless Experimenter  Omega Medic  Temporus  Ragnaros the Firelord  Confessor Paletress  Priest of the Feast  Violet Teacher  Shadow Word: Death  Velen's Chosen  Spellbreaker  Holy Water
 Coffin Crasher  Greater Healing Potion  Chromaggus  The Lich King  Prophet Velen  Violet Teacher  Barnes  Shadowfiend  Dragonkin Sorcerer  Excavated Evil  Cabal Shadow Priest
 Sylvanas Windrunner  Holy Champion  Primordial Drake  Malygos  Troggzor the Earthinator  Lyra the Sunshard  Dollmaster Dorian  Surrender to Madness  Tortollan Shellraiser  Kabal Songstealer  Sylvanas Windrunner
 Tunnel Blaster  Darkshire Alchemist  Dragonhatcher  Mass Resurrection  Gruul  Power Word: Replicate  Herald Volazj  Auchenai Soulpriest  Power Word: Tentacles  Mass Hysteria  Archbishop Benedictus
 Da Undatakah  Holy Nova  Malygos  Obsidian Statue  Marin the Fox  Gadgetzan Auctioneer  Bwonsamdi, the Dead  Shadow Madness  Lady in White  Vol'jin  Princess Talanji
 Sneed's Old Shredder  Quartz Elemental  Nefarian  Zerek's Cloning Gallery  Medivh, the Guardian  Zerek, Master Cloner  Dr. Boom  Shadow Essence  Zerek, Master Cloner  Entomb  Mind Control
 Obsidian Statue  Holy Fire  Sleepy Dragon  Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound  Ragnaros the Firelord  Grave Horror  Zerek's Cloning Gallery  Shadowreaper Anduin  Bonemare  Psychic Scream
 N'Zoth, the Corruptor  Ysera  Arch-Thief Rafaam
 Hakkar, the Soulflayer

Emotes[edit | edit source]

Kriziki, full art
Trigger:  Extra Arms▶️More arms... want more wings...
Trigger:  Fly-By▶️Take to the skies!
Trigger:  Shadowform▶️Not just... for healing!
Trigger:  Shadow Word: Horror▶️Destroy the weaklings! Rak!
Attack▶️Shadows unravel you.
Emote: Greetings▶️Shadows hide you. Caw!
Emote: Well Played▶️Bold you are. Yes!
Emote: Oops▶️Birdbrain am I? Hm.
Emote: Threaten▶️Shadows tear you asunder!
Emote: Thanks▶️Ra-ak! Well done.
Unused: Sorry▶️Caaaw. Apologies.
Concede▶️No wings today.
Start▶️Must fly again...
Running out of time▶️Time runs thin.
Thinking▶️Darkness folds and writhes...
Thinking▶️Ra-aak? Ra-aak.
Almost out of cards▶️Cards low.
Out of cards▶️Caw-ards gone.
Error: Need a weapon▶️Need weapon!
Error: Not enough mana▶️I Need Mana!
Error: Minion exhausted▶️It recovers from last strike.
Error: Hero already attacked▶️Kriziki rests now.
Error: Minion not ready▶️That minion must wait, a-rak!
Error: Hand already full▶️Aa-ak! Full hand!
Error: Too many minions▶️No room for that one.
Error: Can't play that card▶️No! Cannot play.
Error: Not a valid target▶️Cannot target.
Error: Must attack Taunt minion▶️Another taunts me.
Error: Generic▶️I can't do that.
Selection in Choose Your Hero▶️Darkness I weave...
Start [Mirror]▶️Lazul promised us.
Emote: Greetings [Mirror]▶️And you. Ca-caw!
Emote: Wow▶️KA-KAW!
Error: Can't target Stealthed minion▶️That coward is hiding.
Start [ Flight Master Belnaara]▶️You do not deserve to fly!
Start [ Carousel Gryphon]▶️This form of amusement sickens me.
Start [ Erekem]▶️Soon you lose yours!
Start [ Moon Priestess Nici]▶️A false priest! No darkness twists within you.
Start [ Ungan Oddkind]▶️Ra-ak! Cannot flap.

Lore[edit | edit source]

Kriziki is unique to Hearthstone. She is an arakkoa who was taken in by Madame Lazul, who is helping the former achieve the power of flight. She also used to work for the Kabal.

Patch changes

Card changes