Zuramat the Obliterator

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.

Zuramat the Obliterator is the final boss that can be encountered in Chapter 2 of The Dalaran Heist adventure.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Normal Heroic
To The Void

Special cards[edit | edit source]

Void Shift

Decks[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Normal Heroic
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Boss  Void Shift 3 Boss  Void Shift 1
Warlock  Call of the Void 1 Warlock  Call of the Void 2
 Voidwalker 1  Flame Imp 2
 Demonfire 2  Voidwalker 1
 Voidcaller 2  Void Analyst 2
 Despicable Dreadlord 2  Imp Gang Boss 2
 Possessed Lackey 2  Void Terror 2
 Void Crusher 2  Dreadsteed 1
 Abyssal Enforcer 2  Imp-losion 2
 Fearsome Doomguard 2  Voidcaller 1
 Demonbolt 2  Bane of Doom 1
 Fel Lord Betrug 1  Demonheart 1
 Mal'Ganis 1  Despicable Dreadlord 1
 Voidlord 2  Dread Infernal 1
 Jumbo Imp 2  Kabal Trafficker 2
Neutral  Deathlord 2  Possessed Lackey 1
 The Beast 1  Rin, the First Disciple 1
 Abyssal Enforcer 1
 Fearsome Doomguard 1
 Fel Lord Betrug 1
 Mal'Ganis 1
 Voidlord 1
 Jumbo Imp 1


To edit these notes, go to Template:Zuramat the Obliterator notes.

  • The player is given two copies of  Void Shift at Start of Game in Normal mode.
  • Banishing a minion removes it from play and does not trigger its Deathrattle. Afterwards, instead of being put in list of deaths, it is put in a unique list, consisting of only banished minions.
  • After using Void Shift, all minions in the list of banished are removed.

Tips[edit | edit source]

  •  Cloak of Invisibility can neutralize Zuramat's hero power, which requires a target.
  • He will cast  Void Shift immediately after the player will have 3-4 minions regardless of their strength and even if he has minions on his own board.
  •  Rocket Backpacks allows you to use minions immediately and avoid unnecessary loss from the hero power.
  •  Glyph of Warding can slow down Zuramat and prevent it from playing  Azari, the Devourer.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Swampqueen Hagatha
He is called "The Obliterator." Show him the face of E.V.I.L.


Zuramat the Obliterator
The void hungers.
The darkness will takes its own. (vs.  Tekahn)
Yes... Feed your hatred. (vs.  George the Fallen)
Squeamlish understanding. Squeamlish hungry too.

Emote Response

Zuramat the Obliterator
Darkness will consume...

Hero Power

Zuramat the Obliterator
Minion for 0-6 mana
Gaze... into the void.
Ha Ha Hahaha
Know... my... pain...
Minion for 7+ mana
Such power... the void... craves.
The void... hungers... for one such as this.


Zuramat the Obliterator
This will be... your end...
What's taking... so long...?

 Void Shift

Zuramat the Obliterator
Cast by boss
From... beyond.
The void... calls.
The void... is... everywhere...
Cast by player

Boss cards

Zuramat the Obliterator
 Call of the Void
It calls to me... even now...
Another who speaks to it...
Demon for 7+ mana
Come forth... destroy...

Player's cards

Zuramat the Obliterator
 Renounce Darkness
You... fool...
 Twisting Nether
Another... denizen of the void...
The void... does not suffer... traitors...


Zuramat the Obliterator
(silent yell)


Zuramat the Obliterator

Lore[edit | edit source]

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
Zuramat the Obliterator is a  Voidlord boss located in Violet Hold.
It took one hundred of Dalaran's finest to subdue Zuramat; it took twice as many to clear the carnage from the killing field. The Obliterator's malevolence gives pause even to mad  Malygos, who considers the void lord's appetite for magic distasteful. But genocide makes strange bedfellows.


Patch changes

Card changes

  • Saviors of Uldum logo.png Patch (2019-09-10):
    • Now reads: "Imprisoned because the Kirin Tor mostly frowns on obliterations." (previously: "Imprisoned because the Kirin-Tor mostly frowns on obliterations.")
  • Rise of Shadows logo.png Patch (2019-05-14):
    • Added.

Bug fixes and other changes