Jepetto Joybuzz (boss)

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.
You might be looking for one of these cards: Jepetto Joybuzz.

Jepetto Joybuzz is the final boss that can be encountered in Chapter 3 of The Dalaran Heist adventure.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Normal Heroic

Special cards[edit | edit source]

Hoard of Toys

Decks[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Normal Heroic
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Boss  Hoard of Toys 2 Boss  Hoard of Toys 2
Neutral  Target Dummy 2 Hunter  Kindly Grandmother 1
 Goblin Bomb 2  Spider Bomb 1
 Annoy-o-Tron 2  Exploding Bloatbat 1
 Mechwarper 2  Houndmaster Shaw 1
 Alarm-o-Bot 2  Vilebrood Skitterer 1
 Demolisher 2  Savannah Highmane 1
 Meat Wagon 2  Crushing Walls 1
 Piloted Reaper 2  Gladiator's Longbow 1
 Piloted Shredder 2 Neutral  Loot Hoarder 2
 Mimiron's Head 1  Master Swordsmith 1
 Zilliax 1  Shallow Gravedigger 1
 Mechanical Whelp 2  Shrieking Shroom 1
 Missile Launcher 2  Cursed Disciple 1
 Piloted Sky Golem 2  Infested Tauren 1
 Foe Reaper 4000 1  Twilight Summoner 1
 Sneed's Old Shredder 1  Weaponized Piñata 1
 Abomination 1
 Anubisath Sentinel 1
 Feugen 1
 Sludge Belcher 1
 Stalagg 1
 Sylvanas Windrunner 1
 Stormwind Champion 1
 Gruul 1
 Ragnaros the Firelord 1
 Sneed's Old Shredder 1
 The Lich King 1

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Madame Lazul
Beware, beware, de toy man fair. Tiny hands an' pink of hair.
Do not underestimate de toy-man. Those who do wind up wind-up!
Turn de screws on de little toy-man, before it be too late.
We may be E.V.I.L. but we draw de line at creepy little toys. Get him!


Jepetto Joybuzz
Hey! You there! Come in here!
Me too. (vs.  George the Fallen)

Emote Response

Jepetto Joybuzz
Shh, I'm working on something special!

Hero Power

Jepetto Joybuzz
We're running a sale on these...
Triggering for player
Is that all you brought?
Shoddy craftsmanship, but what do you expect?
Did that one fall off the shelf?
Triggering for boss
I've been wanting to show this one off!
Yes, yes! My army grows!


Jepetto Joybuzz
Hey! Stop taking a break! We've got some business to settle!
This is a fight, not a bed and breakfast. Wake up!
I'm not here to just play around! Well, I kind of am.

Turn 1-3

Jepetto Joybuzz
I've heard you've been causing trouble for my friends.
Us shopkeeps are a tight group... and I run it!
My toys and I are going to put a stop to your little rampage!

Turn 7

Jepetto Joybuzz
You're putting up more of a fight than I thought you would.

 Hoard of Toys

Jepetto Joybuzz
Let's see what we've got in here...
Aha, the clearance section's looking a bit... dangerous!
I'm focus testing these toys. Whaddaya think?

Player's cards

Jepetto Joybuzz
Hoard of Toys
Stolen from right under my nose.
Pogo-Hoppers are going to be all the rage this Winter Veil, you'll see!
Don't forget to wear a helmet with this one!
If you want the four finger discount, go somewhere else!
 Voodoo Doll
Get! That! Out of my shop!
 Mad Hatter
This is a TOY store, not a habbnashery, habagabany, haba… not a hat store!
That is one fine wrench! Can I borrow it?
 Blingtron 3000
Where did you get THAT?! It's SO rare...
 Mossy Horror
Oh no! A horror in a toy shop!
 Giggling Inventor
You again? Stop trying to add horns to all my toys!
 Jepetto Joybuzz
I've seen some weird things in this city but I've never seen ME!
Any Lackey
Get these buffoons out of my shop!
Any other Legendary minion
Hey! A Limited Edition!


Jepetto Joybuzz


Jepetto Joybuzz
You'll just have to join my collection, haha!

Lore[edit | edit source]

Jepetto Joybuzz is a gnomish toy vendor who runs the Wonderworks store in Dalaran, where he and his Clockwork Assistant sell a variety of toys and novelty items to players, such as miniature robots, copper racers, and the (in)famous Toy Train Set.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Jepetto Joybuzz (boss), full art

Patch changes

Card changes

Bug fixes and other changes