Mo Eniwhiskers

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.

Mo Eniwhiskers is a boss that can be encountered in Chapter 1 of The Dalaran Heist adventure.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Normal Heroic
Street Smarts
Street Smarts

Decks[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Total cards Normal Heroic
Class Possible Cards Class Possible Cards
25 Rogue  Backstab Rogue  Counterfeit Coin
 Preparation  Shadowstep
 Journey Below  Cutpurse
 Cutpurse  Eviscerate
 Lab Recruiter  Edwin VanCleef
 Burgle  SI:7 Agent
 Academic Espionage  Fal'dorei Strider
 Tomb Pillager  Spirit of the Shark
 WANTED!  Tomb Pillager
 Wind-up Burglebot  Vilespine Slayer
Neutral  Booty Bay Bookie  Trade Prince Gallywix
 Hoarding Dragon  Vanish
 Soldier of Fortune Neutral  Booty Bay Bookie
 Burgly Bully  Questing Adventurer
 Hoarding Dragon
 Soldier of Fortune
 Burgly Bully

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Heistbaron Togwaggle
Mo is keeping all the loots for hisself! There is being no honor among thievies.


Mo Eniwhiskers
Not your gold! MY GOLD!
Give up your treasures! AND COINS!
 Captain Eudora
We'll see about that!
 Mr. Chu
I believe that is our gold, Mo.
vs.  Squeamlish
Mo Eniwhiskers
Hmmm, Kobold abandon shiny for rats... Weirdo.
Kobold friend! You is wanting to hear about adventures?!

Emote Response

Mo Eniwhiskers
Hmmmmm? You try take gold?

Hero Power

Mo Eniwhiskers
Coin for card, card for coin!
Good deal, good deal!
Mo at least one kind of smart.
Mo so smart! Heheheh.
This work for Mo.


Mo Eniwhiskers
How many coins me have...
One coin... two coin... m.. more than two coin...
This bag is being so heavy!

Boss cards

Mo Eniwhiskers
Gimme more, gimme more!
 Burgly Bully
Trogg carries coins for me!

Player's cards

Mo Eniwhiskers
Any kobold
Kobold be trying to take my coin! Stay back!
 Soldier of Fortune
SHINY SPARKLE! Gimme gimme!
 King Togwaggle
Boss? I just be holding bag for you! Hehe.


Mo Eniwhiskers


Mo Eniwhiskers
Now I take all the coins!

Lore[edit | edit source]

Mo Eniwhiskers is unique to Hearthstone.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Mo Eniwhiskers, full art

Patch changes

Card changes