Hearthstone Wiki:Archived/Secret Hunter

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Such easy sport.

Secret Hunter is a midrange Hunter deck type that utilizes Secrets as its main game plan.

Secret Hunter first took off in popularity after the release of One Night in Karazhan and the cards  Cloaked Huntress and  Cat Trick. Cloaked Huntress created huge swing turns by dumping multiple Secrets in one turn, creating an extremely disruptive environment for the opponent which made removing or summoning minions especially difficult.

Secret Hunter transitioned to Spell Hunter after Kobolds and Catacombs, which excludes Cloaked Huntress from the deck. The Boomsday Project breathed new life into a traditional Secret Hunter deck with  Subject 9, which gave the deck huge card draw in place of  To My Side! and  Rhok'delar.

In the Year of the Dragon, Secret Hunter uses a more midrange-style play, incorporating a good amount of spells to power up  Zul'jin as its big finisher, who will replay all activated Secrets.

Common cards[edit | edit source]

The following cards are usually in the deck.

Core cards[edit | edit source]

The following cards are played in most or all versions of the deck:

Freezing Trap
Explosive Trap
Pressure Plate
Rat Trap
Snake Trap
Sunreaver Spy
Hunter's Pack
Masked Contender
Animal Companion
Unleash the Hounds
Kill Command
Eaglehorn Bow
Hyena Alpha
Marked Shot
Subject 9
Unleash the Beast

Optional cards[edit | edit source]

The following cards are played more than occasionally, but not always:

Timber Wolf
Secret Plan
Unseal the Vault
Hunter's Mark
Knife Juggler
Scavenging Hyena
Zephrys the Great
Bloodscalp Strategist
Deadly Shot
Ramkahen Wildtamer
Houndmaster Shaw
Baited Arrow
Leeroy Jenkins
Savannah Highmane
Scarlet Webweaver
Swarm of Locusts
Wild Bloodstinger
Dinotamer Brann

Wild cards[edit | edit source]

Wild cards that fit well into this deck type:

Dire Mole
Mad Scientist
Kindly Grandmother
Crackling Razormaw
Bear Trap
Cat Trick
Venomstrike Trap
Wandering Monster
Lock and Load
Quick Shot
Cloaked Huntress
Professor Putricide
Flanking Strike
Lesser Emerald Spellstone
Deathstalker Rexxar
Call of the Wild