Brimstone Warden

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.

Brimstone Warden is a boss that can be encountered during the Dungeon Run.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Dispel Ward

Special cards[edit | edit source]

Stone Golem
Looming Presence

Deck[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Class Card Quantity
Boss  Looming Presence 4
 Stone Golem 11
Neutral  Shieldbearer 2
 Emperor Cobra 2
 Giant Wasp 2
 Emperor Thaurissan 1
Hunter  Bear Trap 2
 Snake Trap 2
 Venomstrike Trap 2
Rogue  Pit Snake 2

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Brimstone Warden begins with 4 Stone Golems in play. If he makes it to 5 mana crystals, he will use his hero power to silence them and easily eliminate the player. Since killing a golem removes one of his mana crystals, the player should destroy them at a rate to keep him from reaching five mana. A quick deck may be able to deal enough damage to Brimstone before he reaches five mana; the typical deck will mix dealing quick damage and controlling the golem/mana situation.

The lion's share of Brimstone's deck is additional golems. The golems cost 2 mana; on turns where he has enough mana he will tend to play a golem.

Since he cannot go below zero crystals, killing golems in excess of Brimstone's current mana level is unnecessary and wasteful; if using mass removal, it is usually better to wait until he has as much mana as he will lose before wiping his board (e.g., if Brimstone has 3 golems, wait to play  Shadowreaper Anduin until he has 3 mana, if possible).

 THE CANDLE is a particularly useful spell in this encounter, as it can kill or nearly kill all opposing golems and shuffle itself back into the deck to be reused. This also frees up the player's minions to focus on damaging Brimstone.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

King Togwaggle
Shh! Statues be having eyes, like blinky-ones. No wakey!


Brimstone Warden
Begone. There is nothing here for you.

Emote Response

Brimstone Warden
I will not be deterred.

Slaying  Stone Golem

Brimstone Warden
It is a matter of time.
You prolong the inevitable.
My will is stone...
I... must protect... the sanctum...
You desecrate this place.

Hero Power

Brimstone Warden
AWAKEN! ...Oh. (if there are no Stone Golems on the board)

Play Silence on Stone Golem

Brimstone Warden
Why... thank you.


Brimstone Warden


Brimstone Warden
The sanctum is secure.

Lore[edit | edit source]

Brimstone Warden is unique to hearthstone. He appears to be a guard in charge of waking the Stone Golems.

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.

Earthen (sometimes referred to as early dwarves)are stony proto-beings, similar to dwarves, that were created by the Keepers to help shape the subterranean regions of the world of Azeroth. Earthen have at least two physical forms: those primarily seen in Uldaman, and those primarily seen in Ulduar. The history of the earthen and their transformation into dwarves can be found recorded in the Discs of Norgannon in Uldaman. Further history about research conducted in Northrend can be found in Ulduar.


Patch changes

Card changes