Mauricio Herrera

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Mauricio Herrera is an artist for the cards listed here.



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Collectible Constructed cards
Collectible Constructed cards
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TTN 081.png
DAL 570.png
LOOT 353.png
TSC 925.png
TOY 006.png
TID 078.png
TRL 245.png
NX2 029.png
ETC 081.png
TTN 079.png
BT 117.png
SCH 147.png
VAC 436.png
WW 435.png
BOT 414.png
UNG 823.png
LOOT 214.png
JAM 027.png
GVG 001.png
RLK 025.png
DRG 252.png
GIL 696.png
TTN 728.png
SW 418.png
OG 206.png
TID 707.png
SCH 537.png
AV 126.png
YOP 025.png
AT 078.png
GIL 637.png
LEG RLK 705.png
CFM 755.png
VAC 435.png
AV 210.png
ULD 151.png
VAC 953.png
ETC 107.png
REV 374.png
OG 116.png
BT 159.png
GIL 571.png
SCH 232.png
SW 085.png
BAR 027.png
TRL 254.png
DED 524.png
RLK 062.png
ONY 024.png
ETC 540.png
BT 026.png
MAW 012.png
RLK 730.png
CFM 667.png
BAR 072.png
DMF 202.png
BRM 003.png
TRL 526.png
BOT 104.png
BOT 540.png
TTN 730.png
ONY 001.png
BAR 020.png
DMF 528.png
DMF 087.png
RLK 927.png
RLK 720.png
SCH 230.png
DED 508.png
ULD 212.png
UPCOMING 100616.png
SW 417.png
ULD 194.png
WC 036.png
AV 132.png
REV 017.png
DAL 553.png
TOY 601.png


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Uncollectible Constructed cards
Uncollectible Constructed cards
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DRG 099t4.png
DRG 099t1.png
UNG 999t13.png
SCH 147t.png
TTN 081t.png
TSC 925t.png
TRL 541t.png
TOY 601t.png
SW 085t.png
RLK 705t.png
JAM 027b.png
RLK 018t.png
TRL 254t.png
JAM 027a.png
UPCOMING 98759.png
WC 036t1.png
YOP 025t.png
MAW 012t.png
TTN 730t.png
TOY 601t2.png
BAR 072t.png
UPCOMING 102028.png
REV 017t.png


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Duels cards
Duels cards
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
PVPDR Sai T2at1.png
PVPDR SCH Active30.png

Tavern Brawl cards

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Tavern Brawl cards
Tavern Brawl cards
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TB CoOpv3 011.png
TB CoOpv3 001.png
BRMC 98.png
TB CoOpv3 Boss.png

Boss cards

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Boss cards
Boss cards
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DRGA 099t4.png
LOOTA BOSS 20h.png
GILA BOSS 45h.png
BTA BOSS 13h.png
KARA 00 11.png
BRMA17 2.png
BRMA10 1.png
LOOTA BOSS 16h.png
LOOTA BOSS 16p.png
LOOTA 845.png
RLK Prologue RLK 705t.png
GILA 412.png
DALA BOSS 01p.png
BOM 03 DeviateNightmare 06t.png
BOM 10 Nightmare 008t.png
DALA Shaman HP1.png
Story 11 FlamecannonPuzzle.png
RLK Prologue 025.png
RLK Prologue RLK 018t.png
Story 03 TrickTotem.png
DALA BOSS 01px.png
BOM 08 Tavish Kazakusan 008p.png
RLK Prologue RLK 705.png
Story 11 SpreadingMadness.png
TRLA 176.png
RLK Prologue RLK 062.png
RLK Prologue RLK 730.png
LOOTA BOSS 20p.png
RLK Prologue RLK 720.png
BRMC 98.png

Other cards

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Other cards
Other cards
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CRED 238.png
CRED 232.png
CRED 217.png

Battlegrounds[edit source]


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Battlegrounds minions
Battlegrounds minions
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
BG22 HERO 305t Battlegrounds.png
BG21 017 Battlegrounds.png
BG21 010 Battlegrounds.png
BGS 010 Battlegrounds.png
BGS 032 Battlegrounds.png
BGS 036 Battlegrounds.png
BG27 081 Battlegrounds.png

Others[edit source]

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Battlegrounds cards
Battlegrounds cards
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BG27 Reward 815.png

Mercenaries[edit source]


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Mercenaries mercenaries
Mercenaries mercenaries
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
Murloc on a Break
Nightmare Viper {0}
Nightmare Viper 1
Nightmare Viper 2
Nightmare Viper 3
Nightmare Viper 4
Onyxian Warder
After an enemy Attacks, summon a 10/10 Whelp.
This Merc's abilities start at (9) Speed.
Shell Lurker
This takes 0 less damage.


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Mercenaries abilities
Mercenaries abilities
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
Don't Look At Me
Moonlight Strike {0}
Moonlight Strike 1
Moonlight Strike 2
Moonlight Strike 3
Moonlight Strike 4
Nightmare Viper {0}
Nightmare Viper 1
Nightmare Viper 2
Nightmare Viper 3
Nightmare Viper 4
The Bone Game {0}


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Mercenaries equipments
Mercenaries equipments
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Blood Moon {0}
Blood Moon 1
Blood Moon 2
Blood Moon 3
Chromatic Dragonflight {0}
Chromatic Dragonflight 1
Chromatic Dragonflight 2
Chromatic Dragonflight 3

Other cards[edit source]

Unused cards

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Unused cards
Unused cards
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
CORE ONY 024.png

External links