Razorgore the Untamed

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.

Razorgore the Untamed is a boss in the Blackrock Mountain adventure. It is the first encounter of the adventure's fourth wing, Blackwing Lair.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Normal Heroic
The Rookery
The Rookery

Special cards[edit | edit source]

BRMA10 4.png
BRMA 01.png
BRMA10 5.png
BRMA10 4H.png
BRMA 01.png
BRMA10 5H.png

Decks[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Class Card Quantity
Boss  Flameheart 2
Mage  Dragon's Breath 2
Paladin  Dragon Consort 1
Priest  Twilight Whelp 2
Shaman  Bloodlust 2
Warlock  Corruption 2
Warrior  Cruel Taskmaster 2
Neutral  Faerie Dragon 2
 Frostwolf Grunt 2
 Blackwing Technician 2
 Wolfrider 2
 Hungry Dragon 2
 Azure Drake 1
 Blackwing Corruptor 2
 Drakonid Crusher 2
 Volcanic Drake 2

Notes[edit | edit source]

Rewards[edit | edit source]


Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

▶️You want to come into MY HOUSE? Fine. Razorgore! Destroy this ungrateful brat.


Razorgore the Untamed
▶️Behold. The corrupted eggs of our new dragonflight.

Emote Response

Razorgore the Untamed
▶️I will scramble you!

Hero Power

Razorgore the Untamed
▶️Stay away from those eggs!

Turn 1

Razorgore the Untamed
▶️These eggs will be your undoing.

Destroying the Corrupted Eggs

Razorgore the Untamed
▶️Fools! These eggs are more precious than you know!
▶️No! Not another one! I'll have your heads for this atrocity!
▶️You'll pay for this!


Razorgore the Untamed
▶️Those eggs were meant for glorious experiments!

Lore[edit | edit source]

Blackrock Mountain

Watching eggs is a full-time responsibility. It doesn't leave poor Razorgore much time to do important things like get a degree, socialize, or do fun, destructive dragon stuff. This unfortunate situation has only worsened his historically poor temperament. Razorgore's glad you're stopping by to help him work off some stress![1]

World of Warcraft

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
Razorgore the Untamed is a black dragonflight dragonspawn and the first boss of Blackwing Lair.


Patch changes

Card changes

References[edit | edit source]