Hearthstone Wiki:Archived/Spell Druid

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Trees, wisps, and now bugs.

Spell Druid is an Druid deck type introduced in Ashes of Outland. The deck uses mainly spells to maximize the value of  Glowfly Swarm and  Fungal Fortunes.

The deck runs mana ramping spells like Ramp Druid for 0-mana  Bogbeam and  Ironbark, utilizes token-summoning cards with board-wide effects as their main win condition like Token Druid, and combos  Kael'thas Sunstrider with low-cost spells to cast big spells like  The Forest's Aid and  Gift of the Wild for huge swing turns.

In Wild, Spell Druid gains access to Jade cards like  Jade Idol for late game to generate endless amount of growing Jade Golems with infinite card draw to prevent getting into fatigue,  Jade Blossom for additional ramp , armor generating cards  Ferocious Howl, Branching Path,  Ultimate Infestation, and  Oaken Summons for protection and additional protection from  Spreading Plague and  Malfurion the Pestilent, and more Token cards  Wisps of the Old Gods,  Landscaping and additional board removal such as  Naturalize and  Poison Seeds.

Once Spell Druid finishes casting their spells,  Yogg-Saron, Hope's End is an additional win condition in the late game which can cast as many as 30 spells to close out the game or provide additional support against the enemy board.

Common cards[edit source]

The following cards are usually in the deck.

Core cards[edit source]

The following cards are played in most or all versions of the deck:

Power of the Wild
Fungal Fortunes
Savage Roar
Soul of the Forest
Glowfly Swarm
Kael'thas Sunstrider
Gift of the Wild

Optional cards[edit source]

The following cards are played more than occasionally, but not always:

Force of Nature

Wild cards[edit source]

Wild cards that fit well into this deck type:

Biology Project
Crystal Power
Floop's Glorious Gloop
Jade Idol
Lesser Jasper Spellstone
Mark of the Lotus
Raven Idol
Dreamway Guardians
Rising Winds
Blessing of the Ancients
Jade Blossom
Ferocious Howl
Fandral Staghelm
Poison Seeds
Branching Paths
Anubisath Defender
Spreading Plague
Exotic Mountseller
Malfurion the Pestilent
Wisps of the Old Gods
The Forest's Aid
Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
Ultimate Infestation