Exodia Mage

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They say his arrival heralded by a fanfare of brass instruments.

Exodia Mage is a Mage Combo deck whose win condition uses  Archmage Antonidas, four Sorcerer's Apprentices, and any spell to gain a  Fireball off of Antonidas, creating an infinite loop of 0-mana Fireballs to achieve a one-turn-kill combo.

Its name comes from the Yu-Gi-Oh! card Exodia the Forbidden One, an iconic alternate win condition card that, like Exodia Mage, requires five pieces—the original Exodia requires the head and four limbs, while Exodia Mage requires Antonidas and four Sorcerer's Apprentices.

Featured cards[edit | edit source]

Archmage Antonidas
Sorcerer's Apprentice

Examples[edit | edit source]

Examples of how to perform the Exodia Mage combo are as follows:

A Quest Mage version can be done with the following steps:

A Questless Exodia Mage can be done with the following steps:

Alternatively, play  Luna's Pocket Galaxy before you draw Antonidas and play him with 2 Sorcerer's Apprentices and 2 Molten Reflections or Simulacrum-copied Apprentices.

History[edit | edit source]

This combo has existed before the Standard year, but was much more difficult to achieve. The old method required two copies of Sorcerer's Apprentice and two copies of  Echo of Medivh for the first step, followed by  Emperor Thaurissan reducing the cost of all five combo pieces. Exodia Mage returned to Standard format with  Open the Waygate and  Molten Reflection, which created a significantly easier way to achieve the combo. Kobolds and Catacombs created a new variation of a questless Exodia Mage, with the addition of  Leyline Manipulator and  Simulacrum from the previous expansion. Another version of Exodia Mage that was made available with  Luna's Pocket Galaxy, where its only requirement is to play it with Antonidas in your deck, creating much more room for other cards in your deck.