Hearthstone Wiki:Archived/Spell Mage

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Spells are fun! So fun!

Spell Mage is a Mage deck type, introduced in Ashes of Outland. Like Spell Hunter, this deck does not include any minions in their deck to maximize use of  Font of Power and  Apexis Blast.

Another focal point of power in this deck is  Incanter's Flow, discounting every card in their deck for a huge tempo investment return. The deck is versatile, using freeze spells and  Flame Ward to halt aggro, burst damage to finish games, and using  Evocation or even  Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron or  The Amazing Reno as a last-ditch effort to swing or neutralize the game.

Common cards[edit source]

The following cards are usually in the deck.

Core cards[edit source]

The following cards are played in most or all versions of the deck:

Ray of Frost
Learn Draconic
Font of Power
Ancient Mysteries
Incanter's Flow
Arcane Intellect
Flame Ward
Netherwind Portal
Refreshing Spring Water
Deck of Lunacy
Apexis Blast
Power of Creation
Deep Freeze

Optional cards[edit source]

The following cards are played more than occasionally, but not always:

Mirror Image
Magic Trick
Raid the Sky Temple
Ice Barrier
Mirror Entity
Cone of Cold
Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron
The Amazing Reno

Wild cards[edit source]

Wild icon.pngThis section concerns content exclusive to Wild format.

Wild cards that fit well into this deck type:

Forbidden Flame
Unstable Portal
Primordial Glyph
Astral Rift
Ice Block
Forgotten Torch
Volcanic Potion
Frozen Clone
Explosive Runes
Firelands Portal