Hearthstone Wiki:Archived/Secret Mage

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Wild format
Wild icon.png

With the start of the Year of the Gryphon, most of Mage's important cards like  Kirin Tor Mage,  Flame Ward and  Cloud Prince have rotated to Wild, making Highlander Mage less prominent in Standard and more of a Wild archetype. For more information, see Game format.

Kabal Crystal Runner full.jpg

Secret Mage is a Mage deck type that is derived from Tempo Mage. It is characterized by utilizing Mage's various efficient Secret cards as well as synergistic cards like  Kabal Crystal Runner to disrupt and out-tempo the opponent. Secret Mage is an archetype that players have been trying to build for a long time due to the variety of Secret synergy cards that Mage has had and received in the game's history. It wasn't until the release of Kabal Crystal Runner in Mean Streets of Gadgetzan and  Arcanologist in Journey to Un'Goro that Secret Mage finally had the pieces it needed to be formed into a viable and competitive archetype. These cards solidified the explosive start the deck always needed, allowing it to utilize its Secret package to the fullest right from the start of the game.

The deck utilizes cards like  Kabal Lackey and  Kirin Tor Mage to cheat secrets into play for 0 mana, then uses  Medivh's Valet and  Cloud Prince to deal bursts of damage, with  Kabal Crystal Runner to add board presence and  Aluneth to draw out cards needed to win the game.

The rotation of  Kabal Crystal Runner and  Kabal Lackey to Wild has made this deck a Wild-Exclusive deck. While more new Secret-based cards have been released since then, they've failed to make an impact on the Standard meta, but made Secret Mage in Wild an even more brutal force.

With the release of Madness at the Darkmoon Faire, there has been enough Secret-related cards added to make Secret Mage present in Standard, thanks to  Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon and  Rigged Faire Game, along with other tempo-based cards.

Common cards[edit source]

The following cards are usually in the deck.

Core cards[edit source]

The following cards are played in most or all versions of the deck:

Kabal Lackey
Mad Scientist
Medivh's Valet
Ancient Mysteries
Arcane Flakmage
Explosive Runes
Flame Ward
Ice Block
Kirin Tor Mage
Netherwind Portal
Rigged Faire Game
Occult Conjurer
Cloud Prince
Kabal Crystal Runner
Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon

Optional cards[edit source]

The following cards are played more than occasionally, but not always:

Apexis Smuggler
Astromancer Solarian
Game Master
Sorcerer's Apprentice
Primordial Glyph
Arcane Intellect
Stargazer Luna
Forgotten Torch
Mirror Entity
Potion of Polymorph
Firelands Portal