Guff Runetotem (Twist hero)

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Guff Runetotem is a druid hero, for use in Twist format seasons.

Related cards

THD 009hp.png
Tied Hero Power
THD 009p.png


Guff Runetotem uses these decks:

Guff Runetotem
This deck can be used in Twist after unlocking  Guff Runetotem.
0Druid Pounce1
1Demon Hunter Battlefiend1
1Demon Hunter/ Warrior Burning Heart1
1Demon Hunter Dreadprison Glaive1
1Paladin Feast and Famine1
1Rogue Jolly Roger1
1Druid Lesser Jasper Spellstone1
1Druid Lesser Jasper Spellstone1
1Druid Secure the Deck1
1Priest Shadowbomber1
1Demon Hunter Sock Puppet Slitherspear1
1Hunter Toxic Reinforcements1
2Demon Hunter Battleworn Vanguard1
2Hunter Bloodseeker1
2Neutral Crooked Cook1
2Demon Hunter/ Hunter Felfire Deadeye1
2Demon Hunter Lesser Opal Spellstone1
2Demon Hunter Multi-Strike1
2Demon Hunter Parched Desperado1
2Druid Rake1
2Warrior Stoneskin Armorer1
2Druid Wickerclaw1
3Warrior Defias Cannoneer1
3Hunter Keeneye Spotter1
3Rogue Self-Sharpening Sword1
4Hunter Dragonbane1
4Demon Hunter Going Down Swinging1
4Druid Park Panther1
4Shaman Sand Art Elemental1
4Druid Savage Combatant1
4Hunter Shockspitter1
4Druid Spread the Word1
6Warrior Captain Galvangar1
6Paladin/ Shaman Horn of the Windlord1
6Warrior Khaz'goroth1
7Priest Confessor Paletress1


Attack▶️Guff smash!
Death▶️<death exertion>
Emote: Greetings▶️Peace, friend.
Emote: Well Played▶️Ancestors watch over you.
Emote: Oops▶️This outfit kinda chafes.
Emote: Threaten▶️You don't want to see Guff angry.
Emote: Thanks▶️So kind of you!
Unused: Sorry▶️Oh, sorry!
Concede▶️I'll miss you!
Start▶️I defend the blessings of nature.
Running out of time▶️Ack! That rope's burning again.
Thinking▶️<Whistles Hum dee dum>
Thinking▶️Think, Guff, think!
Almost out of cards▶️Only one card left; I hope it's good!
Out of cards▶️Hey, where'd my deck go?
Error: Need a weapon▶️But I do not have a weapon.
Error: Not enough mana▶️I need more mana.
Error: Minion exhausted▶️But that minion already attacked.
Error: Hero already attacked▶️I don't want to hurt anyone else.
Error: Minion not ready▶️Give that one a turn! They just got here.
Error: Hand already full▶️I will make room in my hand. Wait!
Error: Too many minions▶️No room! No room!
Error: Can't target Stealthed minion▶️Someone's playing tricksy.
Error: Can't play that card▶️I can't do that.
Error: Must attack Taunt minion▶️But that other one has the shieldy thing.
Error: Generic▶️Nooo!
Selection in Choose Your Hero▶️Take only memories; leave only hoofprints.
Emote: Greetings [Lunar New Year]▶️It's a new year full of possibilities.
Start [Mirror]▶️Naturally.
Emote: Greetings [Holidays]▶️Happy holidays!
Emote: Wow▶️I did not see that coming!
Emote: Greetings [Happy New Year]▶️It is a new year full of possibilities.
Emote: Greetings [Fire Festival]▶️Fire Festival? My tree friends do not like all the burning.
Unused: Greetings [Pirate Day]▶️Pirates are scary, but their peg legs are fun to talk to.
Emote: Greetings [Happy Halloween]▶️Happy Hallow's End! But please, think of the innocent pumpkins.
Emote: Greetings [Happy Noblegarden]▶️Have a happy Noblegarden!
Emote: Greetings [Mirror]▶️A piece of what?


Patch changes

External links