The Marin Resort's Treasure Hunt

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The Marin Resort's Treasure Hunt was an Event Track that occured between 17:00 March 30, 2021 and 17:00 August 3, 2021.

Features[edit | edit source]

Event Track - The Marin Resort's Treasure Hunt.png

This Event Track had these features:[1]

Revamped weekly quests[edit | edit source]

  • For this Event Track, the quest system was slightly revamped. Instead of a normal Legendary quest chain alongside, players must now complete harder weekly quests that are available once a week.

Blog description[edit | edit source]

Go on a treasure hunt for packs with a new type of in-game event! From August 27 to September 17, complete Event Quests to earn XP on the special Event XP Track. This time, there are Weekly Event Quests, instead of a Legendary Quest Chain, alongside the Daily Event Quests. Complete the entire Event Track to earn 14 total packs, 7 from Perils in Paradise, 4 from Whizbang’s Workshop, and 3 from Showdown in the Badlands!
The Weekly Quests are tougher than usual quests, designed to be completed over the course of a week or two instead of a day or two*, but completing the three Weekly Quests awards enough XP to earn the first three tiers of Event Rewards. Complete Daily Quests as you go to get that big Reward at the end of the Treasure Hunt!
* Weekly Quests are unlocked for all players on a weekly reset (start of event, day 7, and day 14), but players who start late or don’t finish one Weekly Quest before the next one is live will be given the next one immediately upon completing the one they were on—giving the opportunity to catch up.


Event Track rewards
LvXP for
next lvl
1 400 400
    2 800 1200
    • CardPack941.pngPerils in Paradise
    3 1200 2400
    • CardPack941.pngPerils in Paradise
    • CardPack933.pngWhizbang's Workshop
    4 1600 4000
    • 2 CardPack941.pngPerils in Paradises
    • CardPack933.pngWhizbang's Workshop
    • CardPack922.pngShowdown in the Badlands
    5 2000 6000
    • 3 CardPack941.pngPerils in Paradises
    • 2 CardPack933.pngWhizbang's Workshops
    • 2 CardPack922.pngShowdown in the Badlandss


    The player could receive one of these rerollable quests daily, as long as they had 1 slot available.

    938Play 3 Weapons.75 Event XP.pngNo
    931Discover 5 cards.75 Event XP.pngNo
    934Play 5 cards that cost 2 or less in Hearthstone.75 Event XP.pngNo
    933Play 5 cards that cost 5 or more in Hearthstone.75 Event XP.pngNo
    937Play 5 games of Hearthstone's Standard Ranked.75 Event XP.pngNo
    930Play 5 Locations.75 Event XP.pngNo
    935Use your Hero Power 5 times.75 Event XP.pngNo
    932Play 10 Drink spells.75 Event XP.pngNo
    940Play 10 even-cost cards in Hearthstone.75 Event XP.pngNo
    939Play 10 odd-cost cards in Hearthstone.75 Event XP.pngNo
    936Spend 20 Mana.75 Event XP.pngNo
    943Play 25 minions.75 Event XP.pngNo
    944Play 25 spells.75 Event XP.pngNo
    942Draw 30 cards.75 Event XP.pngNo
    941Play 30 cards.75 Event XP.pngNo
    945Deal damage to enemy heroes 35 times in Hearthstone.75 Event XP.pngNo


    • Short description: Dear Esteemed Resort Guest,
    • Long description: You are cordially invited to join this year's Treasure Hunt! Complete quests to earn Event XP and unearth valuable treasure!
    • Short conclusion: That Concludes the Hunt!
    • Long conclusion: While the tourists might have gone home, stick around! There are still perils a'plenty!


    References[edit | edit source]

    1. 30.2 Patch Notes. (2024-08-15).