Hearthstone 10 Year Anniversary

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Hearthstone 10 Year Anniversary is an upcoming Event Track that occurs between 08:00 November 15, 2024 and 08:00 November 16, 2024.

This event track celebrated the 10 year annivercary of Hearthstone.

Features[edit | edit source]

Event Track - 10 Year Anniversary.png

This Event Track had these features:[1]

Blog description[edit | edit source]

From February 27 to March 19, kick the party up a notch with an in-game event! Complete event quests to earn event XP and progress along a special event rewards track. Complete the Event Rewards Track to earn Golden versions of all the “Gift” cards, plus a special Birthday Coin.


Event Track rewards
LvXP for
next lvl
1 1000 1000
    2 1000 2000
    3 1000 3000
    4 1000 4000
    5 1000 5000
    6 1000 6000
    • Coin ID 53


    The player can receive one of these rerollable quests daily, as long as they have 1 slot available.

    755Play 2 games.100 Event XP.pngNo
    756Deal 40 damage to enemy heroes.100 Event XP.pngNo
    760Play 1 game as a Druid, Shaman, or Warlock.150 Event XP.pngNo
    759Play 1 game as a Mage, Priest, Paladin, or Rogue.150 Event XP.pngNo
    761Play 1 game as a Warrior, Death Knight, Demon Hunter, or Hunter.150 Event XP.pngNo
    764Forge 3 cards.150 Event XP.pngNo
    765Play 3 Excavate cards.150 Event XP.pngNo
    762Play 3 Finale cards.150 Event XP.pngNo
    766Play 3 minions with Taunt.150 Event XP.pngNo
    763Play 3 Quickdraw cards.150 Event XP.pngNo
    757Play 5 Battlecry minions.150 Event XP.pngNo
    758Trigger your Deathrattles 5 times.150 Event XP.pngNo

    Legendary quests

    All players receive this series of legendary quests once the event is live.

    IdNameDescriptionRewardsNext quest
    753 Year of the Wolf Engage in a ROCK DUEL! or play or destroy a Titan. 250 Event XP.png To Glimpse the Future
    752 Year of the Hydra Play or destroy a Colossal minion or play an Infused card. 250 Event XP.png Year of the Wolf
    750 Year of the Phoenix Play, summon, or destroy 5 Dormant minions or play or destroy 1 Yogg-Saron, Unleashed. 250 Event XP.png Year of the Gryphon
    754 To Glimpse the Future Discover 10 cards or win a game with a deck that has no duplicates. 250 Event XP.png
    751 Year of the Gryphon Play 10 Tradeable cards or spells with a spell school. 250 Event XP.png Year of the Hydra
    749 Year of the Dragon Play or destroy 10 Dragons or minions with Reborn. 250 Event XP.png Year of the Phoenix
    747 Year of the Mammoth Play or destroy 10 Elementals or Lifesteal minions. 250 Event XP.png Year of the Raven
    745 Year One Play or destroy 10 Mechs or use your Hero Power 10 times. 250 Event XP.png Year of the Kraken
    748 Year of the Raven Play or destroy 10 Rush or Magnetic minions. 250 Event XP.png Year of the Dragon
    746 Year of the Kraken Play or summon minions or trigger your Deathrattles 10 times. 250 Event XP.png Year of the Mammoth


    • Short description: Ten Years in the Tavern!
    • Long description: Partake in the gifts and the celebration! Complete Quests to collect Event XP, earn rewards, and relive a decade of adventure!
    • Short conclusion: Hearthstone 10 Year Anniversary
    • Long conclusion: Ten amazing years here
      with you in the Tavern!
      And many more to go!


    References[edit | edit source]

    1. 28.6 Patch Notes. (2024-02-13).