Winslow Tobtock

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.

Winslow Tobtock is a boss that can be encountered during the Monster Hunt.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]


Deck[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Class Card Quantity
Mage  Curio Collector 3
Priest  Mind Vision 2
 Shadow Word: Death 1
 Shadow Word: Pain 2
 Shadowfiend 3
 Vivid Nightmare 2
 Shadow Word: Horror 1
 Dragonfire Potion 1
 Lightbomb 1
 Archbishop Benedictus 1
 Mind Control 1
Rogue  Beneath the Grounds 2
 Fal'dorei Strider 2
Neutral  Pompous Thespian 2
 Mind Control Tech 2
 Daring Reporter 1
 Gadgetzan Auctioneer 1
 Sleepy Dragon 1
 Ysera 1

Strategy[edit | edit source]

In the initial selection of cards, it's best to prioritize cheap cards which can be played immediately. Keeping a high-value card is basically pointless here since it will get shuffled into the deck by then.

 Curio Collector should be killed ASAP as the Hero Power will allow him to be left alive. He can't be played until round 5.

 Daring Reporter is also dangerous for the reverse reason: empowered by your draws.

The only exception is when you run out, which you'll probably do before the enemy.

Darius Crowley[edit | edit source]

His hero power could work in your favor if your focused on your cannon upgrades. Use the cannon to keep the board on your side.

Curio should be the priority of the cannon when he appears.

Houndmaster Shaw[edit | edit source]

Your best strategy is to rely on your beast synergy cards. Use hero power as an alternative. Curio should be emphasized when he's played.

Toki, Time-Tinker[edit | edit source]

Winslow focuses his strategy into playing his  Shadowfiend and then using his hero power to reduce the cards he has in hand. The key strategy to defeat him is keeping board control and eliminating all his Shadowfiends, while you put your minions and draw more cards.

Tess Greymane[edit | edit source]

When you play a spell, use your hero power to get it back. Since your hand will be constantly switched, you may have a guarantee to what card you get. Try to set aside an anti-minion spell for when Curio appears, even a Small Rock.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]


Winslow Tobtock
Oh! A volunteer?

Emote Response

Winslow Tobtock
I do love audience participation.

Hero power

Winslow Tobtock
Shuffles 0 of his cards
Zzzz... Zzzz...
Shuffles 1-3 of his cards
What was I doing again?
You're... (yawn) getting tired.
Shuffles 4-6 of his cards
Back and forth. Watch it sway!
Follow my watch... Wait... What was next in the book?
Look into my eyes.
Shuffles 7-10 of his cards
You're getting sleepy.
Your eyelids are so heavy, you can't keep them up!

Player's cards

Winslow Tobtock
Cursed Curio
That's gorgeous! Where can I get one?
 Mind Control Tech
Whoa hey! That's my schtick!
 Mind Control
Trying to one-up me, eh?


Winslow Tobtock


Winslow Tobtock
Thank you, thank you! Now for my payment...

Lore[edit | edit source]

Winslow Tobtock is original to Hearthstone.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Winslow Tobtock, full art

Patch changes

Card changes

