Garrow, the Rancorous

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.

Garrow, the Rancorous is a boss that can be encountered during the Monster Hunt.

Hero power[edit | edit source]

Death and Taxes

Deck[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Class Card Quantity
Paladin  Forbidden Healing 2
Rogue  Cutpurse 2
 Pick Pocket 2
 Burgle 2
 Tomb Pillager 2
Warrior  Cornered Sentry 4
Neutral  Gravelsnout Knight 2
 Dirty Rat 2
 Hungry Dragon 2
 Rattling Rascal 2
 Burgly Bully 2
 Leeroy Jenkins 1
 Muck Hunter 2
 Hungry Ettin 2
 The Beast 1

Dialogue[edit | edit source]


Garrow, the Rancorous
You look like someone who owes me money.

Emote Response

Garrow, the Rancorous
Bite your tongue.

Hero power

Garrow, the Rancorous
A drop in the bucket.
A pittance, really.
Empty. Your. Pockets.
You pay what you owe.

Player's cards

Garrow, the Rancorous
6th or 7th minion on the board
Oi! There's a tax on that.
That'll cost you.
You'll pay for that. Soon enough.
Coin Pouch
C'mon. Give it here.


Garrow, the Rancorous


Garrow, the Rancorous
Ohh! Looks like you won't be needing that gold anymore.

Lore[edit | edit source]

Garrow, the Rancorous is original to Hearthstone. He seems to be lent money to someone when he was alive but didn't get it back. Cursed by Hagatha he is fixated on forcibly "collecting" a debt from the player.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Garrow, the Rancorous, full art

Patch changes

Card changes

