Captain Shivers

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.
You might be looking for one of these cards: Mercenaries/Captain Shivers (87088).

Captain Shivers is the Final Nemesis of Tess Greymane that is encountered at the end of the Monster Hunt.

Hero power[edit | edit source]


Special cards[edit | edit source]

Cursed Crewmember

Deck[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle. Additionally  Kingsbane is starting weapon.

Class Card Quantity
Boss  Cursed Crewmember 2
Hunter  Bearshark 2
Rogue  Deadly Poison 2
 Doomerang 2
 Leeching Poison 1
 Envenom Weapon 1
 Blade Flurry 2
 Southsea Squidface 2
 Tinker's Sharpsword Oil 2
 Trade Prince Gallywix 1
Warrior  Dead Man's Hand 2
Neutral  Acidic Swamp Ooze 1
 Lorewalker Cho 1
 Violet Illusionist 2
 Captain Greenskin 1
 Fel Reaver 2
 Loatheb 1
 Troggzor the Earthinator 1
 Clockwork Giant 2

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Hagatha the Witch
Arise, Shivers! Your vengeance is at hand. I give you: The Gilnean Princess.


Tess Greymane
Shivers. I thought you were dead.
Captain Shivers
Aye. It be the daughter o' the King that done us in.

Turn 2

Tess Greymane
I'll finish what my father started.
Captain Shivers
What better vengeance than to claim you for my crew?

Emote Response

Captain Shivers
You best start believin' in ghost stories, missy.

Hero Power

Captain Shivers
My blade sings to me, and I sing back!
Drown out the waves!

Equipping  Kingsbane

Captain Shivers
With 1-9 Attack
I searched the world for this beauty.
She'll always come back to me.
With 10+ Attack
Ever seen a blade as nice as this?
Nice and sharp.
What a beauty she is.

Player's cards

Captain Shivers
Wait... there's more than one?
 Patches the Pirate
Patches! You've lost a few eyes, me old friend!
 Skycap'n Kragg
Abandoned the sea for the sky? What a fool.
 Tuskarr Raider
They'll let anyone be a pirate these days.


Captain Shivers
Washed... away...


Captain Shivers
Welcome aboard. Forever!

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Captain Shivers, full art

Patch changes

Card changes

References[edit | edit source]