Tips are offered to players on the Finding Opponent and Starting Game loading screens, prior to the beginning of each game. Tips are randomly chosen from a selection of possible tips, partly determined by the current game mode. Variants of certain tips are displayed for players when using touch-screen devices.
Default[edit | edit source]
These tips may be offered in any game mode, except Adventures, Missions, and Battlegrounds.
- Basic cards are earned by leveling up. They cannot be disenchanted or crafted.
- Basic cards are earned by leveling up a class. Classic cards come from Classic Packs.
- Click on your hero while editing a deck to change your deck's name.
- [Touch] Tap your hero while editing a deck to change your deck's name.
- Click on your hero while editing a deck to swap between Standard and Wild.
- [Touch] Tap on your hero while editing a deck to swap between Standard and Wild.
- Complete quests to earn Gold. Gold can be used to buy packs or enter The Arena.
- Each pack of cards has at least one rare or better card, but it could have more!
- Golden cards can be disenchanted for a lot of dust.
- If you need help building a deck, look at the "Suggested Cards".
- If you run out of quests, come back tomorrow for a new one!
- If you win 5 Ranked games in a season, you'll earn that season's special card back.
- If you win 500 games in Ranked mode with a class, you'll earn a Golden Hero.
- In Standard, new strategies are constantly evolving.
- In Standard, the newest sets are in play so you don't have to learn all the old cards.
- New deck recipes will be released over time.
- Play Hearthstone on the phone, tablet and computer. Use the same card collection on all three!
- Playing against real players grants you bonus XP.
- Rarity colors, in order: White is Common, Blue is Rare, Purple is Epic and Orange is Legendary.
- Right-click on your hero to emote.
- [Touch] Tap your hero to emote.
- Standard uses Basic, Classic and the most recent two years of cards.
- The Arena lets you build a deck from random cards. You can also win prizes!
- The highest rank in Ranked Mode is the "Legend" rank!
- This is the year of the Kraken! (Each year will have a new theme)
- Watch a friend play by hitting the "Eye" button in your friends list while they're in a match!
- When viewing your collection, click on the bottom left filter button to choose which sets are shown.
- [Touch] When viewing your collection, tap on the bottom left filter button to choose which sets are shown.
- Whenever a new set is released you can use its cards in both Wild and Standard.
- Wild is exactly that, WILD! Any cards can be used!
- You can add friends to your friends list with the button on the bottom left.
- [Phone] You can add friends to your friends list with the button on the top left.
- You can purchase additional packs of cards from the Shop.
- You can right-click your opponent to "Squelch" his emotes.
- [Touch] You can tap your opponent's hero to "Squelch" his emotes.
- You can tell what rarity a card is by the colored gem in the center.
- You can use the Search field in your collection to find all cards with 'Taunt'.
Practice[edit | edit source]
These tips are only offered while in Practice mode.
- Attack the hero? Or the enemy minions? Answering correctly can often turn the tide of battle.
- Complete quests in "Play" mode to earn Gold!
- Each class has 5 different Basic cards you can unlock as you level up.
- Play mode will match you against someone of similar skill!
- Practice Mode is just preparation for Play Mode!
- You can build a custom deck with your cards by visiting your Collection.
- You can unlock classic heroes by defeating them in Practice Mode.
- You'll earn more XP after level 10 by playing against real players.
Play mode[edit | edit source]
These tips are only offered while in Play mode.
- As you win and lose games it will track your skill and match you against a fair opponent.
- Complete quests to earn Gold. Gold can be used to buy packs or enter The Arena.
- Decks can contain two copies of each card, but only one copy of a Legendary card.
- Each class has 5 different Basic cards you can unlock as you level up.
- If you win 5 Ranked games in a season, you'll earn that season's special card back.
- The Arena is a great way of earning rewards while playing in a mini competition.
- The highest rank in Ranked Mode is the "Legend" rank!
- You are being matched against a player of your skill.
- You don't have to play all of your Arena games at once.
Arena[edit | edit source]
These tips are only offered while waiting to play an Arena game.
- You don't have to play all of your Arena games at once.
- Your Arena Deck will expire after you lose 3 games.
- Your Arena prize gets better with each game you win!
Tavern Brawl[edit | edit source]
These tips are only offered while waiting to play a Tavern Brawl.
- Each week there's a crazy new way to play in Tavern Brawl!
- For every three games you win in Tavern Brawl, you'll earn 10 gold, just like in "Play" mode.
- Some weeks you'll be provided a deck, and sometimes you'll need to create one. You never know!
- Some Tavern Brawls might come back again in the future.
- We need a couple days to clean up the mess after a Brawl ends, so if you can't get in, check back soon!
- Win a classic pack for your first Tavern Brawl win each week during the launch celebration!
- Winning multiple games in Tavern Brawl doesn't award additional packs – it's just for fun!
- You can challenge a friend to a Brawl if you challenge them while you're on the Tavern Brawl screen.
- You can complete your daily quests while in a Tavern Brawl!
Adventures[edit | edit source]
These tips are only offered during an Adventure.
- Be prepared! Build a deck to counter the boss you're going to challenge.
- Don't let tough bosses get you down. Build a custom deck to crush them.
- If you lose to a boss, you may want to modify your deck.
- You'll need to build a custom deck to defeat the most difficult bosses.
Galakrond's Awakening[edit | edit source]
These tips are only offered during Galakrond's Awakening.
- Dragons are descending on Dalaran in the largest air battle Azeroth has ever seen.
- For an intense challenge, try Heroic mode. You'll need to build your own decks!
- In Story mode, be sure to take advantage of your special Hero Powers.
- It took the combined efforts of all five dragonflights to defeat Galakrond over 10,000 years ago.
- Play both the Explorers and the EVIL campaign to get the full story of the battle!
- Play with provided decks in Story mode. Build your own decks to defeat Heroic mode.
- Rafaam brought the final plague to Northrend, hoping to use it to resurrect Galakrond.
- The League of EVIL is attempting to locate Galakrond's remains... and bring him back!
- The League of Explorers needs draconic allies if they hope to stop the machinations of EVIL.
- There are two separate campaigns for the League of Explorers and the League of EVIL.
- Wyrmrest Temple is the ancient gathering point of the five dragonflights.
Missions[edit | edit source]
These tips are only offered during their related Mission.
Dungeon Run[edit | edit source]
These tips are only offered during Dungeon Run.
- Certain encounters are very rare... and might offer bonus loot!
- Defeat the whole dungeon with all nine classes to unlock a unique card back!
- Encounters get more difficult as you delve deeper into the dungeon.
- "Passive" treasures are always in effect and impact your whole run.
- Tailor your deck around the treasures you find to maximize their impact!
- The
Amulet of Domination adds minions to your deck. Use it wisely!
- The nine classes all have different loot options to tackle the dungeon.
- There are five notorious final bosses at the bottom of the dungeon.
- You'll never know what boss is around the corner. Build a mighty deck!
- You'll "never" assemble the legendary sword of Quel'delar. Nope.
- When all else fails... there's always the
Rod of Roasting.
Monster Hunt[edit | edit source]
These tips are only offered during Monster Hunt.
- Certain monsters drop unique treasures when you defeat them.
- Each monster hunter has his or her own personal nemesis.
- Encounters get more difficult as you delve deeper into the Witchwood.
- "Passive" treasures are always in effect and impact your whole run.
- Tailor your deck around the treasures you find to maximize their impact!
- The four monster hunters each have their own approaches to the Witchwood.
- There are more than 40 different monster encounters in the Witchwood.
- You'll never assemble the legendary sword of Quel'delar. Not here, at least.
- You'll never know what monster is around the corner. Build a mighty deck!
- When all else fails... there's always the
Ricochet Shot.
- Where is Hagatha? All four monster hunters must work together to find her!
Puzzle Lab[edit | edit source]
These tips are only offered during Puzzle Lab.
- Complete each wing to unlock the challenging Dr. Boom puzzles!
- Don't be afraid to do bad things to your own minions. Dr. Boom would approve.
- Don't give up. Look for unusual card interactions.
- "Mirror" puzzles look for an exact match top to bottom - including health!
- Not every card is used in every solution.
- Puzzles reset quickly. Don't be afraid to play around and experiment!
- Some cards are exclusive to the Boomsday Project puzzles.
- Sometimes the order in which you play cards dramatically alters the outcome.
- Warning: Boom Bots may explode. Actually, most of the stuff here does.
- You can do it.
Dr. Boom believes in you! (But if you fail you will be liquidated.)
Rumble Run[edit | edit source]
These tips are only offered during Rumble Run.
- Build a flexible deck! Depending on a single strategy might backfire.
- Each team has three unique shrines and six unique teammates.
- Get to know the strengths and weaknesses of the other champions!
- If you're defeated in battle, you'll have to start all over again.
- Pay attention to your shrine. Your power is diminished without it.
- Pick teammates that synergize with your shrine… or offset its weaknesses!
- Play defensively when your shrine is dormant. Bide your time.
- Some teammates will start in your hand at the beginning of the game.
- The champions you face will grow progressively more difficult.
- Your enemy is weak without his or her shrine. Make it a target!
The Dalaran Heist[edit | edit source]
These tips are only offered during The Dalaran Heist.
- Adventurers and townspeople in Dalaran will try to thwart your schemes!
- Build a flexible deck – different encounters require different strategies.
- Complete objectives to unlock additional hero powers for characters.
- Defeat all five chapters to earn a card back.
- Defeating encounters will unlock new starting deck options.
- Each chapter has a unique Twist, such as crowded streets or extra bosses.
- Encounters will grow more difficult as you move through the city.
- Heroic Mode is for master criminals. All the encounters are more difficult!
- Non-Combat encounters allow you to tinker with your deck in the middle of a run.
- Once defeated, you'll have to start your run all over again.
- Once unlocked, any hero can be used in any chapter.
- "Passive" treasures are always in effect and impact your whole run.
- Some heroes take better advantage of each chapter's unique Twist.
- Tailor your deck around the treasures you find for maximum impact!
- The Kirin Tor are an elite group of the most powerful mages in the world.
- The League of E.V.I.L. does NOT tolerate FAILURE! But you can always try again.
- The League of E.V.I.L. has gathered together miscreants from all of Azeroth.
- This time, YOU are the bad guy! Create unfair combos and evil decks.
- Unlock all five chapters to gain access to Anomaly Mode.
- Want an unpredictable run? Enable Anomaly Mode!
- When all else fails... You can always rely on the
Tombs of Terror[edit | edit source]
These tips are only offered during Tombs of Terror.
- Build a flexible deck – different encounters require different strategies.
- Complete objectives to unlock additional starting treasures for heroes.
- Complete the finale to earn a card back. And another card back for Heroic!
- Defeat the Plague Lords of Uldum to save the world!
- Defeating encounters will unlock new starting deck options.
- Each chapter features a unique "Plot Twist," caused by the Plague Lords.
- Each chapter's nemesis is a Plague Lord, a huge enemy with persistent health.
- Each of your heroes can build dual-class decks. Create all-new combos!
- Encounters will grow more difficult as you move through each chapter.
- Friendly encounters allow you to tinker with your deck in the middle of a run.
- Heroic Mode is for seasoned explorers. All of the encounters are more difficult!
- Once defeated, you'll have to start your run all over again.
- Once unlocked, any hero can be used in any chapter.
- Our heroes MUST stop Rafaam's plan. As soon as they figure out what it is.
- Our heroes will face off against ancient guardians, desert creatures... and agents of E.V.I.L.
- "Passive" treasures are always in effect and impact your whole run.
- Rafaam has rewarded Tekahn by granting him control of the Plague of Flame.
- Tailor your deck around the treasures you find for maximum impact!
- The Plague Lords are big. Very big. Chip away their health over several fights!
- Unlock the four main chapters to gain access to Anomaly mode.
- Want an unpredictable run? Enable Anomaly Mode!
- When all else fails... You can use the Hearthstone to run away. Run away!
- Within the Halls of Origination is the power to create or destroy entire worlds!
Demon Hunter Prologue[edit | edit source]
These tips are only offered during Demon Hunter Prologue.
- Be cautious! Demons will use new cards to surprise you!
- Defeat four bosses from Illidan's past to become a Demon Hunter!
- Demon Hunters have a unique hero power,
Demon Claws!
- Demon Hunters have powerful synergies! Coordinate your cards for mighty attacks!
- Each encounter will reveal new Demon Hunter abilities!
- Explore Illidan's memories... even the bad ones of his brother.
- Follow in Illidan's footsteps! They're shaped like hooves.
- Illidan was the FIRST demon hunter. But you're great too!
- Illidan's deck will vary in each encounter as he learns the ways of a Demon Hunter.
- Illidan's waiting to tell you his story... Are you prepared?
- Learn from history, or you'll be doomed to repeat it. But not as painfully as Illidan.
- Learn to hunt demons the Illidari way!
- Malfurion would like to tell you HIS version of events someday...
- Opponents grow more powerful in each encounter!
- Play the Ashes of Outland - Demon Hunter Prologue to unlock the Demon Hunter class!
- Receive 30 Demon Hunter cards after completing the Prologue!
- Sharpen your Demon Claws! The (demon) hunt is on!
- The Burning Legion first invaded Azeroth over 10,000 years ago!
- This tale is told by Illidan himself! The actual truth may vary...
- Truthfully, Illidan never had a chance with Tyrande. At all.
Trial by Felfire[edit | edit source]
These tips are only offered during Trial by Felfire.
- After the Third War, Illidan brought his followers – the Illidari – to Outland.
- Aranna has always lived in the shadow of her sister, Elise Starseeker.
- Aranna must gather together outcasts from all over Outland if they are to have any hope to survive.
- Aranna's outcasts gain special powers when played from the left or rightmost part of your hand.
- Before becoming a Demon Hunter, Aranna was a scrappy survivor using hunter abilities and rogue traps.
- Demon Hunters sacrifice their eyes to gain spectral sight with which to track their demonic foes.
Dr. Boom abandoned the
Mecha-Jaraxxus experiment but never bothered to shut him down.
- Draenei who remained in Outland, such as Baduu, are often corrupted into "the Broken" by fel energies.
- Felstorms rage across the ruined world of Outland. Survivors cobble together gear and live amongst the wastes.
- Illidan is the brother of Malfurion Stormrage, but forged his own path during the War of the Ancients.
- Illidan's own people have branded him "The Betrayer." That kind of thing sticks with a person, you know?
- In Story mode, be sure to take advantage of your special Hero Powers.
- Mecha-Jaraxxus has absolute control over all the minions in the Rusted Legion. They're built that way.
- Mecha-Jaraxxus has upgraded abs. How are your abs? It may be time to pause and reflect.
- Outland was known as "Draenor," homeworld of the orcs... Before
Gul'dan shattered the planet. Not cool, Gul'dan.
- Play with provided decks in Story mode. Build your own decks to defeat Challenge mode!
- Terrifying "Prime" minions have been absorbed into the Rusted Legion as half-mechanical monstrosities.
- Test your deckbuilding prowess against Outland's greatest villains in Challenge mode!
- That noise behind you is probably a fel reaver.
- The Black Temple was once a sacred draenei cathedral. Illidan uses it as a training ground for Demon Hunters.
- The Rusted Legion is remaking Outland in its own twisted, half-mechanized image.
- To survive these wastes, Aranna and her outcasts must learn the ways of the Demon Hunter!
Battlegrounds[edit | edit source]
These tips are only offered while starting a Battlegrounds game.
- All players recruit minions from the same shared pool.
- Freeze minions to buy them next turn, or do it again to unfreeze them.
- If a minion is sold, it returns to the pool, so you will see it again more often.
- If you have 1 gold left over, refresh the Tavern – if you see a minion you like, freeze it for the next turn.
- If you never increase your Tavern Tier, your warband will fall behind, and you may lose.
- If you spend all your gold increasing your Tavern Tier, your warband will fall behind, and you may lose.
- If your opponents purchase many copies of one minion, you will see less of it.
- Minions will attack from left to right with random targets, unless an enemy minion has taunt.
- Murlocs are stronger in the early game, while Mechs are stronger in the late game.
- Only buffs that happen in the Tavern are permanent. Combat buffs go away after fighting.
Shifter Zerus can transform into a minion of any Tavern Tier!
- The cost to upgrade your Tavern decreases by 1 each turn.
- There are only seven copies of the Tier 6 minions. When bought, they are gone for everyone!
- Three golden minions do not combine into a bigger Triple.
- When an odd number of players remain,
Kel'Thuzad will resurrect the minions of a fallen opponent and join the battle.
- When you get a triple, you also discover a minion of your Tavern Tier +1.
- When you win, your hero and minions deal damage equal to their Tavern Tier.
- When you wipe out an opponent, their minions go back into the pool.
- Win streaks are shown on the scoreboard with an "On Fire" symbol.
- With 8 players, being in the Top 4 is a win! First place gets you the Crown!
- You can see your next opponent indented on the scoreboard. Prepare yourself.
Duels[edit | edit source]
These tips are only offered while starting a Duels game.
- A minion's base Attack and Health are carefully balanced against its Mana Cost.
- Buckle up. Hearthstone Duels features some of the most powerful decks you've ever seen.
- Certain deck recipes will reveal incredible surprises!
- Different heroes are offered each run. Try them all!
- Dual-class cards can be used by multiple classes.
- Each run lasts until you have twelve wins or three losses.
- Having trouble against aggressive strategies? Add low-cost Spells that damage multiple minions.
- High-cost, powerful minions can turn the tide in later matches.
- If your deck runs out of cards, you will take damage from Fatigue.
- In Duels you can play with the latest expansion and powerful cards from the past.
- In Duels, you can have any number of copies of a card in your deck.
- It's time for D-D-D-D-DUELS!
- Legendary minions are powerful guideposts for certain strategies. Try building your starting deck around them.
- Low-cost minions can be played more consistently.
- Neutral minions can be placed in any deck.
- Some cards appear more frequently than others.
- The cards offered between rounds change depending on the contents of your deck.
- The more cards in your deck, the less frequently you'll see a given card.
- Try combining Spell Damage with Mana reduction for a devastating effect.
- Use your Hero Power frequently to maximize its effect.
- With small decks and low Health, early matches can go quickly. Plan accordingly.
- Your class's signature treasures hint towards possible strategies.
- Your hero's maximum Health increases over the course of a run.
- Your opponent cannot interact with passive treasures.
Removed tips[edit | edit source]
Quest Log[edit | edit source]
Previously offered through the Quest Log, these tips were removed with Patch
- Check out the quests for stuff you can complete.
- Give The Arena a try, craft a deck on the fly and then do battle with it!
- There are still Expert AIs that you can test your skill against!
- There are still more packs to earn in play mode!
- Try heading over to play mode, you can earn Classic card packs by playing!
- Unlock Other Heroes in Practice Mode – Defeat an AI to unlock it!
- You can earn additional basic cards for a class by playing games as that class.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
The currently unused tip "DEFAULT_zz_unused" states: "You can still play against your friends while they are offline!" This tip is a remnant from the game's alpha, and does not refer to any known game feature.
Patch changes[edit | edit source]
Patch (2020-03-26): "If you achieve Rank 20 in a season, you'll earn that season's special card back." replaced with "If you win 5 Ranked games in a season, you'll earn that season's special card back."
Patch (2016-04-24): Several new default tips added, mostly involving game formats:
- Standard uses Basic, Classic and the most recent two years of cards.
- Click on your hero while editing a deck to swap between Standard and Wild.
- [Touch] Tap on your hero while editing a deck to swap between Standard and Wild.
- This is the year of the Kraken! (Each year will have a new theme)
- When viewing your collection, click on the bottom left filter button to choose which sets are shown.
- [Touch] When viewing your collection, tap on the bottom left filter button to choose which sets are shown.
- Whenever a new set is released you can use its cards in both Wild and Standard.
- Wild is exactly that, WILD! Any cards can be used!
- In Standard, new strategies are constantly evolving.
- New deck recipes will be released over time.
- In Standard, the newest sets are in play so you don't have to learn all the old cards.
Patch (2015-08-18): Changed: "If you win 500 games in Ranked mode with a class, you'll earn
itsa Goldenclassic heroHero."Patch (2015-07-29): Tavern Brawls tips added, currently featuring 9 tips.
Patch (2015-06-15):
- Quest Log tips have been removed.
- A new default tip has been added: "Play Hearthstone on the phone, tablet and computer. Use the same card collection on all three!""
- A new phone-only version of a default tip has been added: "You can add friends to your friends list with the button on the top left."
- Two tips have been changed:
- "If you win 500 games in Ranked mode with a class, you'll earn
theits GoldenHero for that class.classic hero." - "You can unlock classic heroes by defeating them in Practice Mode.
- "If you win 500 games in Ranked mode with a class, you'll earn
Patch (2015-03-31):
- A new default tip was added: "Watch a friend play by hitting the "Eye" button in your friends list while they're in a match!"
- The default tip "If you run out of quests, you can come back tomorrow for a new one." was changed to "If you run out of quests, come back tomorrow for a new one!"
- Three of the four adventure tips were altered slightly, mostly in order to allow them to be used for Blackrock Mountain as well as Curse of Naxxramas:
- You'll need to build a custom deck to defeat the most difficult bosses
in Naxxramas. - Don't let
Naxxramastough bosses get you down. Build a custom deck to crush them. - If you lose to a boss, you may want to
tweakmodify your deck.
- You'll need to build a custom deck to defeat the most difficult bosses
Patch (2014-12-04): Several tips mentioning card packs have been altered to reflect the renaming of the Expert set to "Classic".
- "Try heading over to play mode, you can earn
expertClassic card packs by playing!" - "Basic cards are earned by leveling up a class.
ExpertClassic cards come fromExpertClassic Packs." - "Each pack of
Expertcards has at least one rare or better card, but it could have more!" - "You can purchase additional
Packspacks ofExpertcards from the shop."
- "Try heading over to play mode, you can earn
Patch (2014-07-22):
- Four tips have been added for the Curse of Naxxramas adventure.
- One default tip has been altered: "You can [right-click on/tap] your opponent's hero to "Squelch"
Patch (Open beta, 2014-03-11):
- Several variants of existing tips have been added for players using touch-screen devices.
- "If you play Ranked games, you will get a medal that shows off your skill." has been replaced with "If you achieve Rank 20 in a season, you'll earn that season's special card back."
- "The medals are Apprentice, Journeyman, Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond and Master." has been replaced with "There are 25 different ranks to earn in Ranked Mode, and above those: The "Legend" rank." and is now also a default tip.
- "You can right-click your opponent to "Squelch" his emotes." has been replaced with "You can right-click on your opponent's hero to "Squelch" his emotes."
- Two new default tips added:
- "If you win 500 games in Ranked mode with a class, you'll earn the Golden Hero for that class."
- "You can add friends to your friends list with the button on the bottom left."
Patch (Closed beta, 2013-12-10): Minor changes; the Store is now called the Shop, and Ranked medals have changed.