Nozdormu (Twist hero)

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For other uses of Nozdormu, see Nozdormu (disambiguation).

Nozdormu is a paladin hero, for use in Twist format seasons.

Related cards

THD 020hp.png
Tied Hero Power
THD 020p.png


Nozdormu uses these decks:


Attack underlay▶️Open your mind!
Death underlay▶️<underlay sound>
Emote: Greetings▶️Greetings, time traveler.
Emote: Well Played▶️I saw this coming.
Emote: Oops▶️If only we could rewind.
Emote: Threaten▶️I've seen every move you could make.
Emote: Thanks▶️My eternal thanks.
Unused: Sorry▶️Sorry.
Concede▶️Til next time.
Start▶️All that matters is this moment.
Running out of time▶️Time is infinite. The rope is not!
Thinking▶️Infinite possibilities.
Thinking▶️Find the winning line.
Almost out of cards▶️I approach the inevitable.
Out of cards▶️I see no more cards in my future.
Error: Need a weapon▶️I need a weapon.
Error: Not enough mana▶️I need more mana.
Error: Minion exhausted▶️That minion already attacked.
Error: Hero already attacked▶️I already attacked.
Error: Minion not ready▶️That minion needs more time.
Error: Hand already full▶️My hand is full.
Error: Too many minions▶️There is no room at this time.
Error: Can't target Stealthed minion▶️That minion has Stealth.
Error: Can't play that card▶️I cannot play that.
Error: Not a valid target▶️I cannot target that.
Error: Must attack Taunt minion▶️A minion with Taunt is in the way.
Error: Generic▶️An error.
Selection in Choose Your Hero▶️Seeing all of time is my fate...and my curse.
Emote: Greetings [Lunar New Year]▶️Now we flip the hourglass for a new year.
Start [Mirror]▶️You! No. For a second, I thought...
Emote: Greetings [Holidays]▶️It is time for a holiday.
Emote: Wow▶️By the sands of time!
Emote: Greetings [Happy New Year]▶️Now we flip the hourglass for a new year.
Emote: Greetings [Fire Festival]▶️The Caverns of Time have fireworks too.
Unused: Greetings [Pirate Day]Time fer ye to walk the plank.
Emote: Greetings [Happy Halloween]▶️Happy Hallow's End
Emote: Greetings [Happy Noblegarden]▶️Happy Noblegarden.
Emote: Greetings [Mirror]▶️You said that last time.


Patch changes

External links