Hearthstone Wiki:Archived/Combo Demon Hunter

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Wild format
Wild icon.png
 Il'gynoth and  Felfire Deadeye, the two main tools for Combo Demon Hunter decks, have rotated to Wild, making Combo Demon Hunter a Wild-exclusive archetype. For more information, see Game format.
Il'gynoth full.jpg

Combo Demon Hunter (a.k.a OTK Demon Hunter or Il'gynoth Demon Hunter) is a midrange and combo hybrid Demon Hunter archetype.

The deck focuses on using  Il'gynoth's ability to kill the opponent in one turn with Lifesteal cards, either using large attack buffs stacked onto  Aldrachi Warblades or with spells empowered by  Mo'arg Artificer. An aletrnative OTK win-condition is using  Felfire Deadeye along with a spell that summons a large amount of minions, such as  Expendable Performers or  Command the Illidari, then repeating  Kurtrus, Demon-Render's hero power multiple times for a massive amount of damage.

Il'gynoth variant[edit source]

Wild icon.pngThis section concerns content exclusive to Wild format.

The following cards are usually in the deck.

Core cards[edit source]

The following cards are played in most or all versions of the deck:

Double Jump
Felscream Blast
Final Showdown
Illidari Studies
Sigil of Alacrity
Immolation Aura
Mo'arg Artificer
Spectral Sight
Talented Arcanist
Eye Beam
Guild Trader
Persistent Peddler

Optional cards[edit source]

The following cards are played more than occasionally, but not always:

Crimson Sigil Runner
Ethereal Augmerchant
Throw Glaive
Manafeeder Panthara
Royal Librarian
Need for Greed

Felfire Deadeye variant[edit source]

This variant runs a similar set of core cards, but instead of utilizing Lifesteal synergies, it aims to OTK with these cards.

Felfire Deadeye
Command the Illidari
Kurtrus, Demon-Render
Expendable Performers

History[edit source]

This deck was centered around the synergy between  Kael'thas Sunstrider and  Twin Slice. Playing the original 0 mana Twin Slice and  Second Slice triggered Kael'thas, allowing the Demon Hunter to cast  Inner Demon for free. Doing this twice allowed for a total of 20 burst damage, which could be stacked further by  Chaos Strike or weapons like  Aldrachi Warblades and  Warglaives of Azzinoth. While this usually wasn't enough damage to outright kill the opponent, the rest of the deck focused on pressuring the opponent, keeping their health low enough to finish off, or having enough damage left over to end the game after the combo had been used. The deck also used  Altruis the Outcast to potentially add lots of damage.

The archetype achieved this combo by very rapidly digging through the deck, thanks to neutral draw and demon hunter's naturally strong draw cards. The 20 damage combo could initially be done for only 6 mana, meaning a good hand could end the game early. Since the deck is emptied so quickly, some decks used  Zephrys the Great to clean up should they not have enough damage for lethal.

The deck was hurt significantly in Patch, which raised Kael'thas from 6 mana to 7 mana and Altruis from 3 to 4 mana. While still viable, the deck fell to the wayside with a faster meta and more efficient aggro and tempo builds for demon hunter. However, the nerf in Patch buried the deck entirely when Twin Slice and Second Slice were increased to 1 mana each, making the full combo impossible to perform without prior mana reduction.

A new variant of Combo Demon Hunter, largely known as Lifesteal OTK Demon Hunter, was introduced by Madness at the Darkmoon Faire with the addition of  Il'gynoth. This variant focuses on using Il'gynoth's ability to kill the opponent in one turn with Lifesteal cards, either using large attack buffs stacked onto  Aldrachi Warblades or with spells empowered by  Mo'arg Artificer.