Hearthstone Wiki:Archived/Beast Druid

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Frostsaber Matriarch full.jpg

Beast Druid is a Druid deck type. Beast druid is a board-centric deck that focuses on getting early board control and snowballing it into a win, using cards like  Savage Roar,  Power of the Wild, or  Arbor Up. Unlike pure Aggro Druid, Beast Druid builds a more mid-range style, focusing more on discounting and copying high-cost payoff cards, such as  Knight of the Wild,  Frostsaber Matriarch, and  Umbral Owl.

The deck's early board presence with cards like  Druid of the Reef or  Thorngrowth Sentries combined with  Adorable Infestation or  Composting gives Beast Druid immediate tempo and value to start. One of the most impactful cards of the deck,  Oracle of Elune allows you to either copy your low-cost Beasts early, or save it to copy your discounted big minions later in the game for massive board presence.

Beast Druid was especially prominent in Standard during the Year of the Gryphon, but is still a decent contender in the Year of the Hydra.

Standard cards[edit source]

The following cards are usually in the deck.

Core cards[edit source]

The following cards are played in most or all versions of the deck:

Aquatic Form
Azsharan Gardens
Druid of the Reef
Vibrant Squirrel
Amalgam of the Deep
Clawfury Adept
Encumbered Pack Mule
Moonlit Guidance
Power of the Wild
Ram Commander
Thorngrowth Sentries
Frostwolf Kennels
Oracle of Elune
Frostsaber Matriarch

Optional cards[edit source]

The following cards are played more than occasionally, but not always:

Irondeep Trogg
Living Roots
Sir Finley, Sea Guide
Sow the Soil
Jerry Rig Carpenter
Pride's Fury
School Teacher
Wildheart Guff

Wild cards[edit source]

Wild icon.pngThis section concerns content exclusive to Wild format.

Core cards[edit source]

In addition to the Standard cards, the following Wild cards are played in most or all versions of the deck:

Adorable Infestation

Card not found.png

Mark of Y'Shaarj
Arbor Up
Knight of the Wild
Umbral Owl

Optional cards[edit source]

The following cards are played more than occasionally, but not always:

Dire Mole
Nerub'ar Weblord