Template:Justicar Trueheart strategy

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This is a strong card for control decks. By improving the base Hero Power for the rest of the match you can take advantage of the Hero Power it provides each turn after you play it. For Inspire decks this may improve further if they have  Garrison Commander. The downside is you take a tempo loss by playing this card due to its 3 Health. More often than not, your enemy will have an easy time destroying it.

Specific examples include:

  • Justicar Trueheart is very powerful in Control Warrior decks, where  Tank Up! can render the warrior almost invincible, as well as enabling extremely powerful Shield Slams.
  •  The Silver Hand can be effective in paladin decks revolving around  Silver Hand Recruit synergy, specifically  Quartermaster and  Warhorse Trainer. The threat of these combos will force your opponent to waste attacks and removal on multiple Recruits per turn, exerting great pressure on the board. Also, similar to  Argent Squire, it exerts a tiny amount of pressure that is extremely difficult to deal with using a single card, exceptions include area of effect removal and minions with Taunt that have more than 1 Health.
  • Priests can unlock  Heal via Justicar Trueheart. This can greatly prolong the lives of both the priest's minions and the priest himself.  Auchenai Soulpriest also becomes immensely strong to combo with Heal, providing 4 damage for just 2 mana a turn.
  • Shamans can benefit from the flexibility  Totemic Slam provides them, whether by drawing out the game further by summoning one  Stoneclaw Totem after another or by summoning a  Wrath of Air Totem when you're one damage short of killing a minion with a spell. However, it's much better to add Justicar Trueheart in a deck that utilizes Totem synergy heavily than one without.
  • Justicar Trueheart is far less effective on other classes since your Hero Power isn't going to get that much value or have significant impact by the time you play her, even on Inspire decks.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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