View table: CardsCardType

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Table structure:

  1. id - Integer
  2. name - String
  3. renderName - String
  4. constructedPage - Page
  5. battlegroundsPage - Page
  6. mercenariesPage - Page

This table has 19 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page id name renderName constructedPage battlegroundsPage mercenariesPage
Template:CardsCardType table/store1 (edit) 0 INVALID
Template:CardsCardType table/store1 (edit) 1 GAME
Template:CardsCardType table/store1 (edit) 2 PLAYER
Template:CardsCardType table/store1 (edit) 3 HERO Hero Hero Battlegrounds/Hero
Template:CardsCardType table/store1 (edit) 4 MINION Minion Minion Battlegrounds/Minion Mercenaries/Mercenary
Template:CardsCardType table/store1 (edit) 5 SPELL Spell Spell Battlegrounds/Spell Mercenaries/Spell
Template:CardsCardType table/store1 (edit) 6 ENCHANTMENT Enchantment
Template:CardsCardType table/store1 (edit) 7 WEAPON Weapon Weapon
Template:CardsCardType table/store1 (edit) 8 ITEM
Template:CardsCardType table/store1 (edit) 9 TOKEN
Template:CardsCardType table/store1 (edit) 10 HERO_POWER Hero Power Hero Power Battlegrounds/Hero Power
Template:CardsCardType table/store1 (edit) 11 BLANK
Template:CardsCardType table/store1 (edit) 12 GAME_MODE_BUTTON
Template:CardsCardType table/store1 (edit) 22 MOVE_MINION_HOVER_TARGET
Template:CardsCardType table/store1 (edit) 23 LETTUCE_ABILITY Ability Mercenaries/Ability
Template:CardsCardType table/store1 (edit) 39 LOCATION Location Location
Template:CardsCardType table/store1 (edit) 40 BATTLEGROUND_QUEST_REWARD Reward Battlegrounds/Reward
Template:CardsCardType table/store1 (edit) 42 BATTLEGROUND_SPELL Tavern spell Battlegrounds/Tavern spell
Template:CardsCardType table/store1 (edit) 43 BATTLEGROUND_ANOMALY Anomaly Battlegrounds/Anomaly