Sylvanas Windrunner

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For other uses of Sylvanas Windrunner, see Sylvanas Windrunner (disambiguation).

Sylvanas Windrunner is a legendary neutral minion card, from the Legacy set.

Other versions

How to get

Card packsThe Regular version can be opened from any of these packs:

Regular1 (random)
Card packsThe Golden version can be opened from any of these packs:

Golden Classic
Golden Wild
Golden1 (random)
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 1600 Dust.pngRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 3200 Dust.pngGolden1


To edit these notes, go to Template:Sylvanas Windrunner notes.

  • Sylvanas Windrunner cannot take control of a mortally wounded (0 or less Health) minion.[1]
  • If two opposing Sylvanas minions die simultaneously, their Deathrattles trigger in the order they were summoned. Thus, it it possible that one Sylvanas will steal a minion, and then the opposing Sylvanas will steal it right back. For more information on Deathrattle order of play, see Deathrattle#Sequence of events.
  • If an opposing Sylvanas is killed by  Frost Lich Jaina on an empty board it will take control of the generated water elemental.


  • ▶️ VO_Sylvanas_01_Play_01.wav I have no time for games!
  • ▶️ Pegasus_Stinger_Dark2.wav <music stinger>
  • ▶️ VO_Sylvanas_02_Attack_02.wav Let none survive!
  • ▶️ VO_Sylvanas_04_Death_04.wav <death sound>


Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, styled variously as "the Dark Lady" and "the Banshee Queen," is the former Warchief of the Horde and the former supreme ruler of the Forsaken, one of the most powerful factions of undead on Azeroth. In life, Sylvanas was the ranger-general of Silvermoon, whose leadership acumen and martial prowess were without equal. During the Third War, she bravely defended Quel'Thalas from a Scourge invasion led by the death knight Arthas Menethil. Ultimately, however, Sylvanas fell in battle. Rather than honor the ranger-general with a quick death, Arthas ripped out her soul and transformed it into a banshee: a cunning and vengeful agent of  The Lich King empowered by hate.
When the Lich King's control over his minions weakened, Sylvanas broke away from her tyrannical master's control and reclaimed her body. Vowing to avenge her death, Sylvanas gathered other renegade undead and set out to wage war against the Scourge. Thus it was that the Forsaken came to be, with Sylvanas as their queen. Under Sylvanas' command, the Forsaken joined the Horde and later helped bring about the Lich King's fall in the frozen wastes of Northrend.
Yet many challenges still lay ahead for Sylvanas. After an uprising within her ranks that killed other members of the Horde, the banshee queen is now mistrusted by many of her allies. While Sylvanas maintains that her loyalty to the Horde is undiminished, some of the faction's members are uncertain about her true intentions.
After the fall of the Lich King, Sylvanas came to the shocking realization that she, like Arthas before her, was damned to an eternity of darkness and torture in the afterlife. After entering into a pact with the Val'kyr, Sylvanas was able to regain her place in the realm of the living for as long as her Val'kyr survive. Knowing the dark fate that will inevitably befall her, Sylvanas considers her people a bulwark against the horrifying darkness that awaits her in the end. Following this, Sylvanas has launched an aggressive attack into the regions of Lordaeron and the greater Eastern Kingdoms not directly under her control, in an attempt to conquer the continent and secure it for the Forsaken.
After being mortally wounded during the battle for the Broken Shore, Warchief  Vol'jin declared Sylvanas as his successor with his dying breath, leaving her to lead the Horde against the invading forces of the Burning Legion. Following the Legion's defeat, Sylvanas now leads the Horde against the Alliance in a war that spans all of Azeroth.
After being challenged to mak'gora by defector  Varok Saurfang, Sylvanas managed to overcome him in combat, but in the process revealed to the rest of her Horde loyalists that they truly meant nothing to her. Ultimately, Sylvanas fled from Orgrimmar and abandoned the Horde to pursue her own agenda alongside those still loyal to her cause.



Patch changes

Card changes

  • MoLK Logo.pngPatch (2022-11-29):
    • Minion type is now Undead (previously: no minion type).
  • Hearthstone logo.png Patch (Closed beta, 2014-01-16):
    • Now costs 6 (Up from 5).
  • Hearthstone logo.png Patch (Alpha, April or May 2013):
    • Added.
    • Now reads: "Deathrattle: Take control of a random enemy minion." (previously: "Battlecry: Discard your hand. Draw five 3/3 Skeletons.")

Bug fixes and other changes

  • Forged in the Barrens logo.pngPatch (2021-03-25):
    • 2021-03-30: Moved from the Hall of Fame set to the Legacy set.
  • Journey to Un'Goro logo.png Patch (2017-04-04):
    • Moved from the Classic set to the Hall of Fame set.
  • Blackrock Mountain logo.png Patch (2015-03-31):
    • Bug fix: Will no longer steal a minion that is about to die.
  • Hearthstone logo.png Patch (Closed beta, 2013-10-02):
    • Flavor text now reads: "Sylvanas was turned into the Banshee Queen by Arthas, but he probably should have just killed her because it just pissed her off." (previously: no flavor text).

External links

References[edit | edit source]