Template:Volcano notes

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This spell shoots 15 missiles, each one dealing 1 damage to a randomly selected minion:

  • Each missile is resolved (queuing and resolving triggered effects, such as that of  Acolyte of Pain) before the next one is shot.
  • As with all random effects, the missiles can hit any minion, including friendly, Immune (which will however suffer no damage) and Stealthed minions.
  • Minions which have been mortally wounded by earlier missiles or destroyed by triggered effects like  Acidmaw will not be selected as targets for subsequent missiles (thus preventing missiles from dealing 'overkill' damage to targets that have already been destroyed by earlier missiles).
  • Bonuses from Spell Damage and  Prophet Velen will increase the total damage of this spell, not the damage dealt by each missile: for example, with Spell Damage +2 this spell will shoot 2 extra missiles, each one still dealing just 1 damage.

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UNG 025.png

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