Template:Mirror Entity notes

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  • Minions are copied in every detail, including current stats, card text, and enchantments.[1]
  • If Mirror Entity's controller is at the limit of 7 minions when an enemy minion is played, Mirror Entity will not trigger.
  • As Mirror Entity minions are not played from the hand, any Battlecries possessed by them will not be activated. However, like all secrets, Mirror Entity takes effect after any Battlecries from the triggering minion.
  • One example of the above rule can be seen when copying a minion such as  Frostwolf Warlord whose Battlecry potentially modifies its own stats. For example, if a  Frostwolf Warlord is played alongside 4 other minions, its Battlecry will result in an 8/8 Frostwolf Warlord. If Mirror Entity triggers from that minion, it will produce an 8/8 Frostwolf Warlord, but that minion's Battlecry will not activate. In this way Mirror Entity can copy the consequences of the target minion's Battlecry, but will not activate it for the copy minion. However, if the copy is returned to the player's hand and then played, the Battlecry will activate normally.
  • This can work to the mage's advantage when Mirror Entity triggers against strong units with negative Battlecry effects, such as  King Mukla,  Leeroy Jenkins, and many Demon cards, making Mirror Entity a good play early-on against warlocks, who often accept discard effects or self-damage in order to summon powerful, low-cost minions.
  • Mirror Entity can trigger and copy a minion that is only alive due to a friendly Health Aura. The copy will lack the Health Aura and immediately die.[2][3]
  • Mirror Entity only triggers if the minion is still controlled by the opponent player after the Battlecry finishes.[4] Mirror Entity will also not copy the 'pending destroy' effect of Sacred Trial (played before it), and the copy will survive.[5]

This template contains notes for these cards.

EX1 294.png

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